[Poll] Is the grind really that hard? (for builders)

And that’s why I dislike minecraft and enjoy boundless.

There is no progression in minecraft, it’s to easy.

The difficulty factor makes boundless INFINITELY more rewarding, when you actually complete the task you set out to do.

You likely disagree, and that’s OK, but not everyone takes your view.

I do agree that some things can be monotonous at times, I thinking of you inky leaves.

Something like super ultra rare drops, something like 0.001% drop chance, and are not used for anything other than a ‘trophy’ might help with the grind.

They could stack, so 1=small trophy 10=big 100=giant and so on.

You guys realize this thread is old and jiro’s account is suspended until the 10th lol (just checked their profile) so you wont be getting a response for a few days