Private Server still planned?

You are right with this. I’ve gone far over the point what i really wanted to say. To make a cut here “I’d be fine if we need to pay a fee”. This opinion might be unpopular but i stated out why …

Now the rest :smiley:

Surprises are a double-edged sword, maybe they work out well, maybe the community tear it in pieces (last seen on Blocks and the Battery update where the devs face ~90% rejection with a surprise that was meant well).

Oh but this is a really interesting one. For me it was a pleasure to read the status update and c++ article. This is something that shows they are working and they know what they do.
under the motto: any news are good news

Maybe i need to be more direct on this one … i tried to make this clear several times but perhaps my language mastery (bad :smiley: ) prevents native speaker to understand me.
I LIKE TO SEE GAMEPLAY-CONCEPTS NOT CONCEPT-ART … I’d be fine if we had lester :lester: a lot longer and in different colors :smiley: Concept art, models or any sort of “art” can be replaced without great efforts (only the time required to make a new one) but a gameplay-mechanism that is in-place is hart to remove or replace because there are a lot of dependencies (keyword “costs in software testing” or if you prefere a NASA-Article (page 2) [it’s about bugs but in this case bad-gameplay is worse than a bug]). Why risk the game with bad game-play decisions if they have the chance to clear it up in the beginning befor implementation or before the final version ? (that’s what “object-orientated-analysis/design” and “agile-development” is called: evaluate your customers needs => prototype => test => change your prototype => test => change => …)

Programming is NOT assembly line work. This is one of the most important things to know. There are times where you are highly productiv and there are times when you spend a lot of time / budged on “thinking” about things (software-design, software-achitecture). And within this phases of “thinking” and “team communication” it would be a good idea to write some words and ideas down (this should be done anyway … solid specification). And if you already wrote something down you can format them and publish them … no magic and not a lot of time lost.

I’d do it for free … but again … the language mastery :smiley: i spend my skill-points on other things :smiley:

EDIT: @Havok40k … man … every time we talk this is going this way … really don’t wanted to open up this topic again :smiley: (especially because there is a better place to talk about such things) :smiley: