Rarity of new liquids ... not always available to all

Please no!

This all has side-effects.

Recently I was out farming Gleam…and I caused a Meteor to spawn. The Meteor landed close ( no problem I was in a hut that would keep me safe from mobs )…but my regen bombs all stopped working.

Happened again on an Exo Planet…all farming had to stop because Regen bombs aren’t allowed near meteors. I have not been on a hunt where regen bombs were an issue…but golly did that change start impacting me.

This would be the same. A debuff sounds good in the wild…but what about around my base? I want to move my inorg farm with Petrol…or a build with Petro …ooff hit the cap and I have to stop?

Please no.

With how useless the block is…they should just make it so you can regen bomb it lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Rarity to me in this kind of game is only good for the economy. And let’s be honest. The economy in this game is not in a good state. There is no real win in this game. For those that like to build more than anything rarity sucks. Its enough of a grind to gather the mats already and wait for the crafting times.


I can’t wait to see what happens when a T8 or T7 umbris spawns



A stupid question here. New liquid can’t be regen by bomb ?
Usually the block type material can regen by bomb right ?

It’s not a player/time problem. I agree but it’s also not a exos-are-a-bit-too-rare problem either. The problem is the resin and petrolim are too easily acquired because they’re not widely spread. For rift and blink, the seams are more widely spread out. Most veins consists of one up to maybe 5 or 6 seams per spot. For resin and petrolim, you can get 50 upto maybe an SS. If the resin and petrolim were to be spread out like how rift and blink are spread out, it’s very possible there will be some left before exo expires.

Hmm, made me think of something… what if we had some exos that popped up for much shorter periods, but more often? Could even be designated separately to distinguish them in their names, so if you see one you know. Each day maybe one might pop sometime, but for like a few hours tops. That would give more value to the other stuff on them too, like if they popped nice block colors. That would be fun to look for, have little brief raids.


God i hope its like 000.1% umbris. That will be a fun day.


10pm, 1am and 6am are the times. I was more just replying to your bitchy comment.

I’ve just been on to the T4 now, literally 10 minutes and have 100 resin?

Again I don’t see the problem.

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The tiny ponds of petro only have a few pieces in them and are very spread out.

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I play plenty of games where they do not make items so rare you cannot advance without luck of being online at the right time or have to spend hours climbing over a planet to find a resource and I enjoy the game in what I can build and create as a group or as an individual. (space engineers as an example)

I think the problem is in what makes an item rare. I am fine with an item being limited to a scant percentage on a certain tier of planet because then it is rare and you do have to make an effort to find it but every player has a chance no matter what time zone or how limited their playing time.

I am not suggesting that Boundless become creative mode. But I am not sure that items are not so rare that it discourages players from engaging in entire parts of the game and I am not sure that is a good idea.

I guess where I really get concerned is when they offer private planets, are we going to see half the player population leave to play the game where maybe they relax the grind and rarity of resources? That will be fun for the players that are left in the live universe.


Rarity isn’t just for the economy. It’s for excitement, and a tiering part of the game. I’m not excited if I collect dirt, or water, because it’s plentiful. I love to build with rare items. Infact I was doing it yesterday, used some resin in my workshop. You don’t have to get the rare stuff if you don’t want to.

MMORPGs+RPGS are supposed to have grind


I got resin and petrolim. But I find no excitement from gathering them. Yay I get to spend 3k coin to go to an exo to hit this item with a forged shovel. Hip hop hooray lol

And I never said there shouldn’t be grind. There’s plenty of it in gathering mats for marble. Not to mention all the crafting times


This is a unique game, with a unique way of doing everything. There are planets, and trekking across mountains and rivers. When you do this you’ll find wonderful resources. I also enjoy building, a lot actually.

But instead of complaining that it’s too hard, I go and get what I want and build with it.

Sure, more exos would help.

There are discouraged players in every game. This just happens. You can literally go to any game forum and find threads of players complaining about something.

I think Private Player Planets would be great, and no players won’t stop playing on the main worlds.


Well some players would. I for one would be one of them and I know a few others.


Here’s my problem with the liquids. And this is coming from someone who has 3-4 smart stacks of both. There is nothing rare about them. Its all about timing. If you’re able to play when the exo spawns you can get everything you want. If you aren’t, people say its your fault and just use the economy. There’s no real challenge in finding these resources. There’s no grinding involved.

My suggestion, although its probably too late anyway, is to remove the ability to place it in an atlas. If you want something to be rare and rewarding, make people feel rewarded for exploring the world. And it reduces the chance it gets wiped out in 1-2 hours.


I just force chocked both of those cats.

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I do not think all players will stop playing on the main worlds. But I have been part of several conversations where groups want to form a private universe and change some of the grind and rarity of resources. I think the numbers might be more than you would expect, but this is off topic.

Edit: and the developers might not care. As long as people need a game license to play then they are getting paid


Yes definitely off topic. Well the private worlds can be purely building worlds. I don’t think they should have resources on them. So maybe small-medium sized lush T1s (or whatever is a good size everyone agrees on)


I am not talking rental planets which are part of the live universe. . I am talking private where players are not part of the public universe and cannot access the public universe from there since they can change the rules. There would be no interaction with the live universe from these planets


Rental planets in general (private and public) shouldn’t have resources, and all should just basically be builds/workshops.

Those private world players would still have to go get resources on live planets.

(In games with private places you still have to interact go to public live places to get what you want)