PS4 Release Date, not this year?

“playable” is not the same as “released”. I dont care about demos, alphas or beta Im only concerned with the full and finished product. By that logic then FFXV is out too considering its playable in two demo states now. Yet they have the release date listed as November 29th as opposed to “already out”

“I would have imagined after the rushed and unfinished releases we have
seen on ps4 lately (looking at you, NMS) that the PS4 community in
particular would be a little more patient with developers who want to
release a completed game.”

You’re absolutely right, but how hard is it to make a minecraft clone… you already have a made and release game to copy so shouldnt take long. But all jokes aside. Waiting is fine too if the game is coming out Summer 2017 then ok say so. Don’t tell us a game is coming out in 2016, then mid Sept 2016 rolls around and still no release date when at this point its clear it will not. Instead of all the development updates we’re getting update us on the delay/new release date/window then go back to doing what you’re doing instead of waiting til December 31st (or pretty darn close to it) to FINALLY admit a delay. THAT is what I have a problem with. Im ok with waiting as long as it takes, just keep the release date/windows updated too when the calendar has reached a date and time where its clear to anyone with a brain that the previous window is not gonna be met.

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I’m not sure what you’re asking for here. Do you want a minecraft clone, or an unfinished game? Because a release date is a pretty silly thing to complain about- it will be released when it’s done! If they give an estimate (end of 2016, for example) then people will react like this even if it’s a month or two behind. If they release an unfinished game, the game is effectively ruined by unfinished features and bugs. If they give a delay, people rage about that as well. It’s a silly, unwinnable game and the only solution is to not play. If you want to know why the game is being delayed, then ask that. Griping about it not making arbitrary schedules is less than helpful and counter productive.

Since I’m assuming you want to know why the game is taking longer to finish, I’ll fill you in.

Mid-way through the production of the game, the decision was made to change the coding language from Java script to C++. This is a lengthy process and required a great deal of features to be ported or redone. Many features are receiving final polish, and some things are being altered based on community feedback. Where this a closed process with less outside involvment, the game would have likely been released a year ago. Alas, this is not the case.


You’ll find few folks around here laughing.

I think you are forgetting the definition of “estimate”. I’ll provide it here:
an approximate judgment or calculation, as of the value, amount, time, size, or weight of something.

In case that’s a bit much, let’s focus on approximate:
nearly exact; not perfectly accurate or correct

So when they gave us an “estimate” of 2016, they gave us something that is not exact, not perfectly accurate, not entirely correct. Things happen. Bumps, Snags, Roadblocks, etc. I don’t think it’s possible to give an exact date this far away (thus the estimate that James gave when we bugged him for it at the end of last year). So just take a deep breath man, it’s gonna be ok. Things are just estimates right now, the game has quite a bit to go yet.[quote=“duomaxwell007, post:3, topic:4948, full:true”]
I dont even think its coming out (fully and officially) on PC this year sooo you can forget about PS4 anytime soon. Unless of course theyre doing both at the same time which no one (aside from AAA companies) knows how to do these days.

Some reading for you.

Don’t forget the Sony backing and thus increase in scope too.


Actually I don’t need to know why. The Why is simple a game (or anything) gets delayed because its become obvious that they’re not gonna meet their target/estimated release date/window so they have to move that window back. Thats the simple explanation.

I also know what approximate and estimate mean. However for example if I tell someone its gonna take me approximately 8 weeks to build them a house, Im not gonna wait til the 7th week to tell them that approximation has to be changed (or worse yet wait til the 8th week when theyve figured that out on their own, to tell them) when it should and would have been obvious to me by the 3rd or 4th week (I mean this isnt my first time building a house after all so I should know my capability and how long it takes me to do things) by my progress and what still needed to be done plus how long that takes that I wasn’t gonna be done in 8 week an thus they would have been informed of that on week 3 or 4

Also if a game is 3-4 months from being released. Based on what Ive seen from other games being developed over the last 20+ years, during the 3-4 month stretch your game is pretty much finished all you’re doin now is polishing it and internally testing for bugs and glitches before release. What you’re NOT doing by that time period is talking about weapon/character/object design, dual wielding, xp/player/character progression etc etc that stuff should’ve been done during the planning stages/beginning development stages which would make me think that this game is another 12 months from being finished. I mean name games where the character/player design, enemies, battle system and weapons/spells said characters used wasnt done/started working on until 3 months before release date and the game still released 3 months later (i.e on time). I mean we’ve knows those things regarding lets say Final Fantasy XV or The Last Guardian for years now. Becaue thats not stuff you do/implement 3 months before the game is out.


Oh yes! We all totally forgot that you’re the senior producer of a major game studio and you’ve done this before! We furthermore entirely spaced that you’re able to see the future and thus know exactly the pace and which you should be going and have contingency plans in place for all possible deviations from your grand plan! Please forgive we mere mortals who sometimes aren’t able to give an estimate. Please, dear sir, have mercy on those of us who are venturing into unknown territory for the first time and are putting in 110% effort day in and day out to release a quality game! We beg of you, my liege, that you take pity on us as a higher being who has developed AAA global and innovative games many a time in your past for our transgressions against you and for not feeding you real time progress on game development every second of your waking days!

May we please humbly remind his greatness that, as he is well aware of the definitions of “estimate” and “approximate”, that rather frequently in EA games will deadlines need to be pushed back and that, as his supreme excellency seems to have already acknowledged several times over, Boundless seems to have fallen into this category?

We furthermore would like to like to bring to the forefront of his excellency’s wealth of knowledge the fact that the development team for this project numbers far less than the “name titles” he bestows his blessings upon.

With your most just and well thought out response out for all these lowly plebs to see may I make the meek request of asking for you to save us from further renditions of the same meting of your wrath? I believe we have suffered appropriately as you’ve made your point again and again and we have duly noted the horrible repercussions of not working on your most righteous and glorious of schedules.


Stop it! All this eye rolling, I could go blind!


That was actually funny.

“I make the meek request of asking for you to save us from further renditions of the same meting of your wrath?”

Oh thats simple, ll that require is you stop replying and giving me ammunition to reply to/with. Im not gonna stay here and talk to myself if Im the only one talking, that I can promise you.

Oh and lastly you dont have to see the future to know “ok progress/pace isnt going as fast as i hoped/thought/estimated, theres no way Im finishing this in 8 weeks” by the 3rd or 4th week.

In other words, you have to always get the last word in, because who ever stops talking first, looses. Noted.

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All three of you are edging towards the this-thread-should-be-locked-because-no-one’s-being-civil state of affairs.

My take is that they’ve slipped enough estimates to be wary of giving out any more.

Also, I’m not sure where the “firm” 2016 date came from. @james has repeatedly stated that the release date has not been announced:

And the only mention of 2016 I remember is this post, which is very loose in its estimate, as well:


Sigh. Apologies, seems I’ve started slipping in the mud lately. I’ll refrain from further comments here. Even my judgment wavers occasionally, it seems.

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no one ever said it was firm. But they did say 2016 I can eve link to the article on Playstation Blog during Paris Games week in 2015 that said 2016 with a trailer. Also a few months ago someone on these very boards asked and they were assured that 2016 was still the projected timeframe. Now this late in 2016 I think its time for a new estimate because it;s obvious 2016 isnt gonna happen

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I would wager that nobody here has enough insight to say anything is obvious.

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Let’s not turn this into the steam forums! The answer to the original question is this:

@MoistenedMoist Boundless on PS4 will arrive with Boundless 1.0 on PC.

— Boundless (@playboundless) September 12, 2016

And the answer to the release date is this:

@real_weirdos0 More than 1 month, less than 1 year.

— Boundless (@playboundless) September 14, 2016

Ok well if nothing is said before then, then Ill be back on 1/1/17 to say I toldja so. Please feel free to save that post and use it to ridicule me if Im wrong. But my magic 8 ball says “Not gonna happen”

Got allot more than i bargained for here, its more of release date lists publishing Boundless in there 2016 undated sections, without any facts, problem.

Being that Boundless is backed by Sony, was really hoping for a release on PS4 and PC.

Wonder if Sonys backing comes from Minecraft being bought by Microsoft, and Microsofts plan to link all systems via Realms/XBox live.
If Sony is to have their Minecraft console editions included, they are going to have to cough up some coin to MS, which i doubt they are keen on

Seems i missed one of Squidgys comments on first read, looks like simultaneous release on PS4 and PC. Is on the cards, of course when still remains the question?

If theres going to be a place where this question is answered, it’ll no doubt be on these boards before anywhere else.

I’ve not played Boundless at all but it’s second on my got to get list, it all looks great and appears to have great features. ie, beacons, locking doors, player progression, trading. Just seems to have it all.
Keep up the good work Wonderstruck.

Oh and MonsterBoy sits at #1, nostalgia counts :wink:

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I think they mentioned something about beta test on PS4 version when release is near… I might remember wrong :grin:

I’ve created an official FAQ entry item to hopefully cover release date queries.

Please feel free to continue the discussion about the release date under this FAQ entry.