PVP -prestige needs perks- Ideas

This game needs PVP. T7 should be free for all kill anyone you want.

Prestige in a city should entitle the guild or owner of the highest prestige to claim open plots for 7 days after they expire

Sorry buddy but no more platform hunting, game mechanics should dictate that players move across zones to spawns meteors using grapples

there should be an automatic block sorting storage machine

There should be more stuff underground, like jumping puzzles and hidden treasures,

designated pvp areas and matches

there should be a comprehensive city management tool, including eviction.

portals should hold months of shards

blueprints should be incorporated, and able to be sold

trash talking should be encouraged, everywhere

P.S. all my ideas are completely correct, thank you for reading them


There’s already more than enough pvp for my liking. Any more and I’d probably just stop playing if I’m to be honest :sweat_smile:


The game isn’t built for pvp. If you have such a big issue with a player that you feel like you need to be violent toward them, you’re playing it wrong.

Being able to claim plots after they expire would entirely change the mechanic of regeneration, but it’s not a horrible idea, especially for bigger cities.

Platform hunting has nothing wrong with it, I’m not sure what your issue is here.

Block sorting would be amazing, but everyone would want different parameters, so it would be a big undertaking to incorporate.

Hidden treasures would be cool, a few of us have said remnants of old builds that expired should linger as ruins. Again would change regeneration.

Already talked about pvp.

Similarly, if you’re having that many problems with someone that you need to evict them, you’re playing the game wrong.

Portals should definitely hold more than they do.

Blueprints are an interesting idea. Not sure how they’d functionally be incorporated though.

Trash talking = playing the game wrong.

“P.S. all my ideas are completely correct, thank you for reading them” is probably the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard


I agree on few of these, but PvP wont help too much, i dont see a way that mechanic can help the game…

I see why you say that and i kind of agree, but i dont think other people will, if you like i was thinking of doing on foot hunts (group hunts)

100% true

Well there should be more city managing and also more economy connections with city management

Could be ok but not really, there people would be able to just put a lot of things around without letting anyone who doesnt have the capacity to make those to do anything

Just get out of here… those kid needs to trash talk are so over rated and imature… (yes i do that but in games where it has any meaning to do it… not here…)

Amm while it might be fun it would be hard to implement on regular worlds, since if one person finishes the dungeon its again in the same place, so ppl will just come back 4 hours later and do it all over again, on the other hand if it was on exos, that could maybe work…
But with anything of that kind you are killing the Sandbox part or it would be just useless to have a puzzle when you can build lol or destroy…

Well myb not months, but maybe do it like Spark generators for every block you have a slot for the Oort shards or smthn like that

go play MC?


Oh hell no.

Absolutely not, if you want someones stuff or land that is expiring, then you need to camp the beacon and be on time like the rest of us, or risk having it regen or someone else taking the plot.

There is nothing wrong with platform hunting, and removing it, might only serve to upset part of the player base. It also provides an easyer entry point for new players into group hunting

Another player should not have the power cause someone to lose and or her stuff. This serves very little other then a tool for abusing other players.

Go play LoL, I am sure you might fit in well with the players who like to trash talk and not win games.


Boundless should be played on an 8x8 grid and the knight character should be forced to move in an L-shaped pattern.


I want optional PvP, would be a great addition to Boundless. I disagree with most of what you said tho :woman_shrugging:


There are some suggestions in here I like, and some that I am strongly opposed to. This is a good post! It creates discussion.

That being said, people, dont flag posts just because you dont agree with them. That is not the intention of the flagging system.

I have put in a request to remove the flag on the OP.


In addition to this, i dont wanna be rude, but things like this need to be discussed and all of you keyboard warriors who get offended easier than a spoiled brat, i dont get you… most of you here are from US, why tf do you want freedom of speach when you wont let someone speak…

This post didnt have anything that is breaking the CoC… so i dont get why flaging it…


I love trash talking with friends over discord. It’s so much fun. We laugh for hours. Everyone In my guild tells me how trashy my builds are. :joy: It’s great.

Blueprints would be awesome too. Both for moving your base. Or selling. I know my guild mates would love to see my trashy builds all over the universe. Hahaha. Who wants a Mech!

As far as PVP. I’ve been contemplating moving the reapers ninja warrior course to alder and actually trying to do an even. (I’m not good at organizing events and it is currently on lutrion. Aka laggy Mclagsville)


Ye, but still it should stay on discord with friends, i do it also, and its hillarious but you know, not everyone will get it :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, now let’s keep it civil and not start calling names. Discourse is a skill that is learned and refined. Not everyone is as good at it, they just need practice. Set a good example to learn from.


Yeah right on. I don’t trash talk in game. Just discord with friends. We still laugh about the time @Saalt asked me if I could put my mic on push to talk during a hunt because my PlayStation controller tapping was too loud. Hahahah. Gets brought up every couple weeks when I’m tapping my buttons loudly. Hahahaha. Thanks Saalt.


Because many people self entitled and they will only acknowledge the freedom in a self centered way.

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Ye, sorry, but still i really hate those kind of people… i mean you tell me, was there anything offensive here? except the fact that he was ignorant and egoistic (and that is nothing bad, its his personality)

Ye, and that is totally fine (and i got that one too, mechanical keyboard…) ahhahah i actually enjoy some daily dose of trashtalk with friends hahahah

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Idk, but here in Serbia you get a slap for acting like that… even from your parents when ur younger…

(we are a bit of a old fashioned culture way country but still i support it, too much spoiled kids, even adults these days)

In the US, if you try that, you get the kid threatening to call the police or social services on the parent for child abuse, so its gotten to the point where some parents simply can’t punish their kids correctly.

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The issue that was cited to me (via DM, I dont have the ability to directly review flags) was the endorsement of trash talking. The flag had the right intentions, but I feel it was over zealous in its use. Now, obviously trash talking and attacking players not only against the CoC, but against the very spirit of the game. While I (and the flag) strongly disagree with the endorsement in this case, there is no rule against suggesting it in this manner.

Please, we do not need more discussion of flagging practices in this thread beyond this. Please keep discussion along the guidelines set out by OP.


@Havok40k I agree, I did not break the CoC please unflag my post