Prestige on Gleam - Refined Gleam too high

Does one get anything from building with warp conduits?

All good man. I donā€™t really care but some gleam is really rare and Iā€™d hate to have that gleam be worth the same as refined timber unless they want to make it spawn more.

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This describes how I feel about it perfectly. I donā€™t give two hoots about the prestige, what bugs me is the combination of featureless square buildings made entirely of a single material, and the fact that their owners choose to build 'em all the way to build limit height instead of being slightly less lazy about it and burying their prestige cubes.

The fact that it is gleam adds to my dislike only slightly, and only part of the time, because they look like giant glowsticks at night.

Edit: If they were, say, using glacier and Kada-blue gleam to make giant glowing ice sculptures in the shape of disney characters, Iā€™d be less bothered, more from it being a bit too kitschy than anything else, but at least it would be an improvement.

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I understand the concern - prestige towers will always be around but some donā€™t like them bright. Personally I love seeing glowing builds on other planets in the sky but I can see how those who donā€™t love neon things would find them ugly.

However, itā€™s 1.0 now and I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary for selfish and already stated reasons. Firstly, people will just use something else. Secondly, if my build gets its prestige nerfed again so I have to build more again just to get back to where I was then Iā€™ll be pretty irritated. Or Iā€™ll just build a stupid prestige room/ugly tower of my own to address the deficit which seems like a bad outcome.

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100%. I like gleam, but gleam towers are an eyesore. If they could lower it to, lets say, the same price as refined stone, I think weā€™d see far less of them.

Seriously, bricks should be worth far more at this point.

Side note, anyone know where I can get that white-ish gleam? I need about 30-50 refined blocks. :slight_smile:


Bitula :slight_smile: thatā€™s a good place to start

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What tier is that?

Tier 3, so bring a slingbow or fist

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Kada 1 is the beat place for it. Its tier 1.

EDIT: My bad, its tier 2.


Oooohhh. I didnā€™t even know that! Time to get some more lol

If they were buildings I would agree. Buildings have features. You know, things like windows and balconies and such. The ones that bug me are the ā€˜this is a giant radioactive brickā€™ kind.

I also like neon a lot, but for me it only works with contrast. If you put neon on neon what you get is a glowy blob.

I suppose some people might find that appealing, and we all have to learn to live with people with different tastes than our own, but it really bugs me when I choose an awesome secluded spot to build and three days later a giant glowstick shows up overnight right in front of my window ruining the view. So, for as long as I have to live with the formless blobs of gleam ruining my view, their owners will also have to live with my complaining about 'em in return. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay! I can TOTALLY T3 now.

Iā€™ve never seen wild gleam, what am I looking for?

@Cakengrad I thought gleam was on T3 and higher?

The PS map has gleam icons on it, though admittedly theyā€™re kinda small.

On Kada the gleam is in ā€˜shardsā€™ or ā€˜cannonsā€™ or whatever you want to call them, sticking out of the ground.

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And they are EVERYWHERE! grab an Atlas and look for the white spots.


Possible solution would be instead of nerfing itā€™s base prestige score, simply remove itā€™s exotic bonus. That way, builds that use gleam tastefully are not affected at all, but builds that abuse gleam will have a notably lower score. I think itā€™s as much as 30%? I donā€™t recall the exotic score cap.


Swore Iā€™d stay away from these Prestige topicsā€¦ ah wellā€¦

Prestige is a throw away mechanic for me due to how it was implemented. Iā€™ve already beaten that dead horse ad nauseam though, so Iā€™ll touch on a newer concern of mine; and thatā€™s the effect itā€™s having on builds.

If building a gleam tower is a great way to get Prestige, and people want to get Prestige, theyā€™re going to build a gleam tower - itā€™s as simple as that. Love them or hate them, the system doesnā€™t promote variety.

I donā€™t have a solution though - perhaps what @Havok40k just suggested, or drastically reduce the score from gleam blocks.


I completely agree with this prestige should have some sort of human factor. I have yet to see a giant gleam build that i like. an above ground parking lot is still an above ground parking lot, even if it sparkles.

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I can understand that. Iā€™ve yet to build my pretty outpost but when I do if a nice lake view gets a big monotower I will be sad.

I thought people were talking about builds that feature gleam heavily. Iā€™ve never seen a pure gleam tower to max altitude so didnā€™t realise it was that kind of problem. Something like Havok40kā€™s suggestion would be nice. I donā€™t use a lot of it - only for lighting and small sculptures - but itā€™s a big enough build that a block value nerf would push me back a bit.

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Iā€™ve built a 400 plot statue out of gleam with 20-25 hours of time invested into it so far. I would be very sad if it lost all prestige value because some players choose to build towers from gleam that other players donā€™t like.

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I brought this up in a past topic. What looks good and what doesnā€™t will always be subjective, so I felt as though we needed a subjective element to the scoring.

@luke-turbulenz responded with;

Even if that were the case, as it most likely would be, Iā€™d personally prefer that over the current ā€˜letā€™s game the algorithmā€™ approach.

@james also mentioned that the system wasnā€™t designed to judge aesthetic value. His post is below. Itā€™s a long post to quote, and itā€™s best to read the previous discussion for full context: Prestige for each block/prop - #33 by james