PVP -prestige needs perks- Ideas

That’s pending. Only a dev can do that, provided they agree. Obviously anything they say goes above me on this matter.

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Edited after seeing Havok40k’s response.

Original post

Why in the world was OP’s 1st post flagged and hidden?

Whether or not you agree with a post, doesn’t mean it should be hidden or flagged.

He didn’t break CoC, he didn’t use obscenities, he didn’t threaten anyone - he just posted some ideas with a touch of sarcasm.


Lol. It’s been handled :slight_smile:

Maybe allow PvP in unbeaconed areas? Maybe in beaconed PvP areas? I’d be delighted to fight for fun and maybe even for reward; but this shouldn’t upset the game’s other mechanics or have any power to evict players from their land or steal their resources.

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Not a PVP fan myself, but I know many are. For me I would like to see it away from the core game, like maybe on a separate PVP planet or something so it could easily be avoided by those that don’t want to partake… and the PVP planet should be a color palette match with an existing planet so as to not put desirable materials behind a PVP block. Just my 2 cents.


I don’t mind PvP as long as it’s opt-in and limited to clearly-defined zones that you have to actively seek out.

Ideally, that would be a separate World, and preferably a World without unique resources, or possibly read-only resources (no mining, no gathering). That would prevent players feeling like they have to go there to get something they otherwise can’t get. No mining/gathering would also mean bombs can’t be used to pull the rig out from underneath players, although if building is allowed it should also be destroyable.

I have bad memories of the newb gankers that preyed on the unwary in UO. I have since learned the real world is filled with such cretins and I’d rather to have to encounter them in my leisure time too.


I can support a little of the post, but not much I’m afraid. Like Designated PVP areas and matches. I have long been a supported of player built arena’s that become PVP zones. I think it would be good fun to build a gladiator arena and pit the top hunters against each other in a battle to the death… but outdoors, wild areas, exos, no those are already cut throat enough competing for resources, don’t let me shoot people down, because I will, and I don’t want to make enemies but I need those bean plants.

I think portals shouldn’t outlast a beacon, other than that I’m all for them getting more space for fuel, maybe not months though.

I support more improvements to city/settlement management, but things like the controller of a city being able to claim open plots for 7 days, will only make the feuding/merging prestige wars more vigorous.

I like the idea of making and selling blueprints. I would love to be able to buy houses and move them wherever I wanted, there are lots of talented people that could benefit from this system. To counter some other players arguments against it, it should still have a plot requirement to building it, if you don’t have the plots to build this massive thing, you can’t place it. If you do have the plots, you could reserve the area in minutes anyway so you don’t really afford someone “time” to react anyway.

And… Pretty much everything else I completely disagree with, but I can’t be constructive in response to most of them so I will just end the reply here.

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Plot wars!

I often daydream about PVP, and don’t think it’s necessary, but I think it’s possible with specific PVP planets. I used to have a ridiculously long write-up of a “minecraft mmo” as I called it 10 years ago and it’s crazy how many mechanics have already been covered by Boundless. There would need to be some big changes but I also think they could build a solid foundation on things like:

  • Anyone can break beaconed blocks. For owners and those with perms, it would be as strong as any T7 or so. For ‘enemies’, blocks are extremely strong and would take a ton of time to break with the proper tool (impossible with others), but bombs deal a moderate amount of damage. Beacon controls, portals, and some other things are unbreakable (in this scenario, though we could go the route of total destruction).
  • New mats for PVP-related gear are only found on these planets, and that gear (weapons, armor, etc) is still valuable in PVE so big guilds and merchants would want their own little militia forces or bodyguards… introducing mercenaries!
  • Death penalty debuffs are increased substantially, so it wouldn’t be worth it for players to hop back into the fight and prolong a losing battle.
  • Players do not drop inventory (or maybe they do, future decision), but chests and storage can be destroyed and looted. Though valuables would most likely be returned home asap so I’m not sure how lucrative raids can be. Perhaps new incentives should be present.

Edit to Add- Catapults. Multiple blocks like machines set to mesh into catapults, with different parts used for different parameters (damage, range…) that can launch bombs.

Just a few thoughts that I think would essentially be possible with some tweaks. There are plenty more ways I think they could make PVP a reality without any non-PVP players even really noticing- other than the big ominous red portal scaring them away!

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If you drop a block of lava on someone, it’ll kill them…

Someone could potentially build a “pvp” arena, and use lava as the weapon. Attacking each other while avoiding the lava run off on the ground…

I’m surprised no one has made one yet to be honest.


Can we drop lava on T7 worlds? I guess you could do it given build permissions on a beacon, but how to make a game out of it, lava flows in all directions by default, limiting your own movement as well as the other person.

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Objectively correct on every front :clap:

I imagine liquid breakers would be just as important to protect yourself defensively and not screw yourself over offensively.

Each combatant gets 5 lava blocks. Arena size varies between duels and team deathmatches, but the ring itself is a reserved plot at sea level so you can plot under for the floor but randoms can place blocks. Allowable buffs can be worked out.

If one combatant is too aggressive and throws their lava down too fast, the more defensive one can snap all 5 up and have 10 to go into attack mode. I’d say grapples are allowed but we’d need to take measures to not let someone grapple high and avoid the fight…

To ensure no banned substances like healing potions make it in, we have to fill our inventory then drop it all in storage to show the full amount, then remove the allowed mats/tools?

I’m in.


I mean you can have PVP, but it will most likely be a setting on a private server or a mod, in either case they would probably be disconnected from the main universe since they dont follow the rules

See: Long term game funding

there is a lava arena in squanch ville


On the idea of PVP, I still think having organized guild wars would be interesting. This would also benefit players who built tanks or hunter citizens, seeing as a lot of people have gotten tired of traditional hunting.
Not entirely sure how the wars can be conducted, but maybe have a set time limit and designated land plots that act as “warzones” between each guild.

If you need to include incentives and new rewards to get people to participate in PvP, then there’s every chance that people don’t actually want the PvP, they want the rewards. I’d say it should be introduced as something without special rewards (at least initially), so the devs can get a feel for how much demand there really is for PvP.

Hell no… unless by ‘valuable’ you mean ‘Good, but no better of different than what you can get without doing PvP’. Nobody should be forced into participating in a playstyle they don’t like, and PvP as a playstyle is divisive enough without that on top.


What does platform hunting mean?

On some of the planets there are platforms built in the air right outside of the zone trigger. It helps trigger a meteor faster

PVP in boundless?
getting killed while harvesting gleam or orbs? spending hard earned money on exo trip to get killed? monsters already doing it :stuck_out_tongue:


the day Devs wil add open pvp to boundless it will be the day ill quit
(pvp dedicated world - i can live with it as long as noone will be able ti kill me anywhere else)