People will probably be upset with me, but this is what works for me. Since I can’t really make AoE-hammers because of coils, which require gems, I started strip mining saphires. My yield was terrible (like less than 10-ish per hour) and everything felt so slow. Then I got tired and started using those leftover bombs I had and I bumped up my yield to 80-ish per hour. What do you think I prefer?
Like Merln said, must be the location and maybe the different specific gem types which is causing this huge disparity in numbers, but makes me think that the only thing about bomb mining that needed tuning was the 7m topaz bomb and “maybe” 6m…
Some of these numbers with hammer mining is fairly close to bomb mining with 5-6m bombs
Yes you are being childish. I am an adult, and I will never ever admit those jokes still makes me laugh
Good one
I was doing the same 2 days ago and i’ve managed to make stack of silver AOE hammers without power (a bit of luck while forging) and had like 40ish per hour. Enough to make coils.
Every time me and Serenity go mining we always get over 300 gems each per hour. Except crappy ones like Ruby. We have rank 370 emerald max forged hammers that one shot normal blocks and crit one shot resources. So yea, we don’t count XD
No i definitely laughed lol
Amazing jiivita 200-300 gems while being mindlessness and watching TV
Is he human ?
Pretty sure Jiivita released a video yesterday on Diamond/AoE Hammer mining.
Did a small session now with a titanium tunneling hammer (below adjacent) and neutral damage.
Rubies on Alcyon. Altitude 12 and 16. I’m in the 150-200 per hour tile atm.
Time for better Hammers
Hmm, i’m on 300 rubies this second, been 3 hours with standard iron hammer at alt 12. I’d tried 6 first but far less rubies at that depth, must be a popular depth.
On cardass I was able to mine 324 gems with one pie and 3/4 of my hammer. Was 2 hitting rock on T6 planet with max speed hammer. I now see why you aren’t seeing these on the market
was on Serp mining for over 3 hours yestrday at atl 6-10 and found zero diamonds, zero titanium and zero hard coal, it was all soft coal and silver and had never seen either at that alt…so mine was zero for 3 hrs
Weren’t you digging under some low altitude desert instead of high mountains?
nope went straight down from a big mountain
Hmm…silver is never found in the same place as diamond. Diamond country is hard coal, gold, and titanium.
It can be hard to know without experience.
I’d say very rarely, but not never. I’ve found silver nearby diamonds, but there were very very little of it.
Yyp, if you see hard coal and lots of gold you know you’re in the right area
It seems to reallllly heavily depend on the tier of the planet and if it’s over saturated with people and giant holes everywhere. Serpensarindi is really annoying to mine on atm, theres ton of people there, and it seems like no matter where you go, you’re coming across someone else’s tunnels or bomb explosions, and it’s taking a while to regen with how many people are looking for diamond lately.
On Serpen I’m lucky to get 120/hour. On Shedu, I can get about 300/hr, assuming I can find a place that someone hasn’t plotted. glares. If you find a reallllly nice spot though, you can easily get 600/hr.
oh my god
It’s been 2 weeks for me now since I have concentrated purely on mining, 2 weeks and I found 4 emerald seems. With an atlas and a purchased hammer since I need the resources I’m looking for to make the damn hammers I need, so redundant.
The prices for emeralds and hammers that have AOE are ridiculous, they break why would anyone pay 30 to 40k for a hammer that gets destroyed.
For that reason I no longer bother with higher grade items, they are no longer of any use because of the grind and luck required, literally no reason to move past titanium right now it’s just to damn time consuming and expensive.