Post Your: IRL Boundless Art

Yes they are game files Dulki kindly sent. Then I open in blender and bend the arms and legs to a more normal position.

I could try to model some of the stuff on my own. Wouldnt be a nice as the real thing.

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You got a deal! I would love to see one painted. My wet palette skills need traded in for a air brush.

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Now I want a 3D printer!! That lil guys looks awesome :smiley:


Recent little art :blush:


You guys should post the files you used so people can recreate these

It’s been a really long time since I properly did anything related to Boundless honestly. Over a year at least.

Based on this old concept art post; there’s a lot of nice races there but I always did like this one (21) I picked for sketching.


What’s that I see above his knees and below his belt?!?!


Clearly some looser fitting undergarments were necessary to keep his wolfpack(age) properly covered. :face_with_monocle:


Even the most untrained eye may observe that even though this individual is already fully clothed, he of course had to do something with all that sackcloth he’d crafted. :face_with_monocle:

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It has been a while and they do need some paint but very happy with how they turned out


They look excellent! Are they made with polymer clay?

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Yes they are :blush: , my first time making a sculpture with it …


Any chance you would sell these on Etsy? Or any other site?

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I am flattered but it is very ruf, it can not even stand up right :joy: i will need more practice and then who knows …


Out of curiosity, are mobs and whatnot copyrighted IP? Trademarked maybe?

One might have to call them willystocks and sputterers to sell them :laughing:

Once a thing is created, the owner/creator automatically owns the legal copyright to it. They can then give usage permissions to certain parties, if they choose to. They can sell the rights, do creative commons, allow sharing only, allow no usage without express authorization, etc. This applies to art, music, code, digital art, etc.

No creation is required to be registered in order to obtain a “copyright” or “trademark”. However, a lot of people/businesses will seek these as a layer of legal protection/proof, in case someone steals/borrows their work. In which case, the offending party will receive a cease and desist & be required to pay any damages/profits to the rightful owner.

Edit to add: I’m not saying Wonderstruck would have an issue with people creating fan art and selling it. You’d have to ask them. I’d imagine it would be a problem in a scenario where someone is mass-producing products that take away from or compete with the creator’s products, or if they reflect negatively on the creator (ie: selling sub-par merch as official merch).


Hold my sculpy…


Hahahaha. This made me smile. Ty. :beers:


It would be amazing if boundless were in a situation that they had to go chasing down IP violators selling merch, haha

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They just MAY BE…

Should we push the limits or? Lol

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