đŸ”« PVP in Boundless Poll

I personally disagree in my experience.

I played a ton of destiny 2 and eso pretty much exclusively in PvE and never missed out particularly by not playing their PvP modes. I occasionally would PvP just to mix it up, and I think it enriched the experience. And on the flip side I play a lot of PvP in overwatch and CoD and battlefield all of which have large PvE modes. I don’t play PvE in those games other than to mix it up, but I don’t think the existence of PvE hurt my PvP experience, if anything it enriched it.

I think there’s also a difference between “I don’t personally care about PvP” vs “I explicitly want there to be no PvP mode” that isn’t reflected in the polls (though it is in the comments). Both are valid opinions for what it’s worth.

I do think “adding PvP would take away from dev time for other stuff” is a totally valid argument. But some basic PvP modes and hopper ball and paintballs etc for mini games shouldn’t hurt anybody IMO. It’s easy enough to make all PvP opt-in only.


it always comes to the fact that some people like it some dont.

I would like to have some sort of pvp, but if you ask what would be best for the game 
 i dont know.

I would argue that if devs can pull all the titan stuff out of their butt the game gets more interest.
Im an old fps player (cs.dod.cod
 you name it)
But still i see when game doesnt really need pvp.
As stated alrdy in this thread i feel same way about pvp would have to get more devs time in the end. Im not ready for that cause i(we) just waited over a year for this plotting mumbojambo to end.

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Na. It’s only a valid argument if it comes as part of a “
I don’t want the dev’s spending time doing X right now

Otherwise, it’s just people saying “I don’t want it, so they dev’s shouldn’t do it. They should be concentrating on only things I want”.

If that was a valid argument, how many features would ever get built? I’m sure there was people who didn’t care about farming at all. There was definitely people who said they shouldn’t bother investing anywhere near that much time on revamping plotting rules. Private planets? Nope!

The only features we’d get are ones that the dev’s spring on us with literally no warning or discussion, and I don’t believe an absence of discussion is beneficial.

Dont know does this apply today.
Also james has said they focus first PvE then PvT after that PvP

PvT? Titan?

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I would imagine its either
player versus titans or
Player versus terrain.
Player versus turbulenz (i like to knock out ross the pie man)
Also back in 2016 someone suggested testicle but i assume thats out of the box.

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