Public market at EU Therka - Come and join us!

im on plaza now

Sorry, only reading this now. On my way.

Hi yeah, the-moebius is right. That plot is actualy from Toxip and I am guarding it for Toxip. Changes to portals, though already inactive, should be made only if @toxip agrees.

Alternative option: The portal street adjecent to the plaza, portals enough there to hand out tokens for (free).

its fixed he got the one to minersbluff i didn need it

Even the greatest towers look small when you’re high enough :smiley: Got that shoot me in the space bug, so took a chance to screenshot this :smiley:


We’ll need to think about this then.

My first thought here is that once a settlement reaches a certain level then it can’t be merged into a bigger settlement when connected by a road. This would mean that players who have independently achieved a required settlement level would be protected from assimilation.

(I’m beginning to think of @Heureka as the Therka Market Borg Queen!!)


What is a borg?

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I think this is a good first move, but I think you may also need to account for nearby groups that want to merge into a common settlement at a later time.

My personal preference would be that the initial formation of a settlement should be either by a single player with enough beacon prestige, or by several players that hold the required prestige between them, who make the conscious choice to join together (although I guess this part would be covered by a guild/clan?).

From there, have it so that players that place a beacon down within the limits of an existing settlement, are notified that they are joining that settlement (or give them a choice if they are wedged between multiple settlements).

When a settlement expands to the border of another player, I think that player should be given a choice as to whether they want to join the settlement or not (this will basically prevent unscrupulous players building a road out to starting players just to assimilate their builds, before they know whats-what - and before they get too far built up to do anything about it).


Hey! Is THAT what the pink unicorn character model is wearing?!

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If they say “Resistance is futile” instead of “Yabo!” then I would have to say yes :thinking:


Was thinking of this…

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How do i find this and join you guys im on the server but dont know how to get to your city

EU - Therka - 1252, 85, 1872

Depending on how you guide yourself it can be (-1860N,86,1346E) or (1365,86,1861)

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It is marked with a yellow square on the compass. You have to be on the planet named Therka to see it though.


I would suggest having a menu option that appears once you reach settlement status that lists all other settlements within joining range. You can then choose a setting for your beacon:

  • public settlement - anyone can join your settlement
  • private settlement - other beacons need to ask permission to join. You can accept or decline from the nearby beacon list

In terms of being absorbed by other people, I would say that small beacons get automatically joined to public settlements, with the option to secede and become independent once they reach settlement status themselves. If multiple settlements are in range then they get to choose which to join.

Once you reach settlement status, you can no longer be automatically absorbed. You can look at the list of accessible settlements and choose to join one, or remain independent.

The name of the settlement should be decided by the founding beacon. If someone joins your build and ends up with a more prestigious section, then they have to secede if they want to change the name. If you choose to join another beacon, you accept their name. Size should be irrelevant at this point with the join-er accepting the name of the join-ee (if that makes sense). If ‘Giant City’ chooses to join up with ‘Tiny Hamlet’ then the whole thing is now called ‘Tiny Hamlet’. This should also be separate from the mayor system.


hey @Heureka therkamarket had a reset maybe now we can finally fill in that damn hole in the ground lolz are you active at the moment?
got stuff to showya :smile: and i miss your inspection visits :smile:

Hi @the-moebius, i have been away a few weeks, but soon coming back.
I am curious to see what new. :slight_smile:

:smile: come find me for full tour :smile:

Saved @oTBonEo :s castle, half of it was unplotted.
saved @Lynxdragon :s shop, tell me if you want it back.
Plotted roads around the market that expired.

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