Poll: What do you think should be in the game?

This is just a poll to see what everyone wants in the game. I think it would be really cool to see everyone’s ideas I’m new to making polls so feel free to tell me if I made a mistake or tell me your idea’s in the comments.

First: What do you want from the game soon (Like in a month or two)

  • Fixing/reworking leveling
  • Guilds
  • Adding more content (Creatures, Worlds, Abilities)
  • Titans
  • Character Customization

0 voters

Second: What do you think about magic in Boundless?

  • Magic should be ability based.
  • Magic should be tech based (building tech to use magic).
  • Magic should be learning based (mix and match oortian symbols to make magic).
  • I don’t like magic, i’ll use tools instead.
  • Magic should come after release or should be a dlc.

0 voters

Third: What do you think of Guild vs Guild combat?

  • Never
  • Once in a while, but restricted
  • Loosely restricted
  • Unrestricted warfare

0 voters

Fourth, do you think that the only way to build airships should be to acquire Titan cores.

  • No, it should be an endgame guild achievement.
  • Yes, but titan core ships should be much better.
  • Yes, titan cores and other flotation devices should be equal or near equal.

0 voters

Again, let me know about any mistakes I made and feel free to comment. Thanks!


I don’t understand the purpose of obtaining a titan core. Will it actually allow you to build a movable flyable ship? Cuz we can already build blocks in mid air. Also I’ve asked repeatedly if the devs are planning on adding magic or any other spiritistic content to the game and they said they have no intentions of adding that kind of thing since boundless is a game about technology. I sincerely hope they stick to that decision since that kind of content is something I avoid in the games I choose to play and I would no longer feel comfortable playing if they added it.



“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke


I do not understand the 4:th question.

First alternative: No, it should be a endgame guild achievement.

Is it not a endgame guild achievement to defeat a titan and get the hands on a core?

Second alternative: Yes, but titan core ships should be much better.

If it is yes, only way to build airships is with titan core, compared to what should it be better?

Third alternative:

What are other floating devices?



Maybe we could just use crystal powered tools that used tech to add status effects on players, entities, or blocks directly.

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Please no magic, it is an over done troupe in video games. I say no magic no zombies or undead. Keep it as use of tools, robots, and even a steam punk type stuff. Using tools and machines without magic keeps this mmo unique and interesting. It is the entire reason I purchased and supported this game. Lets use our imagination and stay away from magic.

Again no magic please.


There is a certain tribal flair to the culture in boundless. Players wield totems and torches and primitive tools and weapons while wearing little more than loincloth and wooden/stone armor. Yet, we also frequently unearth ancient lost technology fragments which power our primitive industry and enable us to walk between the planets in the sky. We ourselves may know that the Boundless universe is very muchly technology based, but to our character’s point of view, it must very much seem like magic. The lore and character interactions with technology should capture this Wonderstruck ™ feeling while preserving the players understanding that it is infact not magic, but technology that enables the citizens of the Boundless universe to walk the stars.

This will probably be a difficult balance to strike from a design perspective. As it is now, I would like to see more primitive imitations of Oortian technology prior to building up our first machines using Oortian tech. I wish there was one more crafting prop prior to the workbench, something that allowed the player to break down ancient tech fragments into a form useful to more primitive people before being able to utilize them fully to create advanced technologies in their workshop. It would be funny even to see citizens strapping tech fragments onto their body as decorative tribal dress or attached to their totems and tools as performance enhancing fetishes. (Not that kind of fetish, sicko!)

The progression from primitive ignorance to techno-mastery should be more gradual, almost brute forced at times. It seems unbelievable to me at least that we progress from basically stone age tools to straight up technomancy without a few gaffes in between.


For players new to Boundless…


I agree no magic. It might be nice to be able to take items that we do not need any longer (or are not very useful such as Iron slingbow) and put them in the extractor to recover the resources used to make them.


I’d be happy just to have more uses for the extractor in general.

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It’s pinned everywhere but it’s still hard to find. Trying to use the same logic as Homer’s car horn scenario.


There was a mention of “DLC”. Please no. This is the bane of modern games. In an open world where creation is essential to the function of the game, why the ____ would anybody want DLC? Updates, yes. DLC, ____ no. If we can’t build our own content for later enjoyment and/or had to buy DLC later to enjoy exclusive content I’ll give up Boundless right here right now. A response from one of the Devs would save me quite a bit of time right now.