This update is accessible via the “Live” release of Boundless on Steam.
Please report all issues discovered with the update to this support thread.
It is a good idea to close and restart Steam to make sure you get the latest version of Boundless. If the update happens whilst Steam is open it’s unlikely you’ll get the latest version. (Annoying yes!)
Release Notes:
- Added lod’s to planet textures to reduce bandwidth/memory usage for distant planets.
- Fixed seams in rendering of planets.
- Added noise to color map of planets to break up uniform surfaces. The noise should actually match up with how the world really renders! Though we additionally added a little noise to liquids too which isn’t normally done in-game.
- Fixed grass dropping incorrect color of dirt.
- Fixed minor pixel-wide gaps appearing on chunk borders within the same level of detail.
- Fixed minor pixel-wide gaps appearing on chunk borders between lod0/lod1 as long as terrain detail is not set to LOW in the graphics options (We will most certainly remove the LOW option at some point as it breaks gameplay by being ‘too’ low details in the near-distance).
- Fixed game startup issue that prevented new players from starting the game. Sorry!