Power coils

Crafting is getting more expensive if it goes to resources and time needed. However, miners and hunters and gatherers just got a lot of stuff they can collect and sell. Hopefully it will all balance out. With a few tweaks on the way if needed.


I am but I am building a layout for it so the information helps

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Basically you are able to make 24 set up in two layers. Each layer is 12 coils surrounding the machine. 3 coils for each side with one facing the machine block and two on the sides. Thatā€™s when you have the machine standing 4 blocks on top of each other.

When you place the machine horizontally you lift it 1 block above the ground and place three 4-coil lines of coils on top of each other each side of the machine. So the line in the middle is on the same level with the machine while one is on the ground and another is one level higher than the machine.


The engines lose durability when zapping someone/thing though, so if theyā€™re reeeeealy persistent they will still get through. Eventually. One day.


@Swede came up with this layout =)

you would just need a service space on the other side of the wall plus i think it needs some tweaks but the basic concept is sound

Green = Power coils
Purple = machine
Teal = power cord


Okay, I like this! So, from this imageā€¦ I can see that Power Coils can be shared by two machines? How far away from the machines can they be? I havenā€™t gotten my hands on them yet, so I havenā€™t had a chance to mess around with them.

one coil can only connect to one machine at a time

So from this image, just taking the left-most machineā€¦

The eight underneath, six at the back, and ten on top are the twenty-four connected to that machine? And it just continues down the line like that? The Power Coils donā€™t interfere with each other?

Yes, I designed that for 24 coils per machine and with the idea that I wanted the machines as tight as possible. Turns out you dont really have to use 24. You can use less and still craft all recipies.

If you have the same type of machines next to each other the coils could connect to the wrong machine I guess. But if you place one machine and then the coils, then next machine and so on you should be good.

In the end I chose another design because I wanted my machines to go further out in the room through the wall. I posted some images in the screenhot thread if you are interested.


Oh, btw, I think only 20 coils will acctually connect if you would build like in the sketch. @Havok40k told me that off center diagonal wont work. I havent tested myself but I trust that it is correct. So out of the top 10, only 9 will connect. One in the back would not. I hope I could explain that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aaah, okay! I appreciate all the advice. :slight_smile: Once I get my hands on some, Iā€™ll do some testing myself and figure out what setup works best for me.

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I guess we also still need space as well to connect the 16 spark cores ā€¦ but at least they can be further away :slightly_smiling_face:

actually if I go with this layout, then I can use my space quite well. This is very well thought out and I thank you for this.

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From what I see they should all work the way they are placed in the diagram but some of them will have to chose what machine to connect to so thereā€™s going to be some work to get it right.

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They will follow the north/west rule.

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Exactly. And then if they have two same type of machine to connect and pick the one you donā€™t want them to, you break one block and the coil changes to the other machine. Jivita showed it nicely.

I just realized though that if you have 24 coils for each machine them coils will connect evenly because of the 24 limit. That providing all machines in the set up are of the same type. If the set up has different types of machines together, coils will connect to machines you want as they are type bound. So in the end that set up wonā€™t cause problems.


I believe @Jivita covered connection mechanics in his video, if two (already placed) machines share a coil, the coil will attach to the northmost machine first. If the machines share the same lattitude it will connect to the west-most machine.

Just realised he didnt compare a ā€œtop and bottom same placeā€ setup, but it should prefer one of the two regardless, and predictably. So if you start building im the north and move south (or start West going East) the connections should be clean and simple.

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Yes. I believe you are correct. If I remember correctly he also said that once a connection between a coil and a machine is established, the coil will not switch to a new machine by itself.

Hence if you build one machine and add the coils and then build the next machine you should not have any issues regardless.

I have different machines next to each other, so I had no issues either. Since the coils are different for each machine.

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I changed my machines set up from vertical to horizontal. 4 pieces in one line and 3 rows of coils on each side laying along machines (24 pieces so).
Front is glass with 2 blocks of air to access the machine. Gleam in the middle corresponds with color code of machines so here cream gleam for workbenches:

Side walls are all doors so when open allow easy interacting with coils:


I think I might have to steal some of your ideas :smiley:

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