If they gave the EA backers the planets that they’ve been waiting for, why would that be a conspiracy though? I think those planets are suppose to have a lot of customization options, so I think those might not be available until Creative planets are out.
Unless I’m missing something, Turbulenz is an HTML powered engine. Looks like HTML and JavaScript. Boundless, formerly Oort Online, used to be playable on a browser. Then they recoded the whole thing to C++ I believe.
If you’re looking for the actual studio website, it’s under Wonderstruck Games and it definitely mentions Boundless.
Also there was no contract for backing. They aren’t obliged to deliver anything backers paid for afaik.
Well because they were supposed to get them long ago and if they dont want to be sued maybe this is the remedy? IDK im speculatng really until I get verification.
Oh there most certainly was do some research my friend.
All this speculation… it’s been an unhealthy few weeks on the forums. and all because I was bored at a july 4th thing with parents.
When you back something you’re investing in the future of that game, not pre ordering a live product.
They have an obligation to fill the rewards to the best of their ability in the direction the game is going. If, for some reason, this was the only iteration of rental world’s, for example. They could give one of these and say they are going in a different direction for the game and dont plan to make fully customizable world’s. But they are not obligated to take the game in a different direction from their current plan to give backers their items.
It’s not good etiquette to not give backers every reward, but it is definitely possible for a game company to say “this isn’t the direction the game is going anymore so this reward is no longer possible”
Not justifying it or saying you wont get a fully customizable planet, just giving my 2¢ on how I interpret early backing a game
I’ve backed other games before, so I respectfully disagree.
Some are pure investments, some come with perks/bonus items. If I pay for X, Y, Z, I should get X, Y, Z. Unless the whole thing (not talking about Boundless, just games in general) goes belly up and the dev/publishers runs off with the money.
I don’t think this will be payable with cubits. I have close to 300k cubits, so don’t get me wrong, i would love it… However, those cubits were not paid for with cash so this would essentially amount to using (3rd party) resources at a cost to earn more expensive (3rd party) resources.
A rental planet is not what the backers were promised. That was the right to design a public world, and they can/could have provided that at any time.
IMO it’s a separate issue.
cubits is just an example.
youd purchase the token?? via their store, i just said cubits because thats what you buy through the playstation store, and gleam club… whatever is done, sony will get their cut which is what i was getting at in the reply to conkuur
They’d need to make a large cubit chunk to purchase…otherwise that’s a lot of $99 purchases lol
Does the original email I received research enough for you?
**Ready when they’re ready. So if anyone goes to sue they can just say “we aren’t ready”. It’s a nice legal catch-all.
@majorvex that was related to the context in the sentence prior about there not being a contract. I don’t think any of us can actually look up any sort of legal agreement that was in place when backing was a thing since…well…backing is no longer a thing
Thats because no one seems to be honest. I mean communication is not hard just say “This is going to be paid through…” Everyone on PS whos dealt with Sony knows how they are about third parties.
Oh so you admit theyre shady and you dont care? Im confused? So If you paid 5k thats ok to you?
Right, there has to be some other system. It could be a completely separate item like gleam club, or another tradable token/currency.
Deciding to make the one premium currency earnable limits its use for something like this where there has to be actual new revenue coming in to purchase a product or service with a hard cost.
I’m not up to speed on Sony contracts but especially as others have noted that other games have third party worlds, I doubt they can forcibly intervene here. It’s definitely a matter of their specific contract with square/wonderstruck though so even seeing another publisher’s contract wouldn’t be a 100% confirmed answer.
I’m pretty sure @james is smart enough that he’s thought of this guys…
Usually I’m all for OT discussion, for conversations naturally evolving, discuss what you want in any thread I create… but, not liking the vibe I’m starting to get here. I’d rather not ask for a lock but I’m getting close here. Discussion is cool, but rather this not devolve into attacks against anybody, y’all?
They’re really close on the rental/custom planets now, so they should be able to fulfill that part soon.
This is on topic really. I mean paying on PS store and a third party is pretty relevant dont you think?
To what tier you want?