Q&A: Character Progression

Was working on editing because i had to think about how to engage such an insane chain of logic but i tried my best.

But just to stay slightly on topic. let me try to atleast look at the argument and chain of logic

A) Fairly sure breaking things are not considered “Building” if we use the oxford dictionary

“Construct (something) by putting parts or material together:”

What i personally see the “builder” as is what i used to call “Architect” or “Designer”. Someone who can make special blocks or props for houses and stuff. Maybe they can unlock shaping patterns by leveling up or they can learn to place and make blueprints. doesnt mean people cant make a dirt house. or even a stone house. just means they most likely wont have a fancy castle with banners and stuff.

“Hunting” can either be the combat profession of using a slingbow or actual hunting which can give you meat and skin from animals. Which i assume you wouldnt be able to get otherwise.

As i said above “The way i think it could or should be done would be like anybody can destroy a tree. but if you dont have the right tools or the right skill then you will get a broken block which can still be planted as a block but is useless as a crafting material”

They already stated they will have a fundamental founder tree so it depends on how well it is done. But flat out saying that “Everyone can do everything just with a few minor lackings” is a blanket statement and even if we assumed you said “i think” then i would disagree because i think it would make alot of professions useless. It is the balance again between “I can do everything alone” and “i can do nothing alone”


Thank you. alot clearer what you mean then. If that is the case then i agree to the knowledge we currently have available. In the end i personally think it very much depends on HOW often you need to upgrade gear, if you need to get new gear every 2 hours then it might quickly become a problem. but if you can go a few days with the gear you have and then still work but be less efficient with lower tier gear i think its completely fair that you need to get a crafter to make stuff for you

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Fair enough - I should have said that it was my personal opinion that we can do everything… not a statement of “this is how it is”.

I’m unsure of your logic though with regards to this…[quote=“Zouls, post:182, topic:4189”]
“The way i think it could or should be done would be like anybody can destroy a tree. but if you dont have the right tools or the right skill then you will get a broken block which can still be planted as a block but is useless as a crafting material”

surely this would mean that people would have to start the game as a crafter otherwise no one would be able to do anything?

From my statement that everyone can do everything (with the exception of the tree specialisation buffs etc), my logic behind it is based in real life. I personally do archery, so can use a bow. It doesn’t make me a hunter, but I can at least ‘have a go’ at it. My chosen speciality is what I do as a job every day. I know things about my job that your average ‘have a go’ person will not.


Apologies for not making that clear enough. As @Vastar mentioned if everyone can start by getting tier 1 stuff for harvesting and such they can atleast make the most fundamental to survive and get going. I assume this is part of the “founder” tree.

To use one argument to counter if “in the real world” was an argument (Personally getting horribly tired of that argument -.-')

Can you skin an animal without ruining the pelt? Not as in “almost” “kinda” or “maybe” but as in “Perfect enough to make protective armor for yourself?”

Then to the Argument that Ben uses which i absolutely love “Its a world made by 1x1x1 meter squares. The same logic doesnt apply in this world”

This is a great categorisation about how Boundless should feel at 1.0


But it wasn’t an argument it was an analogy.

Also you could say the same about the “argument” “It’s NOT the real world.”
Both “arguments” don’t help the discussion in any way.

@ben It’s good to know that the way Boundless should feel doesn’t include arbitrary walls^^ Gives me still hope^^


Quite commonplace with Zouls. Ad hominem only works when it comes from him and he tries to get away with it by calling it “logic”. But I’ve found his “logic” to always be easily corrupted by emotion.[quote=“Stretchious, post:184, topic:4189”]
From my statement that everyone can do everything (with the exception of the tree specialisation buffs etc), my logic behind it is based in real life. I personally do archery, so can use a bow. It doesn’t make me a hunter, but I can at least ‘have a go’ at it. My chosen speciality is what I do as a job every day. I know things about my job that your average ‘have a go’ person will not.

This is also my personal speculation. And I agree with @Thorbjorn42gbf that anything else would be too restrictive for a sandbox games. Finding a settlement to trade with or joining with guildmates should be a nice reward (imo). Not finding traders should not be a punishment (imo).

I would think that all fantasies are based somehow on at least someone’s own experience of a “real” world. Otherwise there’d be no appeal because people couldn’t relate to them (and in the case of games, couldn’t suspend disbelief enough to buy into the plausibility of their characters doing activities X, Y, and Z). I’m guessing the same is true of Boundless. There’s still gravity. There’s still water, dirt, trees. You have even personally argued for novices not being able to perfectly use (craft) certain blocks. So why is a novice being worse than expert fine for you to use but not ok for @Stretchious to use when he also compares it to the “real” world?


Probably not, no - but I would have something to eat at least…

You have to admit though, there are many similarities… bipedal characters, opposable thumbs, food, bone, relatable fossil fuels, metals and minerals, gravity … planets. There are probably so many more, but I’ve already over-stretched my lunch break as far as it will go :wink:

Edit: Ok @Clexarews beat me to the similarities bit!

Edit 2:

Thanks @ben - I try ^^ (I’m very trying sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: )


I feel this. I think this thread is about to explode and I’ve got too much on my plate at work to follow it :frowning:


that is why. Cause im too deep in my own ranting to notice when i ■■■■ up. which is why i expect someone else to point it out (Thanks). Sorry bout that.

for the whole “there are real world things” Well. there are also 1x1x1 blocks. there are monsters, flying titans. Portals with so much energy to a distanct place on the world if not in the entire universe in less than seconds. I dont think “in the real world” is an argument (nor fitting analogy) unless we talk a setting that is made to actual resemble the real world (what some people finds the biggest problem to be in the division. you can excuse aliens taking a ton of shots but it doesnt quite work in the real world) Which is where we talk mainly survival games like Rust, The black death, Ark (set in a future world with “real” humans which is why they have human needs). Boundless neither uses humans nor the earth. nor our universe. Its a fantasy world. not the real world with some slightly changed elements. (This is unless they introduce a race which is literally called human. then we can start talking about it)

I mean we have a Rock cat race right now for gods sake.

PS: My logic is not corrupted by emotion. its corrupted by opinion and previous knowledge from everything else i have learned observing patterns in various games i have played.

“You dont have the right to an opinion. you have the right to an informed opinion. Nobody has the right to remain ignorant”

Whist we always encourage healthy discussion, it feels like this thread has gone on a bit of a tangent. I’d hold your breath for a bit longer – we’ll share more information on the progression system as soon as we can and shed a bit more light and have a healthier discussion.


Was honestly what i was waiting on when i was first stalking around. but since i was called out i decide to rant a bit. Look forward to a bit more. Can you give a hint though. is “Hunter” gather skill for leather and meat or is it the combat skill of using a slingbow?

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To be fair, I didn’t say, “where is Zoul’s arguments?” I said where is Zouls? :smiley:

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Right here as annoying as ever. Some will call me the devils advocate. I prefer to be called Lucifer himself. At your service. Now i can go back to just stalking once in a while when i get bored and check in every few weeks. After all it seems like the place is still fairly “everybody’s opinion is equally valid”. Bye!

Seems like items will last for a few days:


It’s not as simple to explain as that. I want to give you the details you want but it’s still in the oven, promise more info when we’ve rationalised the designs.


(Distracts by leaking some in-progress GUI)


That is an awfully saucy bone


Unacceptable. Everybody here knows I am the embodiment of chaos! :smiling_imp:


For any new comers, if you want to call upon Havok’s leadership services you have to pay in souls :scream: