It’s impossible for someone like myself to say you have to have 2-5 character mandatory to be effective, because then I would get eaten by all the players who only like to use one character. So a poll like this is mainly personal opinions.
But my 2 cents are:
You have to at least craft basic food which doesn’t require crafting trees.
You have to be able to kill, and if so desire go on meteor hunts, which needs some defense and power.
You have to be able to gather materials, even basic stuff, which needs efficiency and speed.(outrunning is defense)(also helps gather faster anyway)
So those are the basic roles, and if you want to do any of them extremely well, you need to have a character specifically skilled in it. So if you want all 3 main roles, you need 3 characters or level to 50 two times. To me its faster and easier to have at least 3 alts because you can level an alt to be very useful in his own field, in about 30-50 minutes or less.- Once you have at least the basic tutorial materials sitting in a plot in a few crafting tables for your alt to grab and use as needed. Have the alt put a plot down next to it.
If you want to do all the very basic work of each of those roles in one character, it will always just be basic, and you will always struggle on any higher level planets. You will always die a lot, and be frustrated living in the iron age.
2 minimum(crafting a cooked cuttle steak doesn’t need a skill tree) , more than that is just for specialization preferences and diversity. I use 3 minimum because my character desires more than just a cooked piece of meat. The moment I use a crafting skill, Is a vital point not used on my gatherer, so I made a specific crafter.
I have 6 for sure.
2 crafters . A specific below ground gatherer, a specific above ground gatherer, a specific hunter, and a specific healer.
In this manner I can have diversity in looks, and in play styles and tool load outs. To me it’s the most efficient and less to carry, which gives me more gathering inventory. Also gives me the most plots to share. So therefore cost me the least in cubits, or skill resets. And what is time, when it’s the game I enjoy. No rush. Saved cubits means all my characters will have pumpkin mask.