Red Gleam Griefing

Should have followed to find out where he lives… or at least enough to tell him that it won’t regen and ruins it for everyone.

I’m sure he knows it won’t regen. he has had those plots awile.
anyways he is on steam

Was this a social experiment :joy:


Apparently some of us haven’t read the Rules of Acquisition. No other context will be provided. :smile:


on so many levels

We never have these debates on Solum. :smiley:

Or we can find out where his plot is, form an angry mob with torches and shovels and BURN IT TO THE GROUND!!!
:fire: :fire: :fire:
:office: :tokyo_tower: :house_with_garden:


@james James, this guy’s not just claiming the spot below it. He’s claming the actual spot. What he’s doing can be defined as griefing, as he is preventing players from extracting resources.

I’m literally out here in the middle of nowhere, about 20 minutes from anyone, and there’s a beacon underground, underneath the red gleam node.

Claimed by Nature.

I know you guys don’t want to offend this particular player, but this -is- griefing. You can’t mine it. You really need to either add more, or perhaps make it a natural resource, which will allow it to randomly spawn. That is, if punishing the player is out of the question.


So, just for fun, I decided to keep running.

I’ve now been through 15/50 location on Vulpto.

I’ve found ~8 different nodes of Red Gleam

All claimed by Nature.

Like, I get the joke behind the idea, but you need to take a stance on this. This guy is clearly on a mission, and I think it’s stupid that the answer is, “Well, just place a beacon under/above other ones.”

So your solution is to weaponize it? Everyone just claims what’s there?

Isn’t that what you sought to prevent by making resources randomly generate underground?

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Gleam isn’t a resource like iron, copper, and gems. These spawn in blocks. Gleam is a block itself.

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I know, but the issue is that, to put a different angle on it, as a veteran of MMO games (especially sandboxes), I can tell you this as a fact:

If you let this keep going, he will claim every single red gleam spot. People like him exist in every game, and they think this is fun/ny.

Like I said, I get his game, but it’s really just bad taste.

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So go claim some red gleam for non-griefing. Farm it. And sell it at a reasonable price.

In the future the strategy will be less effective once there are more worlds online with more colours of gleam.


In-progress. Believe me. Wanna come? :smiley:

Anyway, just so I understand: your position is: claim it first, until it’s all monopolized. Correct?

If you want to twist my responses - go ahead.

I’ve clearly said that the world design puts too little gleam on that world.

I’ve clearly said that when there are more worlds there will be a wider set of colours and redundancy of the colours.

At the moment, if you reserve (plot above or below the gleam) then you can stop other players from monopolising it.

So I’m saying the total opposite of the claimed position.

I will happily help scout out more locations to help protect more locations.


Could you bring an umbrella? <3

Guys, while I do agree this is pure trolling, the guy isn’t doing anything the game doesn’t allow to. I know it sucks, but nobody can prevent stuff like this unless the areas get non-plotable which is not really fair imo.

If you guys are frustrated now, with only a handful of players in the game, save your breath for the main release. The forums will need a “Rant” section purely for stuff like this anyway.

As @james noted earlier, there shouldn’t only be one source of something and I’m sure this is gonna change before the release anyway.


The matter is when we go live we as a team just claim the ground below to protect resources. If people try to troll the locations by claiming it then we just don’t make that color important and don’t use it. Things are only of value if you associate value to them. If this guy owns all red I will have no interest in using it because it is now “unavailable” to me. So I will use another color… which means he gets no real satisfaction.


This is only EA, and I’m sure devs have learned the lesson about scarce resources. Let’s just move on with this :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s punishable action, it fits game rules perfectly and there’s nothing devs should do about it.


Don’t worry people. I know red gleam is a pain right now because of that stupid troll.

So I will hand out free red refined gleam to people so we all can use red refined gleam.

(I have plenty of red refined gleam left from my Giant Portal Hub project, but only refined. I don’t have red raw gleam)

Please see topic: