Q: What server configurations will be available for Boundless?

If you want to build something big and share it, build it with others together … If you want to build something very big for your own and share it, have an own world cut off from the normal B< universe, so that people can visit you but not with there own equip and progress in normal play (because that would ruin all batman ingredients efforts).

But keep in mind: as you build big buildings you will also generate XP at that time which will give you additional plots… So that could be also a positice side effect to make own servers obsolete for you.

I’ll be honest, this is a question to which I’ve wanted an answer to since I knew privately-rented servers that were still connected to the boundless universe would be a thing. It is basically the deciding factor of whether I think I would pay money for one or not.

I’ll play boundless either way of course, and I’d spend a good deal on time on public worlds. If a rented server gave me the scope to build outside of the plot limit while on that specific server though, I would absolutely pay the monthly fee for it. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t bother with it.

I don’t want to be able to pay for actual advantage (and I don’t think unlimited plots on a private server constitute that), but I don’t mind paying extra to be able to play the way that I want to when I’m feeling less sociable.


I want to touch a question about size of servers. Will servers have different sizes not only in amount of players per world but in amount of chunks too? Will it be related one to other? Will it relate with visible size from nearest worlds?

For example some server can be cheap and small like a planet of le Petit Prince - 5€/m, 600×600 blocks, 12 players; or huge and expensive like Starkiller Base - 50€/m, 12800×12800, 256 players.

How will be private worlds attached to universe graph - will the owner choose place between stars or private worlds will be exist in some kind of parallel space (1 hop to every another planet)?

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world size trivia:

The game actually requires worlds to be at least a certain size, or else we’d need to do a LOT of work in the rendering. The problem is your draw distance is about 1km, which is a 2km diameter sphere (lets say circle for now to talk about chunks), and the largest LODed chunk is 256m across which adding in a buffer there means in terms of chunks that get rendered you can be rendering in a worst case approximately 2.5km in a single draw of the world (so ignoring portals which are seperate draws). If the world were less than about 2.5km across, we would need to do a lot of work in the rendering to be able to support the fact that with wrapping, the same physical chunk can be in more than one place at once during rendering, and supporitng that wouldn’t be easy by any means, not just the actual rendering itself, but all of the visibility/occlusion queries involved too.

Seperately from this, the world generation, and yes, even the texturing, requires itself certain discretised sizes for wrapping of the world itself, and of the block texturing, to work everywhere. The biggest LOD chunks are 256m across, which means the world size must be divisible by 256. Seperately, we have blocks whose texturing is based on 2x2 and 3x3 grids of detail, which means the world must also be divisible by 2 and 3. In total, it means our world size must be divisible by 768m… except there is something (that presently I cant remember), that requires divisible by 2 world dimensions at each LOD level, which means the worlds actually have to be multiples of 1536m so that the largest LOD level can be even sized.

Combining together, we get that the possible valid world sizes are multiples of 1536 starting from 3702m, so possible world sizes for the game to function are 3702, 4608 (the current worlds are this size), 6144… and so on.

A seperate issue is then precision, which in testing starts to show up issues once the world hits a size beyond around 8000m I believe from memory (We already have many precision issues even with just 4608 worlds, particularly for rendering transforms, but these have largely been resolved now).


Thank you for so detailed explanation.

In other words, prepare to pay a lot if you want to rent a private server :wink:

Expect me, i have internet with 50 mb upload :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m going to respond to the questions on this thread once I get a moment. Been busy with the releases.


Bump time i quess ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi @james,

Is there a little bit more information about the option ‘Self Hosted Servers’ now that Boundless had its official release ?
I would like to run my own servers (with my own worlds) to play with friends to make Youtube videos.

Can you please provide some information about when we can expect to have our Self Hosted Server.

Thx in advance !

I wouldn’t say it’s released quite yet, they are still technically in early access until the September release, and likely not focusing on this, therefore.

We don’t have any more information to share at the moment.

Thank you james, I assume you will inform all of us when there is more information available ?

That goes without saying…

sorry, posted in a wrong place - ignore

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Its been almost 4 years since the original post, so I would like to ask gently if there is an update about the development for Official Private Boudless Servers and Self Hosted Servers.

  • Official Private Boundless Servers - Players will also be able to buy and create their own world. These worlds will be accessed from the main game universe. Players can control who has access to their world.

  • Self Hosted Servers - In addition to the official servers, we also plan to release the Server for players and communities who want to host their own worlds and servers. Privately hosted worlds will not connect to the main game universe.

The game is actually pretty awesome, I think these two features would give much more potentials.
Thanks for your time and work in regards to this, keep it up!



They may have missed the mark with player-owned servers. They did not strike while the iron was hot…

Agreed, some cities have 50, 60, 70 million or more prestige now. Cant see people wanting to move it all to a private server now

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I am still new enough that I would like to buy my own planet :smiley: especially if I get some sort of customization parameters (terrain amplitude/frequency, rough color palette, climate)

Understood but as @Krollbar stated, they had a great opportunity to get many new planets online paid for by willing players that have since invested a great deal of time and effort building on a public planet and many have already quit due to the squabbles that happened because of only having the option to build on public worlds (people getting their towns absorbed, people plotting in the middle of others build areas etc). Some of these problems have since been addressed by the devs but we lost a number of great players who might of still been here had they been able to build on a world of their own.
Also, with their tech to bring exo planets in and out of the boundless universe I would of thought adding private servers would be an extension of it (and therefore easy) but maybe they know things we dont.

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