Rarity of new liquids ... not always available to all

What competition? Normally in a competition the rules are set up so every person has an equal chance so skill or luck become the way to “win”. If this were a true competition then every player would be playing at the same time and have access to the same resources to see who was better at finding them. Since it is not then I would say this is not a competition.


I missed the first 3 exos last night. But am I sure glad I stayed up late and then went to the new lush Exo world. I got some resin and 150 exotic yam bulbs. And it was a frantic rush to get what I could. I’m sure by the time I got off the planet there was no resin left I didn’t explore the whole planet though. At times I wish I brought my scythe to lop off the heads of people coming near me. I’m sure my evil stare did almost the same thing. :flushed::point_right::skull: Lol. It was kinda fun though. Anyone have some petroleum they want to trade for resin? 1 for 1. Won’t be on till later though.

Petro is waaay harder to find than resin imo. :mag_right::mag_right::mag_right::mag_right:


Imo we should leave resin and petrolim alone.

If you are able to get to an exo, then you can gather these liquids.
If you don’t go to the exo with the liquids, then you buy them.

There are things that are not supposed to be easy for everyone.

(I went to an exo yesterday for like an hour and got at least 100 resin and petrolim, I was using my weakest skill page too. Just bring an atlas)

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Just want to add another disclaimer in here:-

I have absolutely no problem with resources being rare… it’s just that they’re rare for the wrong reasons. They should be rare in the quantities a single player can get in one sitting… not universally rare that only players that are on at the “right time” can get all of said resources.


If it was able to regenerate players would just sit there and gather it all.

A somewhat increase in quantities found would be okay, maybe even world regeneration on it’s own.

(If we had gather debuff how long would it last?)

I haven’t tried to look for it. Is it only on t7 exos?

Yes T7s

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If it regens then there is no gathering it all since it can be regened, unless I am missing your point. Players that found a spot would be able to regen what they needed. And maybe even use it for more than farming.

But that what makes a game.

Trove, Ganda is rare.

COD, certain skins are rare.

MH, certain weapons are rare.

Games have resources that not all players are able to get. They’re only on higher tier worlds, which means that anyone < lvl 30 probably couldn’t get them. Only 80 people can get on that world. So on so on. It’s all relative. Put the time in get the rewards. The resin and petrolim was in abundance on both of them worlds, there was loads.


I guess i’ll Have to try and get some on the next t7 Exo unless it’s umbris. If that’s the case i’ll be in full crazy mode.

Note. I WILL grapple you into lava for umbris.


I just think we shouldn’t be able to regenerate it ourselves, since it’s a rare liquid on T7s.
Now if it regened on it’s own over time that’s fine. This way players throughout the time limit of the exo can have some liquids.


Someone needs to get me some popcorn!


Thank you.


Rather than change the entire setup of exo’s maybe the better solution would be to put the liquids on regular t7’s since they already have regen built in.

Edit: not sure if this would be an easier change for the developers or not but I think it might be.


This post strikes true in so many Points…
I am approaching 3k Hours now and i think i managed to get to 2 or 3 exos by now and bring back small samples of the new ore. Farming is a Nono for me.
.I was so happy for the new deco blocks and then i saw whats needed to craft them. Again a Nono.
It is sad, but ultimatly, the lack of new, affordable Content, meaning by timevsreward, is killing it for me.

And @scrufola i found you a way better place for a bark farm! :):sunglasses:


I dunno maybe lol

Just a solution to where it keeps the rarity somewhat.

Why does it have to be rare in the first place?


As much as I want newbies / late comers to have and enjoy the new contents, I dont want any debuff that limit the way we play.

As I would suggest, the resin / petrolim should have some natural regen waves like in 4hrs per regen. So it would be better.


I’d say this is pretty close to how I feel as well. If it wasn’t for my build and my guild I would have probably moved on by now. Its a great game, but with time constraints it can wear you down.


Because it’s for rare plants, and it’s on T7 exos.

Game would be boring if we didn’t have rare hard to get stuff imo

(If everything was the same, and easy to find then we would all be playing creative mode, and no thanks lol)