Its the beacons around me that have to do that. Not me. I need to give a build to someone but it’s surrounded by people. So they all have to turn it off.
Vocal Minority: we want THIS!!!
Vocal Minority: we don’t want THIS!!!
If what you want is to give the beacon to someone, create a thread and surely someone will be interested, but get in touch with those who affect you, but I do not see the problem, on the other hand, you make sure that nobody joins you, in In this case, you will have to talk to those responsible for each beacon and solve it, but say that it is a problem, I do not agree because it solves the lives of almost all veterans, who have suffered from trolls
Good luck with places in malls. And I don’t need random people to take the beacons. I know who would get what.
Well i guess this is out in the open now. Some already reserving areas. well planets are roughly 27,000 plots on 1 level, we have what around 50 of them? some planets might become more crowded as a result. I think this new reserve system can work and will work fine, just need a few features added to work better.
Plot dropping with owned plots still near results in former own still retaining reservation and then better plot reservation management for Cities and malls. From a developer standpoint this might result in a metadata player list for plots to be held by the beacon object or incorporate into more meta data for plot reservations.
My suggestion wouldn’t exactly solve the issue, but these 2 suggestions together would seriously help mitigate the issue.
1.) Turn all plot protections off with a warning to everyone who logs in that plot protections have been turned off
2.) Raise the amount needed for protection to 100k
Fine if they are not logging in regularly anyway they why should it matter? They are probably unaware the change even happened.
Not as happy here. So a tower of prestige blocks gets a protection zone but may farm does not? Not a lot of high prestige blocks in a farm. But since it is connected to a settlement I would prefer the farm not be an easy avenue for someone to forcibly merge with us.
I get what your saying, but what else would you suggest then in order to help fix the issue with malls now with this system?
Turning plot protections off doesn’t change the fact that some will turn them on. The buffers only really work if all are on in an area or off.
Telling people to contact each other, use a mailbox, etc…that doesn’t do anything because they don’t have to answer, they don’t have to change anything if they don’t want to, they may not be in the game very often - if at all.
The fact that “older” places gobble up plots from “newer” places and people have NO CLUE which place may be older than their’s before they unplot…is ridiculous.
I tend to agree, which is why i started by saying it wouldn’t exactly solve the issue, but merely help mitigate it
Disable plot protection if your beacon uses less then 7 plots on different columns.
Could you elaborate what you mean by “on different columns”?
You can’t control what every other person does though. New people come in everyday. Other people trade and move everyday. I can ask you to disable plot protection, but you can tell me to take a hike and it’s your right. Or you can have gleamclub and not check in very often so no one can contact you.
Horizontally, not a tower.
It was in responce to Vanstens idea. I don’t like stuff being tied to prestige. But I wonder if the reserve mechanism should only kick in for reasonably big builds. We don’t have to protect the 2 plot started builds, they are going to move anyway.
I do think your first suggestion needs to happen. I do wish they had started it with the default to off. I would not disagree with the suggestion on opt in opt out but from what I remember there was some reason that the developers were not going for that. I do think that would have been better, but unless we hear something from James I do not see that happening. Actually he might want to restate the reason or give us a link to it.
To be honest I am not really sure. I can appreciate the frustration for someone like @majorvex who has worked very hard to maintain a mall. Same frustration I feel about lighting in my build. If I had anything constructive I would at least put it forward. I just think an increase in the prestige will still leave the developers dealing with forced merges for relatively new players or ones just starting their projects. Not that this is does not appear to be creating legitimate issues of its own.
It is good to know, if they place the blocks of mechanized iron throughout an island as if they were moais of Isla de Pascua it is because it is a reserved island xD