Wondering if other people are having as much difficulty as me finding gems! I’m getting about 100/hr. Varies a little based on gem being mined.
- 0-50
- 50-100
- 100-150
- 150-200
- 200-300
- 300+
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Wondering if other people are having as much difficulty as me finding gems! I’m getting about 100/hr. Varies a little based on gem being mined.
0 voters
0/hour. I’ve never found a gem…or any metal higher than Iron, for that matter.
Well I tried to make it for max miners
Damn @Jiivita—are you aoe hammer mining, or something else?
Been having to travel further and further to avoid running into other player’s digging sites, and quite a few large bomb holes still around, which am not really sure why…, as it is destroying a large chunk of the resources, even if it reveals some scraps on the sides… very inefficient for all involved.
We need an aoe hammer mining video please!
the greater the change in the area the slower the world regenerates… however it starts regenerating after 4 hours instead of 13… so start faster but takes longer with greater changes (this is all on a per chunk basis - chunks are 16x16 and extends from mantel to build height)
TL:DR bomb mining takes longer to regen with the new system =/
i used AoE hammers here:
here is how you make AoE hammers:
(yes i know that’s the loot magnet video… they are made the same way )
i’ll be making a dedicated AoE tool video due to popular demand O.o
I think a lot has to do with lady luck… on average I find about 75-85, seldomly 100-115, and rarely anything below 50. Far cry from what it was… but whatever, no choice but to move on…
I’ve been hearing mixed rumors of amazing yields, in 200-300 range, but I’ve been using the best hammers are avg 80-100. Not sure where these other people are. Maybe keeping their locations/method to themselves
What do you define as a ‘Max Miner’. Cause I have all the skills for mining. But like Biv I’ve only ever used Iron, and found Iron. Namely cause I actively only Mine, no go out picking flowers, so can’t make any tools above Stone. So I can’t progress without heavy money investment, and I barely get 200c a day to spend on a new iron hammer lol
Same here, I just wasn’t aware that people were still averaging that volume of gems. If we are going strictly on a timed hour, I must be more unlucky than I thought though, cause I consider myself very fortunate whenever I break into the low 100s.
If I get more than a handful than I’m rather happy! Seems I need to step up my game!
Tho I did find a nice stash of Amethysts in the past 2 days, enough to try to make some nice Centraforge power coils! Only if I had known upfront I needed a ton of Titanium for it as well, haha
I can’t be the only one get over 400 an hour…
HOW!?! please share lol
She doesn’t really know, she just digs lol
I tried probing her.
hahahah 8)) I won’t say anything…
0-50 using unforged iron,have no shop so no income to spend, and my centraforge skills are lacking still.
Although, i came away with 231 in 2 hours last night, must have not been previously mined, for once.
It must be locations people know about
Did nobody else find Tec’s comment funny? or am I just childish?