
This message will self destruct in 5…4…3…


Yeap I see the problem here. You forgot to connect the timer to the batteries.



Why the whole planet @majorvex?!? WHY???


It was Biitula. No huge loss.


Hold on, now I need to find my destroy biitula post a year+ ago.

Edit: Turns out I’ve made too many posts…but I think its the same gif and everything lol.


Well my guild is on that planet but trying to stick to our own stuff… So if this is the planet, then we are MOVING INTO YOUR HOUSE! We are homeless… :slight_smile:


Can’t move into his house, it’s been walled off :confused:

Maybe it’s time for the annual “do we need a wipe” threads?


ROFL It is that time of year again, especially now that I’ve started a build I may really never finish.

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She did tho but the batteries needed to be charged first!

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For me I don’t plan to raise that dead horse… I still feel the game needs more changes especially things like allowing people to move builds and connecting “creative” to MMO universes.

I wonder how far off rental planets are?


Is that Biitula?

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While I get my info second hand…everything that’s happening is a slow build up to them. Exos for example are proving they can add and remove temp planets. Now the current test provides them with a base line.

Edit: And to clarify, everything is subject to change and its possible I have misunderstood the information I got.


I’ll never tell. But my eight ball said, “It is certain.” :wink:

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Glad I got my little sand farm on Biitula while I could.

I really love the colors on biitula, I just can’t live there. It is a silly place. Great colors though.

As Runner once said, “Good tree, great foliage.”

I haven’t had any new information in a while. Personally I think creative will be the push until it is a bit more mature and people can use it. Like the ability to “generate a planet” with colors and stuff. Since that management layer was still missing anyway it will help to get that in place because it can then be leveraged for rentals.

Just needed it for concrete

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I…don’t have the sand from there yet… @majorvex cancel the op! I need 3 hours to farm!

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I’m just wondering if that’s really how we are going to get creative worlds…or is that just a testing environment that will be easy for them to move everything later? Is that going to stay like it is, or will it be upgraded to have live world types, PS4 support, etc? So many questions…

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