Power coils

Does anyone have any good configurations for placing power coils to maximise space but still allow easy access for repairs and am I right in that all the machines will need a maximum of 24 coils each?

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I’ll let you know when I finally manage to craft some. Sigh…


This is what I did.


All machines can handle a max of 24 coils.

The most expensive recipe I’ve come across so far requires 4500 power.

That means you would need 45 basic coils (impossible) or 15 advanced coils or a mix of basic and advanced to get to 4500.

So in short you can get away with less unless you only have basics and /or more expensive recipes exist (up to 7200 power possible).

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I’m still trying to gather the resources needed to craft them too … just trying to plan ahead :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you still access them easily for repairs? I was thinking along similar lines but built into a wall rather than the floor :grin:

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So it seems that it might be best to build the minimum required to then be able to craft the advanced ones

I have a set up that I went with on a whim… And it’s working pretty well. Hang on I’ll post a pic



cant it be more than 1 space away?

Nice :smiley: … i can see a lot of gems and tech are going to be needed

no access for me without breaking cover blocks. Although this does keep me from ‘crossing the streams’

My future plan will be to suspend it all just above head in a horizontal array that way you can walk under the entire workspace. I’ll send pic after I do that. And yes I am just crafting the minimum basic to then craft all advanced.


No it can’t. But they do connect diagonally not just straight along blocks. That gives you some possibilities. I dont have screenshot of my set up where I have coils above my head but I recorded information my video if you want to take a look.
You planning on having 24 coils for each machine?

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I see I’m going to have to completely tear my workshop apart (after just finishing it) and create a much bigger space … luckily I’m on top of a small hill that I can hollow out and have different floors for each machine … and still have windows :smiley:


Hey that’s what I did. :sunglasses:
Walking underneath works really well and you can fix your coils standing near machines and looking up so no need to leave space outside the set up for access.
Difference between is I hv my machines standing and only coils hanging above and you seem to be saying you want all flat horizontally.

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I know them ragrets. I had to completely redesign my workshop as well. I just hope all the effort pays off. Right now all I get a sense of is the time and expense investment b/c like, how is a relatively new player or a player that is not interested in crafting going to be able to afford crafted wares now?

I’m on top of a big mountain and also build vertically. My old machine room has three levels with two machine types each. And my engine room repeats that set up. I’m only putting 2 machines of each type for coils but with power excess crafting takes minutes and queuing is ok. And getting all the ingredients to craft a lot is near impossible for a solo player anyway so even hours of queues won’t bother me.

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Funny thought. Maybe I will build a coil ark pathway in my main hallway to my shop door to keep out intruders. Kinda like a home security system. Only deadly.


I don’t mind the rebuild, I like a bit of a challenge:slightly_smiling_face:
I guess these coils etc are there to help push new players to achieve something but it will be interesting to see what sort of prices will appear in the marketplace when people start filling up their shops with the new items


Power could are pricey to make first off. Second off. Devices in my opinion are seeming to drop 2 or 3 out of each node and components are dropping anywhere from 3 to 6 per node. So its going to start to get cheaper as everyone goes out mining and starts selling and the prices will drop off eventually for those goods.

As for new craftables… there gonna be expensive in my opinion and will stay that way for a little while. Especially things that take recipes to make a recipe. ( if that makes sense lol )