Random Sound disappearance

I had this happen after mining for a while and then there were some nature sounds in the background and I noticed that some of my mining strikes would not make a sound, or lacked some reverb. It did sound like it was hitting a maximum voice count.

i get the lack of sound mining at times on ps4 very annoying especially when worried going to hit lava

Me too. I was going to make this same thread.

PS4, north America

I occasionally get no sound chiseling during storms and during a long mining session.

I get this all the time and have to restart the game because it doesn’t rectify itself. I’m on PC.

And while we’re on the subject of sounds… None of the Spanners have sound effects when being used to repair machines or coils. Well, the stone spanner has sounds but none of the others do. (Iron, Gold etc.).

Happens regularly on PS4 as well.

Just ambient noises seem to stay, animal, digging noises etc all go dead.

What Speaker Type options did you have the game set to (this can be found in Settings -> Audio)? I imagine it may not have any dramatic effect on the actual issue itself, but it would be interesting to find out all the same.

Mine is whatever defaults on ps4. Has happened with tv speakers as well as when my headphones are plugged in

Same as Venom above. I’m on PC though but I’ve never played with the speaker type options. So, whatever is default is what mine is set at. If it helps, if the system auto detects input, I don’t use headsets and just have a small set of stereo speakers.

I have this bug since i started playing, roughly 2k Hours ago.
With the newest patch i set my Output to headphones and will see if it still occurs.
While i am here, is anyone actuallyreading our ingame Reports? I report this on a regular base together with reporting a griefing Player and nada happened so far.

No changes from default audio settings; speaker type set to “Stereo”.

I had this happen to me for the first time last night at the tail end of a truly epic play session, so the theory that this is related to doing something a lot seems legit.

It was my hammer sounds that sometimes didn’t play and I was experimenting with colors in a build so placing and smacking tons of stones. Also looted a build like a locust from top to bottom :innocent:. Lots of dismantling functional blocks

Default setting for me whatever that might be on ps4.

Happened again last night. Going to sanctum and back and forth doesn’t fix it. Everything goes silent except ambient effects. Did die a couple of times to spitters and hoppers as you cannot hear them attacking.

It randomly comes back again sometimes and sometimes when mining, the rock hitting sounds sound like they are a million miles away, barely audible

I do use both TV speakers and equal headphones to play

quite annoying when hunting to be honest but with mining it does save me getting twitches from hearing thousands of rock bashing noises :stuck_out_tongue:

For the most recent replies, was this occurring before or after the update yesterday? There was a sound-related fix listed in the release notes.

Last night was after the update.

Mine was happening the night before the most recent release. I remember wondering if it was related to that and then going oh yeah that release isn’t out yet

Thanks for the reply, I’ll pass your comments onto the dev who does the audio.

It’s been happening for me for a number of weeks. I submitted an ingame bug report around the time it started.

Can you remember roughly the date when that was submitted?

I can’t remember the date but it was roughly a few days after the update which added the sounds of thunder etc. I remember that we were all having sound loss issues when the thunder started and that was very quickly fixed. So, this issue would have started shortly after (a day or two) that fix and it would have been then that I submitted the report.

I hope that helps. I’ll try and remember to take note of the dates when submitting reports in the future. Thanks, vdragon.