I just discovered this the other day for another game! (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
There is also an app that does it but it doesn’t work as well and has bugs, it’s missing hours for several games I know I’ve played. It’s called YaPSNapp
This is awesome, thank you!
Seems Boundless is the only game I’ve ever put more than 1,000 hours into
I also had no idea that I’d put nearly 900 hours into Destiny
I can’t find a game other than Boundless since the Online Franchise mode in MLB the show has been removed. In fact Boundless is the only game I play after the death of the online franchise mode in MLB a few years ago
Sometimes i try No mans sky 10 min … but we can’t build a store in this game . (and I don’t like building in this game)
alot of afk too … like tonight … thanks to the person who revived me on my sovereign planet while i was asleep … now i know there are people coming to my planet lol
2571/(30.5x8) = 10.5 hours a day
30.5 = days in a month average
8 = months
Sorry for the other two deleted posts, Friday is getting to me.
Double sorry
Won’t delete this one.
I deleted due to being ashamed of my bad Friday math.
oh please, if I were to try to do a math equation you would laugh. At least you caught your mistake, as for me I would look like a person holding up a dog and calling it a cat