
I ve heared a Long Time Player Marcel from La Familia has been banned permanent because he wrote lets say some Not Kind words in His Stream because someone was trolling him ?

He played over 5 years and If you do Not behave perhaps 1 time not as it should be you get banned for ever IS that serious ment ?
I mean If there needs to be a Penalty than First you could Ban for a week or 2 in my opinion.

Its too hard to bann someone who perhaps over reacted one time for ever .
This can happen to everyone, because of a Bad day or something ealse .
So do Not ban people permanent Instant. You already have a small Player Base and baning Long Time Players for their First Bad behavior IS Not cool.

He was all the time a very helpful Player , helped so many people in the Community He derserve a second Chance !!!

@Tiggs Please unban Marcel and give him a second Chance.

Greetings Turrican2006


Ultimately warnings should always be applied especially if there was never an offense in anything for a person. Obviously the context of the argument or the words say might adjust that but we are all human and when someone is attack you we can fall victim to bad judgement.

There always two sides to every story and bans aren’t taken lightly and I am sure he has had several warnings and temporary bans previously. Bans aren’t just given to someone for a one-time offense. That said Majorvex posted in Discord about bans in general:

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Hes banned. Not much to be done other than move on.


I get that there are rules that need to be followed and the devs have a responsibility to fairly deal with those who repeatedly break them. Sadly there is a lot that goes on in this game done for no other reason than cause trouble.

Marcel0206 is a good guy. He’s never purposely sought another player out to create a negative encounter. He’s helpful, honest and has done much for new and old players alike. To be banned for being backed into a corner by someone whose intent was anything but friendly, is just plain horrible imo. Soon all the good players will be gone


It was more than once. He was given multiple warnings.

He actually did. He bullied a newer player.



I know how many times he’s been warned and I know what for. It’s not so black and white yeah.

I have a hard time believing he would troll a geneuine new player with honest intentions…

I got one warning from Tiggs and was under a 2 week temporary ban. That was enough for me to take it seriously and not repeat my mistake.

Marcel got multiples and for all appearances ignored them. He suffered the consequences of his inaction. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :person_shrugging:



You may be right, maybe he was warned of something he ignored, and now he has to deal with it.

But what comes first? Is it the chicken or the egg? How can one ignore the thing he is warned against when it continues to shove itself in his face with the intent to get him banned?

I think there’s more to this than either you, and I know and sometimes there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration. That is truth.

Anyway, I came here to speak my peace for a good person, and I don’t frankly give 2 flying pigs what anyone thinks or if I get banned for speaking up for what’s right.

Good day sir :saluting_face:


Wenn ich Boundless mit einem Spieler in Verbindung bringen müsste, wäre es Marcel. Ich kenne niemanden, der mit mehr Leidenschaft baut und kreiert - und obendrein ist er ein ausgezeichneter Schmied. Er schätzt das Spiel genau so, wie es ist. Während sich viele über den Mangel an Updates beschweren, bleibt Marcel aktiv engagiert. Mit Ihrem Verbot haben Sie einen der treuesten Spieler von Boundless entfernt - jemanden, der auch sehr sozial, freundlich und kommunikativ ist. Er begrüßt jeden neuen Spieler mit Offenheit und hat keine Angst vor Sprachbarrieren. Ich kann mir das Spiel ohne ihn nicht einmal vorstellen.
Darüber hinaus muss erwähnt werden, dass wir PlayStation-Spieler keine Möglichkeit für Rabatte haben. Ich kann mich nur an zwei Verkäufe erinnern, die vor etwa fünf Jahren waren. Andernfalls muss das Spiel zum vollen Preis gekauft werden. Marcel hat 40 Euro dafür bezahlt - aber jetzt kann er nicht einmal spielen. Und das alles, weil er sich in seiner Freizeit mit einigen Unruhestiftern auseinandersetzen musste? Er verdient es, das Spiel in Ruhe zu spielen. Ein dauerhaftes Verbot ist nicht gerechtfertigt. Die Spieler, die für sein Verbot verantwortlich waren, standen ständig in Konflikt mit ihm. Warum haben sie also überhaupt seinen Stream gesehen, wenn sie ihn nicht mochten? Warum werden diese Spieler nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen? Die entscheidende Frage ist: Warum wird Marcel bestraft, wenn er nur Boundless spielen wollte? Seine zusätzliche Präsenz auf Twitch ist tatsächlich vorteilhaft für das Spiel - es ist nicht so, dass Boundless besonders bekannt ist. Ich weiß, dass Gerechtigkeit für Marcel sehr wichtig ist. Er kämpft für seine Rechte und setzt sich auch für seine Freunde im Spiel ein, wenn sie auf Schwierigkeiten stoßen. Ich bin überzeugt, dass er nichts falsch gemacht hat. Deshalb bitte ich Sie, sein Verbot zu überdenken und einzuschränken. Sie haben hier die falsche Person bestraft. Und wenn sein Verbot bestehen bleiben muss, dann fordere ich auch ein Verbot für die Trolle! Zumindest würde das die Dinge fair machen!

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Yes everything has two Sides but what about the behavior from the second one ?
If IT was written in the Stream its Not ingame my opinion and No reason to Ban someone diesen t Matter WHO IT IS.


Just keep the conversation civil please that’s all I ask.

There are many of us that play and have played the game. I think a lot of things have happened over the last 4-5 years that went unnoticed and unpunished. For me, I haven’t had a single warning or ban in the 5 years or so I’ve been playing. I’m not saying I’m perfect, I’m just saying I just try and get along with everyone and I’ve had my disagreements with a few people. The bans I am aware of I know were warranted in my opinion.

I know a good number of others that have never been banned or warned, so as I said a ban isn’t something just randomly thrown at someone because they are just playing the game.

Let someone say what they want (especially if you are recording it on Twitch) and then go report it if they are breaking TOS and the issue will be addressed.

And remember:


Hey! Where you been hiding out!

@Buugi yeah I don’t know if now if a good time to come back. I’ve let my builds go too

I agree with both @Turrican2006 and @Shadykatt34

Marcel0206 has always been a great helpful person. He has never gone around purposely trying to seek out people to troll. Always says hi to people, gives things to people, just an overall good guy for the community. He has plenty of materials to make things himself, but instead goes around peoples shops buying things from them to help the community fill their pockets of coin.

I understand there are rules, and he lost his cool, but when someone constantly keeps intentionally messing with him and there are no Dev’s ingame helping police this kind of behavior, it’s kind of the Game Owner’s fault. This game has had no development or monitoring and the trolls have taken over and getting good players banned or causing them to quit playing.