Is that so bad? Most games that continue to be developed move away from what they were over time. A good example would be WoW who, I’m sure, has a different audience then 15 years ago. That can be seen with all the “classic” re-releases we get. I would definitely be interested in a Guild Wars 2: Classic.
And while Boundless added a lot of cool stuff and I’m really looking forward to the unlimited skill point system they also added many changes I don’t like.
The farming update killed regen farming for resources.
I don’t like farming, it’s boring and tedious. I always liked the concept of regen farming and liked creating them. Before the farming update there was a choice on which tier you farm (higher tier required better tools but rewarded you with more secondary blocks). Since the farming update the only thing you still farm on anything but tier 1 planets is bark and maybe gravel.
The footfall rework killed what was left of footfall for any build that’s not in a major city.
Why do I get less footfall for a build in the wild then someone that just snagged a piece of road in a city?
The decorative crops made Oort more scarce and increased the cost of portals. That was - in my opinion - uncalled for.
The minter resulted in such a huge influx of (botted) coins that you basically have to do the minter-daily job to be able to keep and and pay for the ever increasing Oort prices.
Reservation system
While the reservation system was a cool idea the implementation is so incredible bad that it should just be removed. The reservation system should never ever snag up plots that get freed up after the actual plot was placed.
Guild Buffs are way to strong and expensive
Now you just have to be part of a big guild that supplies you with these way to powerful buffs. I don’t like that, I would prefer to be in my own guild alone.
Sovereign planets
I’m not a fan of fenced off places in an MMO. And the fact that you can reroll them with cash until you get the perfect planet devalued any non-perfect farming spot. Nobody is going to farm gleam unless it’s a gleam ball.
And I already hate the upcoming cubit nerf with passion.
So yes, I understand why people would like to get new things but personally I don’t see maintenance mode as something bad. At least they aren’t going to take away my toys.
That was the free weekend.
Kickstarter bonus are always best effort and not a guaranteed pre-purchase. You might not get everything but on the other hand you might get things that are insanely broken which current players can’t get anymore (like the double plots bonus).
I will only comment on reservation [and cubit berf]
I lke it for its intended purpose. However if its removed without an immediate alternate solution to settlement borging, then that is more harm.
If it can be improved, great, but i just do not think removing it on its own constitutes a solution when that can bring back a far worse issue in my eyes.
If they scale the cubits or update it to align with todays ratio it wouldnt be a nerf. But so far we’ve seen them scale up the max skillpoint level without the cubit adjustments sadly.
I would prefer a match. So you would get the same cubits per xp ratio as you do right now in live, just at the rate of the new levels.
So although it might take longer to obtain your cubits, you wouldnt get less cubits than you would for the same xp right now.
I honestly believe that these types of threads have run their course as they always head one way.
The positive view no matter what arguing with the “doomsayers” - and as one of the more pessimistic ones, despite playing a really can’t see much value in this discussion- or similar ones until we get some sort of news from James.
Until then it’s a speculative view that one side or the other will denounce.
Appreciate everyone can post their views but I think we are all 100% aware that:
The game isn’t dead
The devs still exist
The devs aren’t talking
Nobody is truly happy with the way the game is
Most people aren’t running away because if the way the game is
All these threads are pure guess work based on our own mentalities, views and opinions
Plus many more options I havrnt thought of while eating a sandwich
Its almost 1400 and I haven’t had lunch. I think people should post their favorite sandwiches to eat while playing boundless. Best discussion to be had imho.
Thank you for moving this to OT. I don’t think it’s a good fit for the other thread because there’s a lot of OT back & forth conversation in this thread. I’d have to split it a couple of times and that gets messy/confusing. Thank you though