Regeneration Update

Thank you. This allows some players who may believe you guys are not watching or monitoring the games data, think otherwise.


Almost 2x! Is that us players responding to resources (cough diamonds) coming back after the “pay down” on Oct 23-25?

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I have been seeing a lot more diamonds come in the later half of the week and this past weekend so yeah, feels good


As this was a good post I think you have seen a huge dip in players mining this planet because most of us got fed up with the sad regan.

Now watch your data closely as we go back out to mine and tell us what you see.

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The best fix for the top right chart is a new set of T5 planets, and everybody happy :slight_smile:


At that extreme case, it’s down to about 85 hours.


Those are full days at the end (ending at the 29th). The downturns on the Blocks Changed graph are in the data.

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The name in the graph is ‘use1_t4_0’. Are we sure that’s a T5 world? That assumes they number from zero in their internal IDs, which would make sense but afaik isn’t confirmed. Could it actually be a T4 world, maybe Delta Cancret (shimmering orbs)? From what I understand growth gathering tears up a lot of the landscape…

Edit: ollie confirmed below it is Serp


Thanks for the update. Real world experience: I went back to Serp after a long break doing other things and I found it much better. It was fully regenned around the area I was mining on night 1. By night 3 all my tunnels were gone when I revisited.


Internally they’re 0-indexed (judging by game files) - level 1 worlds are t0 worlds


Thank you for that confirmation. That’s a helluva job tweaking. It’s definitely been noticeable. Thanks for plugging away at it.


Thank you for sharing this information with us. Really appreciate you taking the time and being open.

I concur with others that the changes seem to track heavily with player populations.

I also wonder about the impact of regen bombs. I know I and other have been using them more often recently when mining. Do you have the ability to track natural system regen vs regen bombs?

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Yes, the Num Regens and Blocks Changed are sums over the day, and the Blocks Remaining and Chunks Remaining are averages (mean).

The system ticks every half a second, evaluating which chunks should be regenerated. Each chunk can be regenerated no more often than once every 180 seconds, and at most waits 4000 seconds.


It is Serpensarinidi – I wasn’t intending to hide that fact.

Internally we use zero-based tiers for worlds (because programmers) so t4 is what you see as Level 5.


The worlds are constantly visiting chunks and running the regeneration. The system aims to do a tiny bit of work continuously so that it never needs to spike the CPU tick cost.

Analytics are generated per tick - obviously depending on what happened - so the graphs will definitely be aggregated.


We’ve got more data than eyes!!

Sure but the point is that regen is now configured to me much more aggressive so hopefully it shouldn’t get behind.

  • Pre-EA regen was almost instant once it started.
  • For launch we rebalanced regen to start faster but be slower, and be less concerned about recent player visits. This was to make it feel more natural and happen over a few days, and still trigger in busy areas.
  • Then players mined faster than the slower regen rate - so it needed another pass.

so these changes are already in?

Yeah, no idea why you guys thought that was a good idea. When people find an area to farm resources, they are going to go back to that area often, and if they are part of a guild or group of friends, many people are going to go back to that area very often. lol.

Probably to force people to explore the planets more then just hitting one area.


Yup yup, probably this reason. The problem is, we only have so much area to claim anyhow :slight_smile:

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