Questions from a new player

I’m not arguing with you, I was just stating that nobody wants to officially name it. Most people who spend time there know everyone shares that feeling. I’ve seen you go over the name topic over and over again, and suggest that name many times. I was just reiterating that we don’t want it. It’s a democracy. no King here.

I never want to be a leader of a group. I’m playing the game and thought it’d be cool to build around a content creator (YouTube). So I did. I’m not even pretending to be leader, I just happen to be the most active on the forums out of our village’s population. At every single point it has been “we”, or “our village” or the “group of people I play with” and I never want it taken otherwise.


<3 <3 <3 <3 I prefer to be called content creator. :stuck_out_tongue: but it’s all good, just stating what the gathering is about.

Okay skippy. I’ll fix it and call it content creator

the city wasn’t posted to the forums, because of the constant nagging for plot donations, or coal donations, or hey come to my city instead. We also didn’t want a whole bunch of dead plots hanging around.

stay away from my friends with your recruiting. they don’t want to give you plots, they aren’t going to give you items they grinded for, and they aren’t moving to your cities. we just want to play.

Lol, that felt extremely passive aggressive.

It’s true that organically growing has it’s shine. Well city planning and inviting people has it’s shine too. I’ve spent well over 390 hours on the game (a little too much), and I want to see what I’m working on to actually work.

If posting cities or settlements is so wrong, then Dragons Watch, Therka Market or Pixel Gate would’ve never come to existence, or have done as they did. And I wouldn’t call constant nagging, asking once to come and build something. How is it wrong to invite someone to a city? If I never did, maybe they would’ve never thought about it.

Seems somebody doesn’t like someone coming at their fun town to see and look at the buildings, and just giving an invitation to another place, cause weird concept, you just don’t have to build in one.

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That was not passive aggressive at all, it was blunt, and to the point. You feel that this was directed at you, but if it was I would have said so.

I also don’t appreciate words being put in my mouth. I never said posting cities and settlements is wrong. That works well for organized cities. We just prefer to remain the way we are, unorganized, hence, not posting to the forums.

I honestly don’t even have words for the rest of what you wrote, since you took the post personally, and filled it with assumptions.

All I’ve done is state the general attitude of the people building here, my friends and I. I really do stand by it. This is why we stay away from the forums.


I’ll say it again as I’ve said it before. I love that settlement and like seeing it grow as it gives me new ideas for builds.

But if the people there are actually complaining about invited to a city, well then I’ll stop.

It doesn’t need to be one or the other, why not both?

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There is nothing wrong with being proud of what you accomplished, why don’t you open up a portal somewhere here leading to your city, in a better spot? there is no ruler here telling you not to do that, people will organically come to your place, you won’t even have to leave home to get people to put up plots.

I’m aware xant has one, but its a bit of a travel for most, and they don’t find it.

Technically, when settlements are released, there ‘will’ be a king of sorts, at least in the sense that there will be one person getting naming rights to the settlement until someone dethrones him ;p

So technically there could also be a Jester?

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I’ll just say that I’m personally quite grateful that they decided to advertise the town to me. The location is exactly what I was looking for and I never would have found it with some help from the the other members of the town. I also was not at all confused about the name. I understand it has no official name and that xant simply named his tree (Which is not a bad idea considering that is where the portal to pixel gate is). I’m going to continue calling it Redwood. However, I won’t claim it as the official name or something like that. ‘Redwood’ will mostly be for my own reference. I also never assumed xant was leading the town or its progress. Although it was quite clear that he put in some really good work on the town and clearly is passionate about it and wants to see it grow. It seems to me (based on these posts) that your more interested In controlling the town than xant Is. Simply my day 1 observations.


I don’t even care about your drama here man, clearly you lack the ability to read or form paragraphs. I won’t go over, for you, what is clearly written out beforehand.

I have no want to control a city or village. I’m just speaking for my friends who’d rather avoid this silly forum drama, like you just displayed.

That’s cool man. We aren’t looking for a King in a system that isn’t deployed. :slight_smile: And when it does come to that, any settlement i’m in will be based on democracy. No kings here. Dethroning through vote.

I don’t recall having an issues with drama in the post until you showed up. Not to say your points are invalid. I’ll reiterate, I’ve only played one day. I’m simply calling it as I see it. And I have very little experience with the operations Of the town so my opinion is only so accurate at this point. However you were the only one to make clear threats and I don’t feel that’s how most people are going to want to town to operate. Again, I could have missed something as I’ve played only one day. So if somewhere I’ve collected an incorrect bias, I’m happy so discuss it with out the drama you invited to this post. Thanks(:


Your point “I’ve only played one day” trumps the rest of your statements. its not even a town. i’ve been trying to get my friends interested in the game, showing them the ropes, the city has grown organically. We just have a few complaints about the general way things are encouraged in game. People are pushy sometimes, it’s normal, not every type of person is going to get along, find your place.

Maybe you should give this game some play time, OR, even better, make a separate beacon plot in another city like pixel gate that gives you what you offer, before you start assuming the order of things.

This game does not NEARLY have the infrastructure or game play to support capitals or cities yet. and I have no interest in pushing people around to do things. we just want to play. We just saying, if you come around near our builds and try to tell us what to do , we will block you out, as most normal people do, in real life.

I love this game, and I’ve been following it since OORT, got really interested when Sony got involved, and stuck by for the engine rewrite. I’m anxious to see the games infrastructure implemented, but have very little interest wasting time doing things that have no infrastructure yet.

and besides, when I, and my friends, and my future friends get together in Alpha 1, we’ll go for a capital, but on a tough world. We won’t be on homeworld long.

I’m content to build exactly where I’ve set up thanks. I’m sorry but your the only one acting pushy and the only one making threats. I’m simply trying to say that there are better ways to get your point across without targeting people the way you have. Everyone else has been nothing but kind and helpful. They all seem very reasonable and I believe the would be more receptive of your vision if you approached them differently. I don’t personally want to influence the town one way or the other. I simply want to enjoy the town as it develops.


How about this: we close this thread, leave it as it is, archive it and forget about all of this, and if Slick has questions, we invite him to the discords, the unnamed town or the boundless discord, or even dragons watch discord. Or he can make another post.

@Faelan would you close this thread?


Agreed. We are really far off topic at this point. Thanks to everyone that helped me out.


Well the last far off topic thing I guess.

Here’s the discord for boundless, enjoy :slight_smile:

Everyone take a moment to chill … closing this one down for a bit as it’s gone down the winding hole of personal poo flinging.

It may be back later depending on whether people can just be nice to each other in the mean time :kissing_heart: