I would like a T2 because of the low blinksec distance to Trung where Nova Golda will stay, but I rather have a T3. Wanted a T4 Lush at first but the distance to Trung would be too great, with changes in portal fuels/distances/T7 oort planets that would change
And they said it’s 1 blinksec from the planet it orbits around.
A T7 1 blinksec from Cardass would be 22 blinksec from Besevrona.
The results here make me think then that there could be a strong argument then for allowing multiple home beacons besides the issue expiration brings - one in the main universe that will be required, and at least one rental one. Before I was thinking of all sorts of alternatives in another thread, but this has me rethinking that. Even if the rental is just one blinksec from the closest world, there is the issue of the back and forth. If there are a lot of T6 rentals, which doesn’t seem to be where most people’s places are in the permanents, hub spots on the T6 permanents could fill up quick. Ok, could expand those hubs maybe, but even then, making your way back and forth from Norkyna or Houchus to your main place… that could be a lot of runaround, even if one of the two warps is free. Could discourage travel. Then, if there is an issue with the closest planet’s server or the server of a planet on the T6 routes (like Kol goes down, which would cut off access to two others from the hubs I think), or we get a big influx of players at some point, and planets fill up… those sorts of issues could pop up.
So yeah, seeing this, I’ll change my vote from all the stuff I was saying in the other thread. Just let us have home beacons in both.
Heres the thing though If PS players have to go to a third party to request a rental planet Im pretty sure Sony isnt going for that so If they dont, only PC players will have access which will most definitely put a fork in this game. So unless Im misinformed please ( and I may be) please explain how this will work for PS4 players? Will this be gleam club add or what? Im surprised no ones (devs) have answered this. Everyones concerned about price but no ones addressed the elephant in the room. Who is getting the rental money? Sony I absolutely know is gonna want their cut right? Sony never condones 3rd party stuff So please explain the PS part of these rental planets .
Is it for sure going to be 3rd party for payment? Genuinely curious there, saw one speculation post, but might have been something else I missed, as that one thread has over a thousand replies.
Seems like it could be done through Sony without having to remember to pay - not sure how many hoops they’d have to jump through, but auto-renew is an option with ESO Plus (actually I think it defaults to it IIRC?), which I have and yanks $45 from me every three months (I need to eventually cancel that, I keep saying that and don’t - an argument for this method!) for my PS4 subscription. Sort of surprised that isn’t an option for GC really. But if not, or it is too many hoops, adding it like we add on our GC now would be fine for me too. Personally fine with any method really. Luckily since they aren’t going to be immediately deleted, if we forget or a card issue or something, some grace period will be there.
Sony already allows third party hosted servers for other games, such as ARK. It shouldn’t be an issue.
Ok enlighten me if im on PS4 and I want a Feature (Rental planet) with a cost and Im on PS4 Then PS does not get a cut? but obviously I want a Dev response about this. Speculation is just that.
Honestly not sure how that would work, have to think they’ve got it covered… but just speculating there that going through Sony rather than a 3rd party should be doable?
Well, hopefully we hear some news soon, I’m quite excited I admit, and want to know details so I can get my plans solidified!
It would depend on how they set it up. I don’t know if they are going to treat it like a system purchase or do it entirely in house. It wouldn’t suprise me if has to be purchased through their website instead of the PS store since a rental planet isn’t the same as purchasing content unlocks. PS doesn’t have to be involved with the payment process for a rental world as far as I know.
LOL So a rental planet is not content? Thats to funny did you read that before you typed it?
Agreed, I doubt PS will be involved at all. Likely a Boundless website and transaction being done via paypal or something else.
You dont know Sony then .You cut off Sony you lose PS period.
I think it might use the system like g-portal at least i think…i also would like to know more info related to ps4 users and @conkuur u got a good point I’d like to see how this would work
For some reason, I just imagined they’d add a UI option in their exchange store interface, you buy cubits, use cubits to purchase a rental token. Activate it or whatever, and then it’s no different than anything else. PS gets their cubit(dollars you pay for cubits, whatever their percent is) portion like they always do.
Why wouldn’t they be able to simply add it next to Gleam Club? They will apparently have the same subscription lengths as GC.
If a 3rd party payment processor is involved, I hope there are better options other than Paypal… like Amazon Payments or Stripe.
Well thats my question and should be everyone on PS4s question that needs an answer.
Agreed on all - and though as a buyer I love using PayPal, I’d worry more for them on that front - read too many horror stories (though admittedly pretty far back in the past) from sellers about them siding with buyers and locking accounts and all.
Oh i agree totally, it was one of the first questions I had. Someone at one point said they devs weren’t going to be working on any UI stuff so my speculation is probably wrong, but a lot of people seem to be off base with what they think is happening so it’ll be nice when we finally have some firm facts to make decisions with.
Well thats what im asking? I keep hearing 3rd party site to “REQUEST” a planet? huh?
If I was a conspiracy theorist Id think theyre giving planets to those who (on Pc) backed them to fulfill their contractual agreement with them as backers so they can “move on” contractually. Turbulenze is a game engine if you read their site they boast " If you use their engine they can also market their games (independent game Companies) to billions world wide." They dont even have boundless on their Turbulenze site.