What draws you to a game? What keeps you playing a game? What do you enjoy the most in a game? These choices represent what’s most important to you in boundless. Please pick only the ones that interest you the most. The results of this poll will better assist the devs in what’s most important to you the player.
Treasure hunting
Hunting solo
Hunting in raids
Boss battles
Crafting items
Buying/selling stuff
Playing with other players
Greifing other players (nobody will know if you pick this one, be honest)
there should be a “helping others” option… i generally empty my bags and vomit info to new players when i meet them o.o
im always conflicted too as i don’t want to rob them of “doing it themselves” but i want to help them get on their feet too… i blame too many years of healing in MMO’s ><
on a slightly different note… i can’t wait till they add healing and revive to the game (and a need for such a roll)… though im not sure how i’ll feel if it’s in the form a healing sling-bow bolts O.o?