QoL: Add a warp mode, similar to build mode

There is no way to see planets through each other or through clouds. So, in the same way that you can use build mode to see through snow or see plot outlines, it would be great if there were a wireframe overlay when you pointed a warp totem at the sky.

I’m not sure if this is related to the weather bug/issue. It doesn’t matter if it’s day or night, if you stand there for 20 minutes or two hours. Sometimes planets even block each other.

I took these screenshots, while trying to locate a Sovereign. I waited through several day/night cycles, in vain. I think the skies & clouds in this game are stunning, but a wireframe overlay, a pop-up nearby planet menu, etc would be a nice QoL addition.


Agh this was me last night! I was getting super frustrated looking for an exo. I didn’t own a weather totem either so I was stuck running through portals hoping it would clear up 🥲

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All I can think of is:


Could this be a PS thing?

I only play via PC.

Ahh. From the screenshots I thought it was a PS. Here is what it looks like to me right now. Still cloudy but not as bad as yours.



I made a post a few months back about the fog lol. It’s been going on a long time it seems. I have stacks of mummy brews on hand at all times now. Not ideal but it works for me.

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:+1: It’s just the clouds and planets blocking the ability to see/warp to planets that I find most concerning at the moment. I know the weather bug comes & goes and can be annoying too, for sure.

That is stupidly bad. Your one night shot was close to mine but all the others are really bad to see. I don’t have that level of fog but the clouds overhead are almost always there on most planets I go on.

I do have the draw distance on epic and the render distance changed to 24 in the JSON file so maybe that helps???

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A while back when I was hunting almost every day, I edited a couple of JSON files so that I could see meteors from a longer distance, etc. I believe you can also edit weather/particle density via JSON files too - I never messed with that because I don’t mind the weather so much. I’ve long since reverted all of my files back to vanilla though. No edits, no mods currently.

My current in-game settings:

I see thick clouds in the sky & the inability to see planets in your screenshots as well.

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Those are pretty much my settings also. I have the anti-aliasing, bloom, distortion and texture blending all OFF. Other than the one JSON setting that’s it.

Yeah the clouds are all there

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I think if I turned off the settings you mentioned, the fog and stuff would probably go away. I like the visual effects they create though (I know most ppl don’t).

The clouds are nice too imo, it would just be great to be able to locate planets lol.

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Which goes back to your original statement about a warp mode. I agree 100%.

For me I think Krib is the worst. I have given up with totems and warped to people as it was easier.

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Yeah I would be on board to have an option to let people turn on when the Plot Cube are showing (B key) that we can then see planet edges… we already see the planet plots in green during that time, so a simple outline of the planet seems to be a good idea to add.

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or make the weather quirk a easy to get boon so cheap clear weather sticks are easy to get…

The weather boon doesn’t effect the clouds/planets blocking planets though.

It does get rid of the clouds… i use them for every Exo now as I could never see through the clouds…

The planets still block each other, but exos usually move quite quick, but can be a pain for sovereigns…