Regen Bombs, Botting and the Economy

Controversial topic, but I feel strongly about it. Please don’t start naming botters/afk’ers

My suggestion: Regen Bombs instead only speed up the natural generation over ‘x’ time frame in a the effected area, not instantly regen everything.

Botting, afking and the economy/future economy. In the past 2 weeks I have come across 5 people who I highly suspect we’re afk farming with an auto clicker/script. Growth (Shimmering Orbs), Gleam on Exos, Peaty Soil (I’m guessing in preparation for the new sellable Spark item). I even saw someone farming Silty Soil (I’m guessing they were botting/auto clicking because they were standing in a big area of Silty Soil but only destroying the soil in the one line in front of them and spamming regen bombs… I’m sure there is easier ways to get the soil, but if thy weren’t then you do you ofc.

I don’t even think I have to mention Gleam -> Gleam Doors -> Minting

I didn’t report these people because they could have simply been at their keyboard hitting the same buttons over and over again. Even when I say ‘hi’ they ignore me and if I stand infront of them they keep hitting me. The thing is, there is no way to prove someone is afk farming.

By ‘nerfing’ Regen Bombs this will stop/really slow down afk farming/botting for most people just using Auto Clickers. And it will actually encourage exploring, moving around, finding new places. Because right now it feels like regen farming is a necessity for making money/keeping up with the economy (without other obvious ways of making money like forging and crafting etc).

Personally, I regen farm a lot and love having lots of an item/block and when a new exo comes out I feel the need for getting as much gleam as I can, because I want to monopolise of the rarity of that block and make money. But I know some botter is going to afk there for 30 minutes at a time and get chests and chests of the stuff and sell it for cheaper and cheaper. There is a reason Shimmering Orbs price has gone down a lot but Hopper Cores, Bones and Adrenal Glands keep their value. Its because stuff like Orbs are being farmed by the masses. (I saw someone at a Shimmering Orb farm for an entire weekend. Now, they 100% could just love destroying Growth, and if so, more power to them! But I just doubt it).

So, what are you’re thoughts?
(afking is super easy on a PC compared to a PS im guessing, download an auto clicker, bind it to a button, done.)

  • I like Regen Bombs the way they are
  • I would like to see this change/nerf
  • I didn’t know about auto clickers
  • I’m now going to download an auto clicker

0 voters

If you vote, I’d love to hear your reasoning for your answer if you have the time :slight_smile:


I play alone and have big plans. Before I started using bombs it was pretty painful to get the mats I needed

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You would kill exos with something like this.


definitely yes. now it seems that only materials / resources that can’t be regened have any real value ( mob drops, plant drops, ores and items crafted or forged). your regular every day blocks and ‘easy crafts’ are bought by mind numbing grind and might as well be free at this point.

instead of creative and opportunistic gameplay, bots are getting rewards, the rest of us is getting bored out of our minds trying to get stuff, make some money selling regen-able materials or compete in any way.
while regening is convenient, it kills a big chunk of the game that could have been enjoyable.

I personally use regen bombs every day. I kinda have to now, but sometimes I remember the time I learned that they exist and it was like learning how sausage is made. a lot of magic went away that day.

severely nerfing regen bombs will cause a lot of issues of course.
what will happen to all the regen farms ?
how do I fix a hole I made by accident ?
how do I get all the exo materials I want ? ( maybe keep exos on for more days? instead of ‘farming’ you would have to do rounds. fast natural regen could be a thing on exos)
how will I win 2nd round of a Dodge bombs match ?
well, I do have a solution for the last one: foam grenades! bomb that instantly creates a blob of some worthless material, solidifies in few seconds, only works in wild plots, replaces air with first a semi solid material that later hardens into a rock equivalent… also Foam wars!

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I play on PC and find it easy to regen farm with a controller. I usually plug it in when I get on an exercise bike or decide to watch tv. I don’t even need to really look at the screen after I get started for anything other than seeing if I am still on track. Sunday I farmed out about 80ish ss of dark cerulean gleam while watching my college lectures for the week and then a few Netflix shows. With how much I accomplished with only putting in about 10% effort maybe it does need to be adjusted in some way.

However, I don’t care about the economy at all and would prefer my mostly “singleplayer” experience in this multiplayer game to not suffer because the developers aren’t willing to ban those who are botting. I’m also not willing to spend thousands of 100% active hours farming the same rocks every four hours when they respawn off of natural regen. I’m sure there are those who have a lot more playtime who wouldn’t mind, and they would love to make easy money on those of us who can’t be online and farm their respawn timer.


I wouldn’t sweat it. Seems like it generates money, that can otherwise be spent as a stimulus to other parts of the economy as well as creates demand for the mats needed to regen farm.

At least people are playing. If it’s going to be a nerf/change that causes 30 people to quit playing because the game got far more tedious than it already is, then I’m not sure I’d see that as good for anything.

Seems the right question to ask is “Why are people doing this?” Flesh out the issues from there and try to solve the issues forcing players to play this way seems to be the far smarter approach instead of “no more regen the way it currently is”


I regen farm with my arrow keys. Sometimes I’m on my phone though at the same time to keep my mind occupied. It gets monotonous and makes the time pass faster.


I do the same, usually while watching TV… but I am not AFK / botting … so if someone was standing in front of me I would for sure notice.


Someone hitting me with a hammer is usually how I realize they are there. Or waving. The Yabos scare me sometimes lol.


I agree that there are materials that are too easy to farm (be it botting or normal clicking) and I would love to see changes that encourage exploring, changing locations to acquire certain materials or drops and in general raise value of some items.

Basically anything that can lower advantage of auto-clickers over normal players.


Sorry if I hammered you in the face ovis. I was texting/phone gaming while gleam farming XD . I stop every few minutes to collect. But I might have missed a hello. I got a armor shop on my phone I micro during it.

Edit: I also turn down my sound so I dont get a headache from the constant hammer sound so i may not have heard the thud change @Ovis


I play on PS4 therefore Botting is NOT available to me and I HATE the idea of nerfing regen bombs :bomb:. I really hate it. I do a lot of gathering and am making good coin. Please don’t take the fun out of gathering.


This is going to be a tough one to sell Ovis, but I’m sure you knew that. Good to see a suggestion thread with an idea that has been fleshed and actually had some good thought put into it for a change… Some great concepts but I can’t support you completely on this I’m afraid, I like regen bombs.

I got home from work with just a few hours remaining on the dark cerulean gleam exo and by the power of regen bombs I was able to get an inventory full of the stuff still… of course if I had missed out I would of purchased what I needed and I most certainly will never ever need an inventory inventory full of the stuff, but it was nice to be able to grab more than I will ever need of the stuff just to hoard away for a rainy day.

I believe this is what really needs to happen

Agreed… I kind of despise this whole form of gameplay whether it’s done by autoclickers or if it’s done by players clicking each and every single time themselves. But this could easily be stopped if the Chrysominter simply auto adjusted it’s buy price based on the amount of refined gleam or gleam doors that had been sold to it day/week/month/year/whatever. If the chrysominter was a smart businessman then right now it would be buying gleam doors, refined gleam, mould, growth, etc for < 0.000001 c each because it waaayyyyy overstocked on these items and demand for these is 0. Much like the price of shimmering orbs has come down due to people autoclicking such large quantitites of it in to the economy.

The reason why beans and creature dropped items are becoming so expensive is basically because people aren’t hunting, and if they are they are hunting then their sole focus is on maximizing Ooort/hr and creature drops are by product of the oort gathering. People don’t farms beans because while there is good profit to be made, gathering offers little to no experience.

Farming gleam offers it all on the other hand. It’s simple it’s safe, it’s profitable, grants good experience gains and it can be done without even having to be present at your keyboard… human beings by nature will tend to choose the path of least resistance to get where they want to be unfortunately and systems need to be in place to discourage people from taking the easiest option.

But I think fleshed out your idea could actually be a great idea, not to stop botters, but just to change the way we play and make the game more about fun and less about grinding away on a single block for hours on end. Anything that can do this…

I am all for.


Please add a 4th option - Developers catch them and Ban them or reset them to level 0 and no coins!


Yup yup, I am all for banning botting. But please keep regen farming. I sacrifice my hand joints for you fellow oortians. For that sweet sweet gleam. Nothing like that glowing block in the middle of the night.

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This may be part of it. Not sure if it was me you saw. My character is hydal @Ovis

The problem is that the regen mechanic is required with the way the worlds are. They are simply too small to collect enough with just normal regeneration. Especially exos would be empty after first people arrived.
Farmed the last exo heavily for that dark cerulean gleam and the spots were so small that a regen every 0.5 to 1s was required.

We require worlds that are 100s of km² in size and likely bigger spots before we can change regen bombs

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The market will adjust according to supply, demand, & convenience…but I have also noticed that a lot of items are selling at chrysomininter prices. The chrysominter was meant for solo & new players to be able to earn some extra coin…not to be used as the average suggested price for selling items.

The only problem I see with having the minter buy price adjust according to how much is being sold to it…is we do have people that are excessively botting/regen-farming resources and feeding to the minter. If it adjusts according to this activity, then the newer players & solo players won’t earn any extra coin. Maybe the minter price could be tied to each player’s account so it only effects them.

On the flipside, the more accessible the game is, the more broad appeal it will have. There are a lot of people with issues & disabilities…things can’t be tipped too far the other way, or they will be left out too.

It seems like we may be getting some new features, things to loot, etc soon. Maybe this will help balance things out a bit.


A few replies I wanna highlight

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Agreed, but he is talking about slowing down the effect of the regen bombs so that they aren’t instant, not doing away with them all together. This way you clear a gleam spot, drop a regen bomb and move on to the next patch, actually encouraging exploration and moving about rather than sitting on a block of gleam pressing left click, right click, left click, right click… for half an hour.

a regen bomb and an AOE hammer would of done the same I’m sure.

I pulled an inventory full of the stuff in half an hour if that… the only reason I got an inventory full of the stuff… because I could, not because I actually needed it. Every man and his dog with access to that exo

But that’s the idea though, it will encourage new players to do things other than farm gleam, etc for their initial income, instead they will get more profit out of gathering or hunting, the same way that we did when we were new players.

The only things that would hit rock bottom price would be things that genuinely have no value in the game, such as silk yellow gleam doors or 9 million stacks of night green rock. Things that cannot be farmed without effort would still retain their value.

On a side note to this the crafting cost to make a chrysominter makes the machine itself not all that new player friendly in the first place.

But as you say there are features and things coming that we don’t know about that will hopefully balance things out.