this is so awesome I’ve always wondered!! Thanks for sharing!
You’ve got the lead here - for now!
AC: Odyssey is one I’m surprised I got away from, getting back into a little right now, really love exploring the map in it, so beautiful… but Boundless will always come first!
Thanks for sharing the link! My longest streak was 17 hrs…pretty sure I fell asleep in chat with @Gondor
This is… kind of depressing info actually, lol. Thanks for sharing that link @bucfanpaka I was very curious about my play time.
Thanks!! I’m finding the replies here really interesting! Most of us are over a thousand for one year, and except one case where there is still a big lead for Boundless, our 2nd place games aren’t even remotely close! Interesting too, to see the runners up for everybody.
Just told someone I was tweeting with a bit ago, when speculating about lifetime hours - I don’t regret an hour of mine. Really! Games have been my escape and comfort for much of my life. I still do the other stuff I enjoy and don’t sacrifice my obligations for them (well, much
)… look at the happiness they’ve given you, that is the way to view it I think!
Ok, we have a new leader folks!!
is yours unless someone can do better still!
You, good @anon69675157, are my hero. I’m going to need you to start streaming so I can live vicariously through you.
OMG… you crack me up. I stand with you… no regrets. I’ve had a blast playing this game…
Another interesting thing to note I thought:
I’m seeing these pop up in my feed on Twitter - among people without Boundless, at least from the ones I’ve seen, they can’t touch us. One person with 830 in Fortnite, that was the highest outside of what is here for any one game, haven’t seen any of the NMS players hit even 400 yet. That does say something, IMO!
Edit: Browsed through the replies to this Tweet - of the ones that posted the game breakdown, I’m the highest so far, a couple Destiny 2 players with 900+ being closest (a couple replies had huge overall totals but didn’t see the breakdown on those) -
See, to me this is as good an advertisement for Boundless as anything: Almost all of us here blow away the highest totals played for a game by people replying to the official PS account.
My name Peyago, and I have a problem. I spend too much time away from real life (read Boundless) playing a horrible simulator that requires me to eat, sleep and work. I don’t mind the family part, but the rest is really holding back my life goals. I am trying to kick the habit, but it is so difficult. I don’t want to lose my 32 year save by forgetting to eat. What should I do?
Ahh a slight explanation for the utter amazingness that is your place!
bow down to @anon69675157
NMS would have been my #2 but I switched over to Xbox for it (still, no more than 70-80 hours). I thought I’d go back to it more with VR but it made me sick sadly - and I’m more about screenshotting in it than anything. It, Minecraft, and ESO were the addictions Boundless pushed to the side for me!