Reached Level 50 + New Bug

Hi all,

Am I the first person to reach level 50 ? (I think I am)

But there is a beautiful bug when reaching level 50.
Look at images below.

I got a massive amount of coins and skill points !!!

(I guess it is time for me to spend some money and unlock every skill I can possibly click on :innocent: )


Banhammer incomming :joy:
I can’t believe you did this that fast, good job.


We all better reach level 50 as quickly as we can. :sob:


I already knew that you are crazy! Well now people will rush lvl50, and devs will need to reset our coins, or the whole game. :smiley:


I’m not rushing anywhere…


If it was that kind of plots, i would rush…


Man… I thought I was doing well to be on track to hit 50 first. I guess some people were silently grinding… heh. How did you manage to hit level 50 so dang quickly? o.o I’m assuming you found something better than mining a ridiculous amount of rock and crafting it all?

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Gleam, I’d bet. The EXP from refining seems to be many times higher than rock.

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coooool :scream: more screens pls))

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Can you spend that coin? Can you use those plots??

Edit: So ive been saying the value of coins will go up… I was wrong if this is actually spendable…

Edit: Go clean out the shops off all the inactive stalls on the therka markets xD

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@Karokendo - Thx, will you be the 2nd player to get to level 50 ?

@NerArth - Yes indeed, before they fix it :slight_smile:

@Kawwak - Crazy ? Nononononono, just Dutch. And yeah, lets do a server wide complete reset so all players can start all over again.

@Heureka - I know what you mean, but the plot rewards are not bugged.

@PendragonTheNinja - Silently grinding… I made a hell of a noise ingame and also at home with loud music of Mike Oldfield, Linkin Park, Jean-michel Jarre and Roxette. That kept me going while endlessly mining stone.

@AzureHelios - Got to level 50 all with rock !

@Nibuls - More screens ? What would you like to see ?

@Lynxdragon - Spend coins --> yes i can. Use plots --> I think you mean skill points ? And if you meant skill points, then the answer is --> yes i can.
I will not destroy the markets by buying everything, also I do not see a good reason for cleaning out inactive shops ?!?!

Now I can focus on building again. :smiley:


@SWProzee1 will you give me money?


Ehhh… No. Get to level 50 and you will be rewarded ! :grinning:


im working on it but i wanna buy soem refined emeralds taht are exorbitantly priced

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Yeah, don’t we all ?

I am not going to abuse this glitch, sorry.


Congratulations on 50, @SWProzee1!

I’ll gladly purchase some sedimentary rock from you. I pretty much used up all the Elop Portas stone on our latest build…


@SWProzee1 how much xp was it from 49 to 50? curious

Here is a link to the experience list;

At least you can warp all the time! It will not hurt the economy and you will be more faster. :wink:

Thx @Pseudonym84 for that list, but I do not recognize those numbers, at least not for the XP amount to get to 50.

From 49 to 50 I had to get 495.095 XP points if I am not mistaken.
Check your level and compare to that list, is it correct ? I doubt it.

@Kawwak - Yeah, that I will definately do. And I have to craft the warp blocks anyway, so I do not see any harm in using the coins for that.