Proposed solution to issues around hunts and overlap issues

@xyberviri and I will be putting up a new post fully explaining the process and idea in detail. Those who want to participate and help make it better can those that don’t and hate the idea don’t have to participate at all. I think that is a fair statement.

I think you’re joking but we recently had that thread too.


I removed mine, it was just a joke.

keep the conversation going


I would like to see what the scenario would be for this situation if player base was higher :joy:

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If the player base was higher I don’t even think this would be a conversation. But the player base is so small that it is an issue. I know not everyone agrees but I believe it is like @xyberviri and all we want to do is make it better organized.
Truth be told folks are getting a little bent out of shape over nothing because the existing hunts will still end up with more days then the rest. Because there will still be empty days they could fill. It just gives each group a chance at setting a day at primetime and when the calendar isn’t filled completely everyone else running the larger hunts can come in and fill those spots for that coming month.
It will all be made more clear in detail when we are done with our next post.

While I don’t run hunts I do support all of the hunts I can make it to or simply attend if I’m in the mood for it. I’m trying to wrap my head about what exactly is the problem here. There are 24 hours in a day and out of that 24, approximately 6 have daily hunts occurring. With that said take what I say next with a grain of salt.

Hunts in general do not have to be with a large group of people or ran for the community. This is an optional activity ran by player for players with a mechanic that is in the game. Hunts can overlap I don’t see WHY anyone has to give up what they have established, as this is for mutual benefit of the huntee and the hunt leader, for another.

Is sharing caring? Well that is all depending on presentation. Sharing is caring when it’s a choice and not the illusion of choice. It is all up to the individual and as such should be presented to the individual, ie the regular hunt leaders. If they choose to give up an hour for another’s hunt cool, if not don’t sweat it. Can always run the hunt anyway and report any griefing etc.

My thoughts on a calendar/cloud spreadsheet. The last thing I would want is to have to manually enter something into something else that I don’t use. While yes it’s nice to see something laid out it’s not really needed. As a scheduler IRL, it all depends on the availability of others so maybe start with gauging availability. Collect the data and see where that takes you.


I prefer platform hunts, but mostly just because I don’t enjoy swimming mechanics

Maybe the solution is to have a calendar and where there’s a time conflict, one hunt can be low tier and the other high tier (at the same time)? Or exo?


The main problem i guess is everyone wants their hunt To be “worth” of that few hours they hunt Or lead hunt… Whatever.

Sure it makes sense People do make announcement that they are gonna hunt x time on x planet so that People Who are gonna hunt on same time Or later dont go To same planet.

I think theres a issue with platforms too… Many hunt groups uses those and thats fine… But theres just certain amount of planets that has them so it makes this situation a talking point.

Mean while if you are doing hunts on foot on planets wheres no platforms i dont see any problems…

So platforms are the problem here? Or lets say small amount of platformed planets.

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I think the problem is there aren’t enough players in the game to fill out two simultaneous hunts.


Could be that Also. I dunno what kinda player numbers we have these days

Good suggestion we will look into this and if it is possible. However this would imply that everyone would HAVE to agree overlaps are fine.
Also the calendar will only show community hunts not guild hunts and we will allow community hunts to be posted regardless of guild hunts going on. Because if it is in fact a guild hunt it shouldnt be advertised and should he a true guild event not competing with a community hunt

This “problems” got the same essence as portal hubs. Everyone wanting their own and it to be the best, but what happens is it ends up negatively impacting all the hunts/portal hubs. Granted this is about time, hubs are about location blah blah but I doubt your gonna solve this one.

Too many people are too invested in their hunt or their community to say, hell you know what I will give mine up, or join together with yours in order to solve the issue.

900 posts later this will still be where it started.


Not that I have any pennies in this, but I’d disagree with putting the services on systems that are owned by these large conglomerates, no matter how much the ease.

Also, I broadly stand by whatever @Bethlehem and @DeViLiShBeCkS are saying above.

Separately …

Also … for what it’s worth … I think that there are some staples of the community that are so useful that they shouldn’t be taken away. I speak, of course, about new users.

Newbie hunts are something that (for me at least) enables people to truly love this place and this community … and (purely for example) the regular BROWN hunt has enabled so many people to better understand this game and feel a part of things. I’d put that forward as basically a system of the game, almost. A public service, if you will. I forget the word for it … but … yeah.

Perhaps, if there’s such a desire for (same example) one person to run a hunt more than another at 2000 every day … then maybe think about renaming the hunt from (example) BROWN NEWBIE HUNT … to THE NEWBIE HUNT … and then if someone else would like to run THE NEWBIE HUNT … it can go through whatever process you guys are cooking up here.

The Post Office (/al Service) still exists, despite DHL and the brown van folks also doing a thing. I’m not sure if that quite works as an analogy/metaphor/whatever … but it’ll do. ( let’s not nitpick me on it :wink: )

Basically, I’m saying that it would be a crying shame if the newb hunt(s) were hit because of … … well … would it be called Guild politics? I dunno …

Anyway, I’m sure that there are more examples other than newbies of this … and likely some way that whatever system you cook up can help with other mass things in game …

However, I thought I’d mention it … as I’m very, very, dumb, and very, very, bad at all this … and I’d be a hell of a lot worse if it weren’t for institutions (AHA! That’s the word!) like the BROWN hunt. :+1:

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Oh man i love the brown hunts, I can count on consistency of there always being a hunt on that time slot so when im hurting for oort i can hit one up, especially since thats during my lunch while working from home.

I would even call it the 3 o’ Clock hunt but then i wouldnt want to start the timezone wars… :grinning:

I think this thread sort of got off on the wrong foot and a tone that was fully not intended has appeared, but i think it helped air a bit a off beef that seem to be brewing since there are a number of people having conversations now instead of use just assuming.

i made enough assumptions myself and yes i know what it means.


This is the whole point in joining a guild. I can speak from experience that us at GTG have up to 5 hunt leaders now that are able to swap days during our daily hunts with @DeViLiShBeCkS being our Hunt Leader for most of it.

Also, not really sure if I have seen people “poach” people off times, but usually when someone mentions a hunt overlap it is to call out that you could lose the opportunity for more hunters on that given hunt do to a pre-existing hunt or multiple hunts going on at same time.


For what it’s worth, though … and I don’t say this harshly … and I’m almost definitely being too stupid to understand something fundamental … but … … I’m not sure that I understand why you can’t just rock up to Sasquanch’s hunt … or even bring a group along at 2100 and portal in to the current location.

Again, this is probably me just not understanding something.

I’m not angling at any ego/pride issues here * … but not having to run the the hunt is surely a good thing, right?

Plus, bonus, you can maybe take over from Sasquanch when they decide to go home. :slight_smile:

.* Although that might be the issue with some of this - just evidently not with those that have spoken in this thread thus far

This is about people who want a chance to run their own hunts. So no if your wanting to run your own hunt it isn’t a good thing.

But I like @xyberviri am glad we have aired the beef as it were and are onto a productive conversation finally.

Again, not said nastily (as you’ve already stated it’s not you) … but surely it’s just (to quote) as selfish to want to take a slot that someone is already, readily, running as something that benefits the whole community, no?

I have to be honest … If I suddenly decided that I wanted to run my own hunt at 20:00 UTC, I don’t think I have any entitlement, nor any right to expect that I should just be able to jump in front of folks that are doing good things for a whole community.

All because I wanna do it and it’s not fair that I can’t (even though I might actually be able to since there’s lots of worlds, innit) … quite frankly, if I did that, I think people would look at me as the orange baby that my character is … and laugh at me … and the comparisons would start getting a lot worse from there out. :laughing:

If someone jumped on some of the institutions we have, like that, through what amounts to some loopholes (new or old) … I’m not sure I’d enjoy this game as much anymore.


I go to them on my off nights if im able to get online and prepare for hunting on higher tier planets.

But the problem is the sasquanch hunt starts 30 minutes before i get online, It also runs normally on a T5 or T6 planet, which requires me to use different equipment and a different skill sheet.

The hunts are a little more higher intensity than im always feeling like going along with… sort of like playing a sport recreationally vs playing a sport professionally

Then most of the time those hunts are a combination of running on land and porting; and i have been getting lazy lately and prefer platform speed hunts.

If i miss the hunt and there isnt anyone i know on it im pretty much out of luck.

This is the heart of the matter, one can not take something another does not own. No one owns any of those times.

I think we can all agree that Browntown pretty much owns 20:00UTC, But we also have to agree that they don’t technically own it.

everyone has the right to do what ever they want when ever they want. or better said, no one can tell anyone else they aren’t allowed to do something, except for the company that runs the game…