PVP -prestige needs perks- Ideas

Or even a setting on a beacon to make that beacon a pvp zone- this would open up SO many mini games and competition and a new meta to enjoy :slight_smile:


For this, Corruption could be used as a material to produce the elements that are necessary for the coliseum by the lore, xD

I think it would be interesting even to see it as a spectator a 1 vs 1 fight in platforms and scenarios where they have obstacles and have to use all their ability. Giving rise to another reason to meet and socialize. It would be attractive content for streaming.


I’m not opposed to PvP zones, so long as there’s no reason for regular players who aren’t interested in PvP to go there.

That said, PvP takes a great deal of development and testing time. I’d much rather the developers worked on other things first.


Oh of course, like the warning you get when you’re about to walk through a portal and don’t have the protection skills for that type of planet. Boundless’, unofficial, motto “if you don’t like doing something, don’t do it” - and that of course means you shouldn’t ‘have/need’ to partake in anything you don’t want to :slight_smile:

Yeh I agree, a thought for the future perhaps :ok_hand:


I guess the thought at the back of my head would have been a PvP designated planet? Though if there were colours there people wanted, It’d cause conflict.

Someone’s building a nice garden, wants some of the green gleam from said planet, arrives with her tools, and is immediately killed and spawn camped.

It’s a great way to get people to join, and it’s also a great way to get people to quit. You basically just change the demographic of the game.


I really like the idea of opt in PvP games but absolutely hate the idea of open PvP.
I think being able to change your beacon type to a dungeon beacon and then offering different games both PvP or dungeon challenges would be a great option.
I would happily open up my catacombs to ort ball or another kind of opt in pvp.


^ 100%

^ Would kill the game for sure

Yes :joy:

When I properly thought of how to add PvP to Boundless, the only solution I could come to was being able to have a “pvp zone” toggle in a beacon. And have warnings before people enter said zones to prevent griefing.


I think the safest way is to use separate planets if it is done at all. That way the portal can clearly warn players before they enter. With it just being beacons you can create some real issues for players in settlements where some areas might be PvP and others not. And also with some of the large road systems across entire planets. If the roads were all PvP then just to get somewhere exposes a player to PvP risk. and if it is in a settlement it could be easy to trap a player in an area where it could be very hard to figure out how to get out with out going into a PvP.

This portion is not in response to Ovis

My preference would be to not do it at all as part of the Public Universe. If players want to have PvP then they can rent a planet and change the rules and do it however they want without making the developers code and balance PvP into the existing game.

I do wonder why sometimes with all the PvP games out there, why it is necessary at all to introduce it to Boundless?


I agree with you here. I would rather the dev time be spent on other aspects of the game, like maybe the chat system.


I meant other incentives to specifically raid, so ignoring your first comment.

2nd comment is rather narrow-minded. I play the game to build and have fun with other people. I don’t like mining, gathering, forging. And I’m not big on hunting. But building only gets me xp rewards and a minuscule amount of coin which I spend on building mats… and I still have to go mine, gather, and hunt to be able to craft my own mats. I love building so much that this is still my favorite game despite being forced to do things I truly dislike doing.

When I have to go through the whole process of dropping my build inventory to suit up for gathering on a high tier planet, spend all my money on tools, go gather, and risk dying to spend my day getting rocks which will take another 5 steps and hours of work/waiting to turn to marble… I’d literally rather be in my office working.

Yet I’m not over here saying I don’t want mineable oort because it doesn’t fit my play style. So you don’t want PVP… If they added one planet with PVP enabled, with one new resource only used for melee weapons and armor created for PVP but still effective in PVE, you’d really have such a problem with having to buy armor once per month or two?? You don’t want other people making money? It would bother you that much to see a portal to a PVP world that you can easily never walk through?

I mostly don’t care, because I play other games when I want to fight. I’m not asking for PVP here, I just think it would be fun and wouldn’t affect those who don’t want to do it. This is just a scenario where, when I’m all pumped up as a competitive person, I could switch gears in-game and not have to play something else. I like war, but hunts are dreadfully tedious messes that only serve to provide mats because they aren’t intrinsically fun… or they wouldn’t have:

Instead of PvP i would rather have an official modding system and private servers…

Adding official pvp means the devs would then have to deal with the constant balance issues, griefing and over all complaining that would happen with any implementation.

Just think about how many ticket we would have of “so en so killed me and took my regen spot”

If you leave this up to modders that’s a whole lot of headache you dont deal with.
On top of the never ending balance issues that will come with PvP…
On top of all the PvE nerfs that would happen to because its abused in PvP…

everyone wins… except people that want to pvp in the pve sandbox…

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I really don’t see any points against a designated PVP planet that couldn’t easily be taken care of. Scrapping my post about raids, let’s say no damage can be done inside a beacon at all, but there is a short delay before that protection kicks in so you can’t spam defense. No extra mats or items… now:

  • T7 planet. Portals to it are very clear as to what they are.
  • Color palette already exists on another world.
  • No skills change. No tools, weapons, or mats change.
  • NOTHING CHANGES except we can kill each other, which probably takes LESS coding than protecting us from damage. We don’t drop anything on death but get a lot of experience for a kill.
  • Because you’re protected in your beacon, it would be stupid for anyone to camp nearby. Most fighting would happen out in the wildy.

I simply can’t fathom a good reason not to make this possible. I hate saying there are aspects of the game I don’t enjoy, but it’s the truth. I played MC creative mode to build. Getting attacked by creatures while I’m mining/gathering, which I already dislike, is the exact opposite of fun for me. I don’t complain about people having 20 million coins while I have less than 20k because I choose not to do the things that provide coin. But seeing the same people declaring that the game would be ruined if there was a new activity that they wouldn’t enjoy absolutely befuddles me.

To those who love farming- there were people who said that would ruin the game too. There were posts on this forum after farming was released that said it did ruin the game. Were those opinions objective? Of course not, they were upset that they’d make less coins selling their berries. We need to be more open minded about new aspects of the game.

EDITED to remove a rude comment^, sorry friends!


Farming ruined a lot for me. But I didn’t sell those mats. I used them. And I won’t waste plots or time in building a farm. So now I just play less. If pvp can be on any planet it would ruin aspects of the game. If it’s designated to specific planets I’d never have to worry about running into it therefore I’d have no worries on it being in the game other than seeing forum posts about being camped or targeted etc.


That seems reasonable. I think your viewpoint is literally insane.

You’re just said you spend large amounts of your leisure time doing things that you find so unpleasant that you’d rather be at work. If you genuinely believe that makes for a good game, then we are never going to find common ground on this (or perhaps any) topic.

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Well, I have to do those unpleasant tasks in order to get the mats I need to build, which again is the main reason I play. My point is that what I love about the game (building with my choice of mats) is kept from me by grinding or spending money. And again I spend the money I get from footfall and leveling on mats before grinding. I don’t grind as much as I should, ergo I don’t get to build as much as I want.

That’s the nature of the game and I don’t think it would be any worse for non-PVPers/non-builders to have to pay for one thing that they don’t want to gather. Especially because gatherers who don’t build much are pretty much raking in coins and don’t have much to spend them on. See my posts on “broken economy” threads about that very topic.

And if you take unique items out of that idea, then what is there to argue? PVP on another planet in this game is just about as out of your way as PVP in a different game on your PC. I understand the comments on annoying forum posts but we’d just have to understand that they aren’t going to make a different game for it and the only reason to go there is for the thrill of surviving and beating other intelligent opponents rather than one-track AI that is strictly responsive to us.

Grappling around and the general ability to stay alive are human skills. Some are better than others even with the same skills unlocked. This idea is deeper than “get in there and fight”. It has real opportunity for many types of competition.

For the record, I am garrrbage at PvP games. I’m a great strategist; terrible gamer. I wouldn’t spend THAT much time on this planet. I just objectively think it’s a good idea and I would definitely go there from time to time, more often than not to have some kind of 1 on 1 with a friend or to spectate. We wouldn’t all turn into bloodthirsty animals when we go there if there’s an established competition in progress and no player drops.

There are games out there where you can get camped/targetted (such and wow) and it promotes people to treat others how they want to be treated. If you wanna camp someone, be sure to get camped yourself. This will either deter that person from initially camping, or start a very interesting fight as either side gets their friends together.

But I’m still for having specific beacons, I’m not opposed to specific planets being PvP, just haven’t given that too much thought yet.

But whatever changes are made to the game there will be (more times than not) equally both good and bad points to it

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If it’s specific beacons there’s a good chance it will make people stop exploring planets or visiting places.

I know I’d stop exploring if I had to worry about beacons having pvp.

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100% not, just don’t go in a PvP beacon. Same way you’d avoid someone’s beacon who has lava all over the place

If there’s not a highly visual cue that if you step on a beacon you’ll enter pvp 100% yes it would.

Also you’ll have to worry about people baiting you into pvp beacons either with slides or maybe even shop stands

So many ways it could lead to problems. A lot of stuff would have to be done to get it just right. Lot of coding. Time better spent on getting titans and other promised things into the game