Poll: Where does Boundless fall in your expectations? [Closed,Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll and the discussion!]

Just a temperature check poll. I know negative subjects get more attention from both sides so I’m just curious how the forum community feels right now.

  • Boundless has all the features I expected when I bought the game
  • Boundless has most of the features I expected when I bought it
  • Boundless has more features than I expected
  • Boundless has fewer features than I felt was promised at purchase
  • Boundless is an empty shell compared to what I expected
  • Boundless is great the way it is and anything added is bonus
  • Boundless needs several new things for me to continue playing it
  • I tried to feed a wildstock and instantly regretted it

0 voters

As to why I feel this game has all the features I expected when I bought it, is because I knew it left ea too soon. I also don’t expect to see every feature right off the bat on games like these.

Not that I needed to defend my answer on the poll for that. But I just feel people expect too much sometimes. Especially on games without the triple A backing and games that leave ea too soon.


Here’s the thing tho. It had everything I expected and more. But after playing 700 active hours since mid december, you start to realize that the game does lack certain things. But then again, no game is perfect, even though Boundless is close. Actually no, I lied. I expected pvp to be enabled. I remember first coming into the world, being super scared of the chance of getting killed by a random player for all my epic loot I gathered in the first 5 hours of playing :sweat_smile:

Off the top of my head, things I now would like to see are Raids, rented worlds, better economy (which we know they are working on), pvp system and so forth.


I get ya, I watched the game from the outside in EA, so I did expect more on launch, but was pleasantly surprised that it really had so much to do when it launched. I am thrilled the game gets so much active development, and that the dev’s are so active in the community. The passion they have for this project shows in the product and it is awesome!

I know the feeling lol. I’ve slowed down a bit on boundless because of how much time I’ve put in (comparable numbers to yourself). I still play several times a week, and enjoy every minute of it, but I have been finding myself feeling like I’m more or less waiting for the next feature to be released. But I’d say I’ve gotten my money’s worth with so many hours enjoyed in the game (even with my gleam club purchases). Yeah, Raids and rental worlds are both things I look to come within the next 12-18 months. I also feel like PvP will be exclusive to rental worlds, for better or worse. I don’t know how I feel about them being “attached” to the rest of the universe, but as long as any resources that might be able to be “cheat coded” in stay on those planets I’ll be fine.

Just give me a proper Character Creation with Faces and Clothes and I’ll be fine.
I can wait for the other stuff but that should have been a 1.0 feature imho.


I bought it for the theme of building, the color palette and all the worlds that we have available, but I also bought it for the trailer I saw, the titans, the hunter, a golem that does not know what it’s called … Novelties that are seen, you have illusions and then nothing. I’ve been since September and I still do not know anything because it discourages me even more.

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Yeah I was a little disappointed too with the rock goblins we have especially compared to the characters we had in early access. I was expecting a bit more customisation on release 1.0 but I’m sure it will come eventually.

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The game had most of what I expected, but lacked just a few things or otherwise had balance issues in my eyes.

I think my biggest complaints about the game are,

The grind.
The ugly character models.
Mining isn’t fun beyond T3 worlds.

Otherwise the game is enjoyable.

I’m not sure how, who, or why anyone thought the Boundless characters looked good. I know some of the devs play World of Warcraft, so what surprises me is that, they of all people should know the most popular races in WoW are the “pretty” ones, afterall, the only reason Blood Elves were made Horde is because not enough people were joining the Horde’s side.

Why we couldn’t have some pretty character models, and instead got ugly rock monsters is beyond me.


I went in totally blind - I saw it pop up as new in the PS store one day, so - impulse buyer that I am, when it comes to games at least - thought, hey this looks cool, and bought! Obviously, from my posts, I’m very happy with it, though I admit the learning curve at first was a little tough, and I had temporarily backed away a bit before becoming really addicted.

I’ve done the opposite with other games, rode the hype train, glad I didn’t here, glad I just went in with no expectations except the PS store blub and took it as it is.


i was looking for this type off game by looking at top ten lists off upcoming voxelgames this one ticked the boxes i wanted only one game that i could sink my teeth in and keep playing
i arrived in beta and never left :smile:


That’s’ basically how i got into the game as well. I downloaded boundless and Creativerse at the same time, and uninstalled creativerse a couple days later.


I can totally agree with us needing more customization (I set my forum pic to pants for a reason :wink:). A handful of faces, a few “bulk” settings (thicker, or thinner characters), and armor/clothes are all on my wish list of Character customization. Don’t get me wrong, I like the face masks, but they feel pretty minimal. At least let me pick a new loin cloth as a minimal option lol.

I’d prefer armor/clothes be crafted, the other stuff can be appearance change token in exchange for existing characters (maybe free for gleam club?).


Pretty sure blood elves became horde cause of story line, and besides, hordes have pretty much always had more player than alliance so that is not true. More people chose horde due to better racials. But I can agree, the models are a bit weird.

I usually have a few genres of games going at once. Elderscrolls online for mmo, minecrack for mindless building with my kids, civ 5 for strategy, and battlefield one for killing.

After a short time, Minecraft was getting very very boring so I wanted to find a game to replace the gathering/building genre. Accidentally stumbled upon this game on steam about a year ago or more. Watched the trailer, then bought the explorer package right then in EA. Now I’m around 1300+ hrs into it!! Haha!

But…the trailer I watched that got me to buy it, had a ton of stuff in it that wasn’t in game. At the time, I thought, “okay, maybe they are just on higher tier planets”. So I played and played and broke the gem barrier with an unforged titanium hammer. Never did find what was in that trailer, and I knew this game was EA, so it really didn’t ■■■ me out too much. Just didn’t understand why have something in a trailer if its not in game even if its EA. I didn’t feel robbed, or angry, or even disappointed. I was waaaaaay hooked long before the gem barrier. So that’s why I picked “fewer features” category. And also why I picked the “anything added is a bonus” category. Cause I can see the game for what it is, not what I thought it was.

Boundless is a beautifully written symphony, with each update a different movement within that symphony. If you try playing each movement together all at the same time, it’ll sound horrible. Which is why a real symphony is segmented off into movements.

Take Vivaldi’s “four seasons”, Cut it into sections, then stack those sections on top of each other then listen to it and tell me how it sounds. It wouldn’t make sense. There would be no flow.

Edit: B. U. M without the periods is censored? Interesting.


Great description. :slight_smile: And you sound like me on gaming habits, haha, some of the same games too! I kill a lot of time in Minecraft simply because it is something I can do on “goof off” time when it is slow, but I’m not nearly as addicted to it since Boundless came along.

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I bought this game as a filler between spiderman and red dead redemption 2. I kind of just stumbled on it on the playstation twitter account since they promoted it during the release week. Never played a voxel game before this and the $40 price tag wasn’t too steep for me so I took a chance. Glad I did because I ended up putting wayyyyy more hours into this game than anything else at the moment. I havent even finished the story in red dead :sweat_smile:

So my expectations weren’t too high. At this point im enjoying boundless as much as when I started, if not more. Anything additional they add in the future is just a plus.


I enjoyed NMS when it first came out despite all the controversy but eventually got tired of the ridiculously small amount and tedious storage space in the game as well as the long load times. Fallout4 was my main go to game on PS4 which I put a lot of hours into, I even played a bit of minecraft and really enjoyed the exploring and building etc but wanted something other than square blocks so did a search for open world sandbox games and found Boundless which was still in early access but had just been made available on steam. After watching a few videos on YouTube l convinced myself this game was worth a go and after seeing and stepping through that first portal in sanctum I haven’t been disappointed as I haven’t touched another game since. I know it’s not perfect, but what game is, and there will be a few speed bumps on the way but I also know it will just keep getting better.


What are titans? And the hunter? I’m intrigued!

edit: I vaguely remember the hunter being a hard to beat mob on certain planets?

the titans are discussed on the official website of boundless


Will have a look at titans then, the hunter looks awesome! fingers crossed we get it added some day