đŸ”« PVP in Boundless Poll

Remember how many of us dreaded the implementation of Emojis, because we thought people would make GIANT emojis across the landscape? I think fearing trolls taunting you to duel constantly will turn out the same.

Also, if we only tend to the playerbase we have, the population will continue to grow extremely slowly.


The moment they implemented a auto decline for dueling in wow was the moment most of us didn’t see a dueling request walking through a city in game. I can’t count the times my brand new level one alt was challenged seconds after logging into the game. The devs just need to implement an auto decline and have it as a pop up when someone creates their character.


I think sticking to the current Boundless way of ‘player built’ is best. If you die in a mini game you get the debuff, whats the big deal? Dodge Bombs works that way and its fine, you’re trading some fun for a potential debuff, also makes you wanna not die even more so.

Its very easy (in concept) to balance the current gear we have imo, we don’t have thousands of pieces of gear, just have forging not effect pvp encounters and and change the dmg values vs players. Or change the values in general, wouldn’t effect pve.

Firstly, you’d be informed of entering a pvp ‘beacon/place/whatever’. Secondly, if you get lured into a pvp zone and get killed, if there is no death penalty for getting directly killed by a player, then so what? Lesson learned - literally how you learn most things in life “Oh last time I touched the fire, it hurt. I won’t touch the fire this time”. Also, what is stopping someone from luring someone to stand on a trap door and get dropping into lava now?

@Peyago You can’t duel in starter zones in wow, but understand what you’re trying to say. Auto decline would be a good feature

To also add, whatever comes out as a majority on the forums, is not the majority for the entire player base, most people aren’t on the forums

The Code of Conduct would consider that to be griefing and would result in a penalty being imposed should that player be reported. Thanks to what happened on Kovah in the very early days of the game’s EA, a case fairly similar to this had to be dealt with.

  1. Would the notification occur before you enter the zone, or after you’ve entered it?

  2. If we are talking about a PvP minigame zone, I see no real issue there, provided it is a “safe” minigame, although it would be an annoyance. But if we’re talking a PvP zone that doesn’t have those “safeties”, there are typically punishments for dying, whether it is lost of gear, experience, money, etc. That’s where my concern comes in.

Edit: Every decent MMO game I have played with a PvP zone that has penalties for dying has a Code of Conduct clause that explicitly prohibits luring.

I play FPS a lot and know what you mean, but I kind of think you’re overreacting a bit

Boundless is not an FPS

Pretty sure anyone who makes fun of people for not wanting to PVP in a building game is only making a fool of themselves. Lol

If you make a slingbows that can shoot another player, it is.

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Come on. You know what I mean.

Minecraft has lots of FPS mods. It hasn’t changed the basic character of the game. Nobody calls Minecraft an FPS

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I’m not overreacting. You have to believe everyone else is not stupid to believe they may have a point. Then you have to care what they think to believe you made a fool out of yourself. It doesn’t take a large portion of a population behaving in a certain manner to have effects through the community. We already have people here on the forums who don’t deal well with disagreements or social adversity. Just look at how upset some people get when they get flagged. :man_shrugging:

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Not even the same comparison. In minecraft you have to go to a server that even offers pvp. In boundless we all inhabit the same universe. Even if it is a separate planet, it is still the same universe the pvp oriented players are not off on their own server and separated from the other players. They are in the same universe, using the same portal hubs, and buying from the same stores. The players are not restricted to a planet or beacon, even if the pvp activity is.

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I mean I know what you mean, I see those ppl all the time on ESO “PvP me”

But roblox has PvP. Do you think roblox is toxic because of it?

I’ve made my point here DK, I don’t need you to agree with it.

I dont even understand whats going on here. can someone catch me up? offering a thousand coins for it

Some people want pvp
Others do not

Where’s my 1k

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meet me at your mall. use it to fund :popcorn: for future arguments. I trust you to pick the right flavor

also, I think pvp would go quite well with summonable, lootless creatures. could make for some pretty interesting games. destiny 2, anyone?

OK It goes something like this:

Someone designed a game and released it without PVP.

Sure enough a few time units later someone showed up and said “hey I want to have PVP, You should PVP me.”

They started a forum thread and some people wanted PVP and some didn’t.

The people who didn’t want PVP gave their reasons and the people who wanted PVP said “No we really want PVP you PVP us.”

Then there was some forum PVP because some people wanted PVP. Eventually enough people got blacklisted/ignored and things settled down.

Then a few weeks later someone wanted some PVP so they came to the forum and started a thread saying “We should have PVP”. Then some people came who didn’t want PVP and they gave their reasons (again) and the people who wanted PVP said “nah dudes you’re just scared of PVP. You should PVP me.”

Then there was some forum PVP until eventually enough people just quit and things settled down. Maybe osme people got blacklisted or ignored.

Then a few weeks later someone wanted some PVP so they came to the forum and started a thread about how we should have some PVP. So the people who don’t want PVP came to the forum and gave their reasons for not wanting it and then the people that wanted PVP basically told them “Your reasons are minimal and PVP rocks you should PVP me.”

Then there was some forum PVP and that went on until everyone was tired, and maybe some people got blasklisted and/or ignored (LOL) and then things settled down again.

Until a few weeks later when another person decided they wanted some PVP. So they came to the forum and started a thread about “Hey we should add in some PVP.” Then a bunch of people came and gave reasons why they weren’t interested in having PVP and the people who wanted PVP basically said “Nobody will force you to PVP you’re complaining over nothing”.

Then some forum PVP ensued until , IDK the devs said they weren’t going to add PVP and so things settled down for a minute.

Until another PVP enthusiast decided that they wanted to try and get some PVP. So they came to the forum and started 

OMG the irony. Basically it’s what I posted about earlier but just on the forum instead of the game.

So anyways I’m not sure what iteration this is, but that’s pretty much what’s going on again. Where can I pick up my thousand coins?

In before the lock :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry, your too late! DK was quickest to answer

Did the devs ever actually say they will not entertain PVP in Boundless? Because that would settle the issue pretty quick.

And it is very clear you have had a bad experience with people goading you to pvp
 but that does not mean Boundless cant learn from other games, and take precautions to discourage/prevent pvp trolls.


While PvP worlds or items locked behind PvP are a definite no-no, It would be nice if hitting a player with a snowball caused them to receive the same debuff as when being hit by the snow spitter.

Basically you get hit, you receive a debuff. When you reach (i think?) 20 stacks of this debuff you get defeated but can revive with no EXP penalty. I think this could be a fun way to have PvP, so long as an “opt out” button exists.


Im down with this. Always kinda wanted to ambush random people with a group of people throwing snowballs for like 30 seconds. Even without any debuff. But i figure this might enrage the devs and I would be considered trolling because people cant take a joke.

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No it’s been stated as, basically, last priority.

Aye but it’s pretty thick irony how it pretty much plays out in any game that tries to appeal to both pro and anti PVP players. And I can’t help but see the pattern in the frequent threads about it.

Once it’s added, it’s a “PVP Game” :man_shrugging: