[PS] Portal Seekers UPDATE - New Biitula Hub, and the revised future of PS!

Do you know anyone in river towns willing to build it? As it stands I myself am too focused building the other 3 main ring hubs to also do that. (for the next several weeks atleast)


  • Ultima have a single main hub > connects to 4 regions sub-hubs > each links to every other planet in a region
  • PS have 4 region sub-hubs that connect in a ring > each link connects to every other planet in a region

Is Ultima part of PS?


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No, its a separate network, like TNT


That new Biitula hub is looking great and I really like the visual concept. :open_mouth:

Maybe apart from the player portals layout, not sure if anythingā€™s wrong with it, but I would be interested in doing some work on a Kol Huroo hub; you might have to poke me about it if I slowed down on it, I can get distracted or too busy with other things and simply forget.

Could you tell me more/message me with details? (either here on or on Discord, I joined the server, same name as here/in-game)

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So far from what ive gathered, the following people are wanting to build the following hubs:

Also have LunaiHunter wanting to do either Till or Minorengle, but il see which one they want to do first ahah.

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@Vansten If my group was interested in doing angel 1 and bringing it into our city ( I know itā€™s not on the list) what is recommended? Just curious and would still need to run it by them first.

Like how big? Who supplies the oort? Is it ok to be near another portal network? How many portals etcā€¦

Thank you

Well, the main platform would be guild + footfall controlled by PS Portal Master faction, and PS pays for its oortstone upkeep.

Preferably it would have some kind of structure beyond simply being a raised platform, with a section for 1x2 portals, as well as utilizing the PS logo somewhere in the build. The actual size dosenā€™t matter that much, but I would say that 4x4 plots is the minimum it should be.

As for being near other networks, well I guess it depends HOW close it is - I donā€™t think its a good idea to have them too close to one-another, but thats just my take.


This is exciting! Look at all these new things.


Iā€™m not sure where weā€™d put it but Iā€™m interested in Eresho maybe?

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Sounds great! No pressure either way, but keep me posted with what ya come up with!

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It has to be PS owned land right? Could it fit in a 3x3?

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The beacon itself dosenā€™t need to be owned by us, but yeah it does need to be guild/footfall controlled.

And if you can make a 3x3 space look good without feeling too crowded, then by all means go for it!

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D: I should ask this before I place it lol is Vansteen-chan gonna be on later so me show him we placement Area


Bravo for a stunning build!

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Let me talk to my group and have their say then I will get back to you @Vansten .

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Gray grabbed a 2x2 for Gyosha Mall on the East side of the hub. If yall would change the name on the sign when you have time :+1: thank you :blush:


I would love to update the Minorengle site. If okay, I will start tomorrow and build the new spot. If u like it I will give you the plots and u can let me have access so I can change signs, etc. I am not on a computer on the weekends when I play so it might not be that easy for us to communicate; however I am easily reachable in the game as Question00. I have a few extra days off this week. I would love to hear from u today if u would like me to proceed.


I would really like to build new hub building. (EU)
I can take on Antar.
Maybe Trung, if you donā€™t decide to place it in Nova Golda market.
Just let me know, i have everything needed to start building :boundless:

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I moved my ā€˜Sunken Storageā€™ portal to the new hub, over by DK and Pathfinders on the east side.

It looks like itā€™s barely been a day - you can donate any compensation back to your hub. The new hub is pretty big but itā€™s easy to move around I hope it does well.


hey there

I manage all AU hubs for Ultima and on Lutrion the old PS is actually in walking distance from our town and hub so if you donā€™t mind I could build a new PS hub in our town (Ashenvale) just few hundred meters from the current spot.

I could also think about doiung Lasaina?