"REDUCE" low level ore from high level planets?

Don’t blame me :stuck_out_tongue: people above were saying they’d have to go on double the mining trips

I also like this idea in theory but don’t feel like adjusting our current ore drops is the best way to do this. When I first started this game I had the assumption that every planet had at least 1 item that only spawned there. If this were the case it would give every planet a reason to be gathered on. Also a reason to live there. But if they were to add a scarcity like this then I vote doing it with new resources rather than current ones.

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Copper is quite rare on most high tier worlds when gem mining. I’ve only found a couple areas that include copper where I gem mine. You’ll get plenty of iron, but I’ve had copper deficiency up until last night when I broke down and went to my super secret (not really) copper area with gems.


Because I use all the iron I get now and sometimes need more. If it is reduced on high tier planets then it becomes necessary to mine in two places to get what I need.

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I just got in game and I sold out a stand and part of another of copper again last night. 23,400 bars.

That’s what I mined and smelted (mostly) since the sell out message on the 2nd. Only one stand sold out that day so I had a couple thousand left in stock i think. Selling at 5c each bar.

I don’t know why you think that being a new player would make someone unable to sell this.

(edited for better accuracy)

What you on about?

The notion that there’s “too much copper” on any world, and also the statement above about “giving newer players a chance to sell what they can mine”.

Some of us say that because we feel the balance is correct. Basically the OP was about them being bothered that they found other resources beyond Gems and want to mess with the distribution and lower the numbers. I’m fine with it… if anything we need more distribution.

That’s not what I was saying.

Aye but you’re not the only one posting :wink:

Copper is relatively scarce on higher level worlds, and demand for it is huge.


Ah I see, my apologies!

I like the current distribution of ores/gems. I personally don’t want any change to it or see a need to change it. Titanium is also my main tool, so I need lots of copper and iron. I have a harder time getting copper now than anything else.

I really like this idea, and would definitely prefer things to be a better tiered so that lower lever planets are more efficient for lower level items.

However, I don’t think this would be a good change with the game, right now, in it’s current state. I already feel like it’s too grindy, and I think making a change like this would add to that feeling a bit.

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That’s my idea in a nutshell, but perhaps you’re right about the current state of the game :slight_smile:

Lol so you’re not making anything with iron^^
Also have you seen the new blocks.



If you are simply going to reduce the amount of iron and copper on high level worlds to do this, then I am 100% against this idea.

If you are going to take whatever was removed from high level worlds and add it on to the low level worlds in addition to whatever they already have, then that I would be fine with.

I have a roof on my one build that I made out of machined titanium. Took about 1k of it iirc. Once upon a time I was building a full metal vault and was going to use a lot of titanium in that too but got burnt out on building the place so it’s only partially done and will probably stay that way :sweat_smile:

Will see maybe I’ll start playing again with this next update and start finishing my builds.

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Yeh that’s my thoughts, take away a % from high tier world’s and basically add it to low level worlds. I don’t want nerf the amount of resources, just shift it around to give for of a reason to go to low level planets.

But maybe mining doesn’t have to be the catalyst for this, could be done with Hunting or Gathering too. Like Desert Swords or creature drops.

Would like to point out for others reading that diamond is way more cost effective for T3 than silver, since you don’t need to forge any damage on it :wink: I’m selling T3 diamond tools for 2.5k with some dura added on, I’d charge more for a damage forged silver tool which has way less durability.

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probably right with 3x3 but for single use Silver one-shots - haven’t tested with all 5/5 Hammer Mastery + 1/1 Epic tho