Plot renting, or land owner plots

I’m pretty sure we discussed something like this a year or two ago (more or less, i don’t remember lol), but i think aside from the automatic protection zones the devs are working on, this would be a great way to keep a city or town in tact, especially if it is a themed city or town. Basically, my suggestion is to have a different type of plot that is rentable to other players. You would let a player build in that plot and basically own it as long as they paid a fee for it. The other is land owner plots where technically you can buy the plot from the seller, but they will regain ownership if the plot fuel runs out, and this could be to combat people leaving plots unattended in the middle of cities or towns, only to be swooped up by pirates and destroy the town or cities aesthetic. Now, i didn’t put much though into these suggestions, but i would love to see what everyone thinks, and just to refresh the idea a little.


I would like to buy up plots in the slums outside of the Lamblis Hub and RP as a slumlord.

Make it happen!


I would like to see rent option in game. Specially because of to be able build market squares where theme would be better in order and original owner couldn’t get access to coins/items on rented area.
Also there this recent topic, some of us did ask rent option :slight_smile:


Ah, never saw that one. I’ve been inactive for a very long time.

Interesting. Noobs have asked if they could rent space in my place to set up a few stands. I told them there’s no way to do that and walked them through getting their own plot/beacon/stand/etc. I would have been ok with it, if it was an option. I have a lot of flat, well-lit space that would be perfect for that purpose. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for their stuff though…it should go back into their inventory if they ghost or don’t pay rent.

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In the alpha, some people made hotels or flats on cities for sale. You would just contact the owner, and they would sell you the room. You then plotted it yourself.

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