PS4 Players got screwed with the last update

Metro, it’s Bunkers of you to say that we didn’t back the game… WE COULDN’T lol plain simple, how could we, since we bought the game for PS4??

Also, I don’t understand what your rant is here, I’m not saying PC players are bad or anything, all I’m saying is that we got screwed by the last update because it was already hard for PS4 player since we didn’t even had the knowledge of the game… that’s it.

Its great PC players backed the game for whatever you want, that is not the topic here…


PC player here: didn’t have a head start and Gleam Lanterns are easy as heck to make on T3 worlds…

If that’s really the case, and the devs just left it in and did not do an immediate shutdown like they did the other day with region exp discovery exploit then what is that saying here?

I don’t care at this point. My enjoyment I was finding in this game has been severely diminished with the decisions these devs seem to be making. I purchase the deluxe edition on PS4 because this game really looked like it was going to be my new jam but there are some boneheaded dev decisions being made.

Maybe they’re being too reactionary, I don’t know. They’ve already admitted, Steggs I believe, that they tried to work too fast and introduced a lot of problems in this patch. I appreciate that acknowledgement but if something doesn’t change where it ‘feels’ like ps4 players are being continually dumpsters on for not being ahead of the curve at the right time I’ll be done personally. I’ve got the gleam club from deluxe in to November so I’ll give it til then and hope that these sorts of changes or knee jerk reactions don’t continue to happen. I’m an individual who is more than happy to pay extra funds for things like more plots and gleam membership as frivolous as it is for a fun game managed well, but within the 2 weeks I’ve been here as a PS4 player, it has gotten worse and worse it has felt like.

Yes this is ranty and yes I know that. But the whole situation as a PS4 player is just annoying on a lot of different lvls. The chat UI, the gleam club or deluxe perks still not being applied to. Many gleam club perks from deluxe not being applied. There are just a lot of small things that are piling up it seems and for a few PS4 players it may hit that point where it just isn’t worthwhile any more, which is fine, there’s always a game to spend time on.

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yeah i get your frustration as anyone who wasn’t already well established that was hurt more than anyone (prob had no effect on the rich and powerful other then a minor nuisance (aside from bomb mining nerf which was needed imho) but its also a bit early for the doom and gloom,as the devs will adjust things if/when needed (they do listen to the community to an extent),if the game is stressing you out take a break or play something else fun and check back from time to time (its the reason i was gone for 18 months as it was really basic back then)

I backed this game in early access even though I’m a PS4 player. I couldn’t play it because my computer sucks, but I have watched it grow from it’s infancy. Early backers had and extra few days but if you put the time in to grind this game can be amazing! No one has an advantage you just have the option to play the way you want to play!


The devs left it in because there was likely disagreement at the company over whether or not it should be allowed.

Keep in mind bomb mining wasn’t possible until only 3-4 months ago, they had no idea how it would affect the economy.

Once they started seein’ some of the vets on here who constantly defend bomb mining run around with 7meter AOE bombs cleanin’ up entire planets then charging an arm and a leg for diamonds in shops, they realized the mistake.


The grind for gems, and progression is broken, and I talk about’it in my post, please visit it and respond with your thoughts, Mining Progression, New Hammers, T4 Worlds, a solution


I’m saying that they got 3 weeks, and who cares becuase they are the ones that helped move this game along.

That is absolutely ludicrous. If you can’t see how, then furthering this convo is pointless.

Bro some items are supposed to be hard to make, like “end game” stuff. You can’t just make everything immediately. You have to work for some stuff. I am a PC player. Just mass crafted a bunch of basic lanterns because I can’t afford or yet get the mats for the gleam lanterns.

You will get there. You just have to put the effort in. The people that are making them now definitely did… Many, many hours.


PC gamer here. Bought the game 4 years ago when it was still called Oort Online and looked like minecraft on mushrooms (those where the days) and after the serverwipe (REMEMBER THERKA) me and my peers got a headstart of three weeks.

I actually did quite some bombmining and i am very sad its did go away because i liked it very much.

I think gleam laterns are ugly and prefer the raw gleam blocks.

I like to run around on level 6 planets and farm all the stuff.

can provide feedback/see the reason behind any changes.

All about what you said. Grinded my butt off for bombs and hammers just to have it taken away from me a day before the weekend. Took my neighbors out mining yesterday with air hammers and we came up with 68 diamonds not even enough to pay for the hammers we used plus I softened the rock with 2 bombs

PS4 player here as well. Some things to note:

  1. PC players didn’t have a year’s headstart, only a few weeks, the universe was reset to avoid this sort of thing. The reason they seem to be so much further is that most know how the game works so they could level and get mats faster. Also most of them work in teams and share which actually helps a ton!
  2. I do dislike the Gleam Lantern recipe change with a passion tho, I use them a lot, even sold them to others but now I do need to go to a T5 planet and farm the heck out of those lamella’s. Thankfully I do have 2 characters, my main can reasonably stay alive on on a T5, my other is a dedicated crafter.
  3. You can still make gleam lanterns yourself if you buy the glowing lamella, but you’re right, it went from a recipe that most players could craft to one that can only be done when you can get the lamella’s somehow.

To be honest, nothing what you said has anything to do with being on the PS4, just the devs changing some recipes. My characters are level 36 and 24, then again I’ve been playing the heck out of it since release!


This game was advertised at the same time as the no man’s sky release on ps4, that’s enough time and that team has 4 people.

We didn’t even know that this game was going to make it to the PS4, there was no chance to back it up for us and it shouldn’t matter what is this pay to win mentality?

PC players had two weeks of bomb mining and other things not nerfed, essentially stocking up on high end materials and jacking up the prices, and when anyone says anything you get to this point “play something else”.

Inflated the economy, taken over massive amounts of real estate, had 2 weeks on none nerfed gathering and crafting techniques, made guidelines as to how and where people can place their portals at the same time breaking each one.

No PC community, console players are not happy, we play games for fun not for views likes or as a job, but for fun. Why make a game so tidious.

Equipment that cannot be repaired, resources repeat with enemies no matter the tier or LVL of the world, 3 to 4 hours a day in this game, as it stands is not enough to do anything of anything. And the lag, unbearable.

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Console player here. Very Happy. Don’t mind that others had a head start or that the economy has not settled down yet - seems par for the course with any new open sandbox. It’ll just take time, constructive feedback, and a great dialog between developers and players - which we have.

Not sure if you were suggesting there is “pay to win”, but to be clear there’s NO pay to win here. The best you can do is pay for land and vanity items… if you choose to.

There is already discussion about the possibility of repairing things - let’s see how that pans out.

PS. No mans sky Is also a grind :slight_smile: But fun too.

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Bit of a necro sir/madam! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also backed the game as a master and oortian that’s $1000-$5000 and happily play on PS4 since I lost my PC…

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In before this thread is closed…

I’m on PS4, love the game. Quite fun.

If you don’t have time for grind, the game isn’t for you. That’s okay. Plenty of games I don’t play because they aren’t for me. Most MMOs require a lot of grind. This game isn’t Minecraft. It’s shares similarities, as all genres do.


Again “the game is not for you” stuff, it’s a community based economy I am part of the community, excuse me but I have the right to voice my concerns.

You may be completely satisfied but that has nothing to do with my experience, plenty of games out there and I chose to pay for this one, so no good sir, i like the game my self doesn’t mean gamers can’t at least request some improvements in a game they paid for. Especially at the price tag.

Is it 1000 or 5000 that’s a difference of 4k, that’s not almost or close to it, that’s a huge difference, and two, who ever pays that much for a virtual experience… Well … Not much to say…