just for fun
- Placeable mailboxes - you can place them in front of your house and when you’re offline players may leave messages inside
- Farmable Plants, crops - make food of them or become a gardener
- Super Rare minerals with only decorative purpose - Show other people your collection of extremely rare resources
- Display Plints for single item
- Giveaway boxes - Place bunch of items inside and let your friends/guild mates take one item per day/week. Super useful for future guild management.
- Big machines to utilize empty space in houses - Now you’ll have a purpose to expand your house, make it big and well planned
- Different Dangerous Types of fluids (Radioactive fluid, Toxic fluid, Plasma fluid etc)
- PvP
- Chests full of goodies in caves/in the wilderness - reward for players for love to explore (ZELDA BOTW)
- Decorative glass - still transparent but with decorations on sides
- Gliders - allows you to glide from high places like in Cube World
- Rare tree types and rare flowers - more reasons to invest points into axes
- Signs. Big signs, small signs, signs!!
- Building Blueprints - Build a house and sell a scheme for it
0 voters
Expand friend list?
- Yes, please
- I feel like there is no need to expand it
0 voters