Red Gleam Griefing

Hit the nail on the head. There’s so much refined red gleam in the game from exploits its hard to believe it’s super sparse with ~15 or so locations dotting the map.

Maybe adding something like the crystal structures in the background of the intro cave scene?
even if it was to add fake beams of light? for dramatic effect. Crystal structures like that in caves made of something that could be processed into gleam would be a nice reason for the player to explore caves outside the region where gems are located… this could even give the player a hint in the direction to go find said gems, more gleam crystal structures? then less gems in the area… or maybe, crystal structures starting to take on a different color? gems might be in the area… something like a bread crumbs… its just an idea…

yes and no… if its not attached to a larger build you have permissions on then sure.


First of all, that’s my house, yaaaay!(the purple one)
Second, I’ve been farming that spot for a while. I was pretty mad when I saw yesterday his/her cruel joke.
I don’t know how I’m gonna finish my tower now. :confused:
Here’s a little update: he/she removed his/her beacons but left the plots there and changed the white gleams to red gleams.


So that troll reads this forums too and got scared, or he/she has been warned by the DEVS ?!?!

what if it was a dev testing our reaction to such actions… :joy:


That would be sick.

I’m telling you, it has James’ style written all over it



I also went and looked at this spot last night and noticed that all of the Beacon Controls are gone but the plots are still claimed.

i know of ten red gleam locations, Nature has 8 of them on lock down.

but yeah if the game was live this would be 10x worse, so good to point out the bad world design now in testing rather than later.


We’re all being watched at this very moment!!! :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Guys, I’m so pissed of that troll claimed these gleam spots uhhh


I know blue gleam isn’t as rare but I wanted you guys to know that I didn’t take the plots under the contest platform so those gleam will still regen and it’s open for anybody to harvest.


It would be nice to know if the devs are planning to do anything like add additional red gleam locations or what? Does anyone know what the response might be?

That would require an alteration to the planets generation which could potentially require a wipe of that planet. I’m afraid the community will have no choice but to safeguard the existing sources of natural red gleam for now, and wait until the 1.0 worlds are launched. Better world design will alleviate this sort of situations later.


Surely there is more gleam on that planet?

Find it.

Then beacon a plot above / below it so it can’t be claimed but will still regen.


I think about 7 spots have been found? Something like that. I spent an hour running round the planet and uncovered about 20 zones and had no luck :frowning:

I’ve found and reserved (by claiming a plot below) three red gleam flags so far. Just confirming there is more gleam out there.


I have three flags reserved, i don’t know of anymore out there that are still wild


Well it is good to know that other sources exist!

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then he ran off

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Weird guy. Denying himself and everyone else a good spot :frowning: