Prestige buffered regen

Yup we just got lucky haha. I wandered by and Baby was like “DK come help us save raxxa city!” I was pretty confused at first without any context but I just followed her haha :slight_smile:

But I too want to know if there’s really a way for people to exploit and see when beacons expire. This may sound crazy, but if this is in fact true, IMO the devs should even the playing field and let everyone equally see time remaining in game. Until they address the issue.

Yeah, sure. If you say so.
As you were also never going to change your mind, it was indeed a waste of time debatting. :wink:

That’s very cynical. I wouldn’t do that, and I’m sure Krollbar wouldn’t either… :confused:
I can’t believe the Boundless community is really that bad.

It’s uncool to use the word trash like that (and don’t try to say it’s a coding term like the other guy XD). But I get where you’re coming from, for sure. I myself am surrounded by builds belonging to players who log in maybe once every few months.
For that, this entire thread isn’t a solution.

The issue would be that we have people who only log in to refuel their beacons, and don’t do anything with them. But really, that’s fair game, and I don’t see any proper way to change that.

Would you recommend a limit on how much gleam-club time you can have at once? My own build is pretty much protected up until October 2020. Should there be limit be 6 months max? I don’t think the devs would agree, it’d mean less money going to them.

I mean, if it was me, I’d cut the game’s retail price in half (making it about 20$), I’d remove the gleam club and I’d make its features baseline. THEN I’d replace the current beacon fuel system by something like the beacon fuel automatically going back to minimum 25% of it’s timer (about a month, right?) everytime the owner logs in. And you only use beacon fuel when you know you’re gonna be absent for a long while. To make-up for the loss of gleam club, maybe make the beacon fuel buyable with cubits?

I just think ruins are cool… what if ruins grew kindling plants or vines as they slowly decomposed…? Something fun like that. Loot means very little to me. A more active decomposition system… all just ideas for fun.

I will try to explain this to you^^

Every block that is not default to a world has to be calculated, this essentially grows the amount of data in a world. Player placed blocks are not counted as default which requires the system to grab those as extra since they are not in the default world layout. If you grow this too long or too much it will eat cycles on the server and we all know how strong BL servers are^^

I do not consider anyones build who is actively playing as garbage. I was trying to refer to data that is not in use, which accumulates in a world if you turn off the regen (which is essentially the servers garbage collector, see above the wiki link )and in programing terms creates objects which are not in use anymore".
I dislike mud huts for sure but everyone has to start somewhere.

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I think anything that tries to prevent regen is subject to abuse. If I plot a gem spawning area, mine out all the gems and then let the beacon expire, If I have a large enough area with enough prestige (which can be easily manipulated with the correct blocks), I now have a dead area on the planet where gems will not respawn unless someone comes in a regens the area.

I also remember too well the large numbers of abandoned builds in EA before beacon fueling was even part of the game. That was with fewer players and not nearly the same amount of plots as some players have now. I just think beacons that expire need to regen. If players think it would be better to have the building materials go into storage versus regening and allowing for scavaging, in case a player comes back then fine, but I think the planets as a limited resource need to have a process in place to remove builds automatically. Some of the current builds cover thousands of plots, I do not think it should be the job of the remaining players to spend time and resources to remove these builds

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@VirtualEclipse Dude, I got what you were saying when you called it “dev speak”, I’m not an old guy who calls a computer a “button-box”. :rofl:
It’s just that the way you put it in the first place clearly wasn’t sounding like you had the technical term in mind :

I don’t think it’s my fault for reacting badly to that.
Fact is, there are a number of people who have absolutely no consideration for the builds of other players. Casing point, right after you, Xyberviri used the word “trash” and assumed Krollbar and/or I had nefarious intention for defending the relaxation of regen features.
So MAYBE you meant the technical term from the get-go, but it was a pretty poor choice of word either way.
Sure, some builds are objectively ugly, but I just find it sad to generalize with these types of words.
There’s not much else to say about that.

Oh yeah, like if the regen system was a bit smarter, you mean? Like, instead of blindingly making a chunk regen and having dirt spawn out of nowhere, it would instead replace some non-air blocks with grass and basic plants (like gladeflowers and such)?
Oh that could be awesome!

Right now, I’m imagining a scenario where a city like the Ultima place on Eresho became a ruin and grass and leaves started to replace some blocks, kinda like what I do in the gardens at my place. That could look awesome.

How many would you say were at City prestige level?
Were there regen bombs already? If so, were they as easy to craft as they are now?

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Nah not your fault, it’s second nature to me, the wording should have been followed up by a proper explanation.

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I understand what you want and what you consider gains. I am just trying to figure out what is driving this push for change. This doesn’t help people who lost their beacons, but those who scavange beacons. If you said you wanted to allow people to take on a more active role in scavaging as a proffession, I would understand where you are coming from. But this doesn’t help Joe #4 keep playing when he logs on in three days and his build is still gone.

Its not a community friendliness issue, decay is a designed mechanic used to help free up sections of the world. I would gladly help community projects with plots, but I am not going to use them on the possibility someone I don’t know may come back in the next few months and want their stuff back. It just makes it harder for new folks to find building spots.

If we really wanted to help these folks, all of their machines, tools and coils could be placed in a storage for them somewhere for when they returned. I deal with a lot of project management and root cause analysis, and knowing what is driving a change is almost (if not more) important than the proposed ideas. I’m not saying I don’t like the idea, I am just saying its not really going to help keep people when their beacon expires. So if that is the focus we need to look for a better solution. If its just about creating ruins for people to plunder then its a solid idea, though should still go wild after a set period of time so it doesn’t become the community’s job to regen the world every few months.

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Yup there was a previous thread about leaving builds around and we ended up with both camps… people that wanted it and people that said it will not help anything but make the worlds worse. Personally I am on the keep regen as it is side of the camp since we would have holes and various blocks sitting around that no one wanted that would never clean up…

Additionally, those that left because their beacon expired wouldn’t be saved from this. Not to mention those people that “left the game” left the game and most didn’t have plans to come back. So this doesn’t solve that either. If we want to save the accidental beacon fuel oooppss then put in a real system for that.

I get the atmosphere look and feel of having ruins and I agree with that… but I would prefer worlds that actually had ruins assets not some left over player junk that no one cleaned up after the prestige mongers took all the good blocks to just increase the vaults.

see thats the thing, only those high value blocks and inventories get sought after, you arent going to collect every shelf on a t4 planet if you can save the durability.

Honestly id rather have blocks that were high value turn into something else that has to be mined out instead.

there use to be a 2m prestige city over on that mountain 6 months ago… which in gamer time means basically forever… now there is a massive deposit of old ancient tech and other potential resources that might not be native to that planet

But that’s not true.
Currently, say your beacon goes wild.
You’ll have two problems :
• It will quickly start to regen. Again, I use the Raxxa Empire situation that happened yesterday as an example.
• Some people will try to scavenge it before you can re-plot.
With the whole Ruined plots idea, if we’re talking about a high-prestige-place, you temporarily eliminate one problem.
The difference between the two problems is that one is systematic. The other isn’t.

Now if it’s true that some players do use hacks to scavenge, to be there as soon as a beacon goes wild, that needs to be adressed, no doubt about that.

You wouldn’t. Some would. Again, just yesterday, some nice guys spent some time, energy and plots to try and save as much of the plots of the Raxxa Empire that went wild. You don’t see to give guys like them enough credit.

That wouldn’t be a perfect solution either. The time spent building would still be lost. I mean, what’s the most important to me about my build is not the blocks I used. If I fail to refuel one day, you can gift me all the blocks back, that’s not gonna prevent me from quitting the game.

With my idea, some guys come to scavenge. If I’m lucky enough, they don’t dig in enough to make it go below the ruin-threshold : the biggest part of the build is still there. They have looted what they deemed to be the most valuable, I don’t care as much. If I’m able to re-claim the plots, I’m fine with that.

It’s all a question of mindset.

I come from Creativerse. That game doesn’t have systematic world-regen, and plots are 64x64x64 blocks.
But it has in-game moderators who keep an eye on each world/server, discuss with the other players and make the call to remove the builds. Until recently, we had to do that MANUALLY. No magical regen bombs.

What I’m mean is that I could laugh when you say throwing one or two regen bombs would be a job.
If I find scavenged ruins I wanna remove because they’re located where I wanna build, and all I have to do is equip a regen bomb and right-click, that’s hardly an issue.

Again I wonder. That was before the plot system. There were no regen bombs, right? No world-regen whatsoever?

Creativerse is meh. F2P. Played it and Boundless is way better.

Not gonna argue there, I’ve stopped playing CV a year ago.
BUT it does have a lot of things Boundless doesn’t have and should have.
Blueprints, biomes, more character customization, private worlds, way more block variety and so on.

Note that Biomes in CV is pretty blah. They’re all standard cookie cutter across any server you visit. But yes, I get what you’re saying about implementing a similar concept in Boundless.

Slight tangent: Whenever people keep asking for Boundless to go F2P, I always point to the lack of development in CV as to why you shouldn’t. They had to shrink their team to a handful of devs who work on the game part time now since it doesn’t produce enough income


Not many were at city prestige level, but at the same time, I do not think it is fair to say because my build has high prestige it is worth saving and because you do not your build is not. Why should the player that is mainly a hunter and has no large build lose everything to regen and the player that builds primarily so they have a high prestige build not loose to regen? If a player has millions in prestige in storage it would not even be considered as part of determining if a build has reached city status. So I think it is immaterial if a build has reached city size or not.

As far as regen bombs, I do not really care how easy they are to make. I still do not think the remaining players should have to clean up after the ones that have left. Why should I have to expend the effort to remove another players build?

The main reason I am all for ruins is because this game badly needs dungeons, PVE, PVM, surprises, anything. There are no surprises when we mine, none when we build, none when we explore…unlike other games. If I’m mining in RS, I have a chance to get gold and a rare pet. If I’m doing dungeons in RS or Tr, I have a chance to get rare weapons/gear/money/etc. This game needs some fun injected into it.

This is probably going to come off as hella rude and a-holey, but looking back at EA discussions, there were issues with plotting, issues with ruins, etc. We still experience some of the same problems today…several years later. What if this game needs to take a few new turns in direction in order for it to progress beyond what it started out as? Maybe allow it to grow and evolve a bit so that other people will enjoy it…beyond the OG folks that are still around doing/saying the same things :woman_shrugging:t3:

You guys get hella respect for jumping on the BL train in EA, but maybe you folks need to let up a little bit - let the game morph and flourish so it’s around for years to come.

If everything stays pretty much the same, it may never really catch on and we might be left with no BL to play at all. I don’t think anyone wants that.

A lot of people want ruins to explore…regardless of whether they are game-created or player-created. The ones the devs have created look nice, but have zero unique items or surprises. Ones left behind by players have the chance of at least having some items in them. It has nothing to do with whether or not someone thinks they are ugly ruins, too many, etc. We already have to deal with that…people plotting 1/2 regen’d roads and builds that we have to look at or build around. Maybe player-created ruins would deteriorate at a super slow rate. Just because some EA folks didn’t like ruins, doesn’t mean everyone else wouldn’t like them. This game needs to appeal to a larger audience. More things to do. More fun. More.


The thread I was talking about was only a few months ago.

World regen has existed for a VERY long time. I am pretty sure it was before the plot system because when I joined the game they basically had recently introduced plots if I remember right. A long time member can correct me where I might be wrong because some of that was before my time here.

Regen bombs came from a suggestion I made after there was complaints about cities that would never allow regeneration on empty plots because people were running by all the time. I started pushing the narrative to get this fixed because I wanted my tree parts back in a city I was making… Bombs were being introduced and if I remember right James thought it would be a good idea to merge bombs and my real push to allow some way for regeneration of wild areas in cities, etc. BOOM - regen bombs.

I still agree that worlds would get way too messy as the player population picks up without the regen layer that exists. I do support a variety of things people bring up here as well as “ruins” but do not agree that regen and those needs to be linked.

Last time I checked, CV only has 8 world templates. They’re not randomly generated or anything.

I knew their team was small, but I wasn’t aware it was because of F2P. Interesting.
And it’s true, they’ve been working on their ‘block painting’ feature for months now.
But I don’t think Boundless’ team is all that big either, though.

I like both sides of this discussion. Wouldn’t mind it staying the same, but I think the ruins ideas here are really cool. However the ruins idea reminds me of another idea I had in the past that probably wouldn’t work due to, as was mentioned here, server overload.

I wanted to make a massive volcano on Sorissi back when I had like 100 total plots. Thought it would be cool if we could do some non-regen terraforming to change the environment without having to plot it all. The ruins idea would work for that. Plot it once, build it, then let it fall to ruin… but what if everyone kept doing that, over and over? That system could easily be taken advantage of and I doubt if anyone came across some massive build that was in ruined state that they would feel comfortable editing it with potential backlash from a nearby city or something.

Seems like it would be too much to handle.

Yeah, maybe 15-25 people. Not all devs

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