Post Your Screenshots!

Hey @Goblinounours where your build is located. You prolly have said somewhere but i would love to take a look. Looks nice.
Im planning on building a big build soon (again lol). Could need some inspiration for some parts

On testing, I’ve accidentally landed next to Stretchious, so I’m right next to him on Havran 1, at {1,039N; 1,733E; 80A}.

On live, you can go to Raxxa’s Portal Seeker Hub, and there’s a portal with the sign “Raxxian Sanctuary”.
Don’t get lost there, though. ^^

Thanks for the explanation!


Thx. Was thinking your live build :slight_smile: heard nice things about it.

Props to you if you find the secret areas. There’s quite a number of ‘behind the scenes’ entrances.

Thanks for doing that with the slide, that was a big question of mine since I want to build water slides myself, was wondering how that would work. :slight_smile:

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I’ve just been near River Towns and found this Shiggy temple!

I like it! :slight_smile:


I should also add that even though you won’t be able to do a proper fun water slide, I’m very very very happy to say that you’ll be able to make a water bassin far more easily than in other games like Creativerse.

In Creativerse, if you try to place a block of water by using the side of another block of water for placement, you’ll just replace said block of water by a new one, which effectively does nothing. And that’s only the first of your concerns with water in that game.

In Boundless with the farming update, it’ll properly place the block of water on the side of the other one, with none of the other problems you might encounter in CV.
This would allow you to fill a room with water starting from the top, and in mere moments.

I can already see myself doing lots of fun underwater rooms! :3


Have you tried? Adding ice under the water

The slide I made in the screenshot above is made of ice with water on top.
So you do slide without having to move by yourself, but it’s as slow as normal running (not sprinting).

Trying to do such a slide, but longer, would be quite anti-climatic, IMHO.


Yes hah, as it stands the water will just slow you down.

Even if it did push you… without would likely be faster as the water has a fixed flow speed that you can exceed very easily on an ice or slime.slide


That’s my base!!! Haha :slight_smile:

The statue was made by my friend, I can’t claim credit for its magnificence!


You found my friends secret hubs! they start on Sorissi!


And end in Melissa Majoria :heart:
How amazing is he though?? Still fan girling over here and it’s been up ages now!

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We lived in the same area on sorissi before a group of us moved. Good guy

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The best! :slight_smile: sods law he’s from the other side of the universe though :frowning: :laughing: s’okay now we’ve got the portals up though!

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I’ll hire someone for you Major :blush: you deserve it


Fully controlled? Or just aligned

Fully controlled.

We’d be able to support permissions instead/as well, but that’s the design as it stands.

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Would it be possible to have “free liquid flow” as a plot permission? That way people could enable water flowing between plots if they wanted.


Maybe in a later update?