Please report all issues discovered in Release 145 in this thread.
Those aren’t the lines fixed by the bug, those lines/cross shapes are ‘actually what that world looks like’ (I thought they were bugs too at first as I’d not seen that world yet in-game)
I was walking over an area where two sloped areas met up and I was unable to walk for about 15 seconds. When I was able to move again I took over 7000 fall damage and almost died XD
I am also unable to switch to the beacon plotter with the mouse wheel. My settings are: left hand main, scroll only main hand default, offhand with alt.
I’ve also noticed sometimes when mining I hear double sound effects for every hit and the blocks sometimes reappear after being broken.
Slingbow does the firing animation even with no ammo loaded
Walking sounds while crouching are much louder than while not crouching.
Deleted: Realized my mistake. Forgot about Spanners.
Heh, was going to mention spanners
Right now i am unable to pick up sedimentary rock. There is room in my inventory and i can pick up other blocks. Even when i walk over it and it says picked up sedimentary rock nothings shows up in my inventory. This is what i started building with but i dont know what i did that caused the change.
It’s probably going into that smart stack of rock in the top right of your inv. If it is, it’s working as intended.
it is thank you didnt know thats how they worked. thank you!
First, I get some unexpected directional changes. I’ll be running along and I get turned to another direction in a split second. It happens a good bit, but its not predictable or reliably reproducible.
Second, when digging I am finding it exceeding hard to control. Constantly, digging more than I want to.
My settings are all maxed out and I am running to Nvida 1080’s in SLI.
BTW: love those shooting guys. Very aggressive, so if I am unprepared, they will have my lunch. Thank goodness for the generous load out.
I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, so I’m just going to mention it anyways. So I have ‘Item Selection Radial Switching’ set to Primary Hand, and my ‘Primary Hand’ I have set for Left Hand… Then with the ‘Beacon Plotter’ in my right hand, I hold Left-Alt and try to select it and the game refuses, Trying to go clockwise to select it it simply doesn’t budge (it tries to, but then it snaps backwards) when trying to select it going counter-clockwise the selection direction snaps directly left (I have the beacon plotter in the top right slot ‘of the right hand’)… I feel like this isn’t how it’s suppose to react because it tries to select it and fails, as opposed to just not reacting or attempting to select it at all.
Hi @Tahru. Is the game a bit laggy and the work Slow Network is displayed on top of the screen or does this happen all the time?
Thanks for reporting this issue. The Beacon Plotter is the only item that requires two hands. One of the main reasons why we did this is that it is difficult to use the beacon control in one hand and have another item (e.g. hammer) in the other to be used. We may come up with more intuitive way to use the beacon control in the future.
one simple suggestion is that right/left click places plot and holding right/left removes depending what hand the beacon control is.
Do you remember the world and location where this occurred? Did any lag occur at the same time?
Going by what you said here, did you set the game options to the following?
- Item Selection: Primary Hand
- Primary Hand: Left Hand
Also, when you said ‘offhand with alt’, what did you mean by that?
Did you experience any lag when this occurred?
I was on US east, walking on one of the mountains. I went to cut down a tree and walked between two sloped areas when it happened. I think I walked off the top of one slope and hit the side/corner of the other slope. And no I don’t remember any lag, the whole thing has been running pretty smoothly so far
Yeah those are my settings, and by offhand with alt I mean hold alt and use mouse wheel to use right hand. It works for everything else just not for the beacon plotter. The beacon plotter did work in my left hand though.
The beacon plotter didn’t work in my right hand when I set left hand to primary, even when my left hand was entirely empty.
I might have experienced lag, but I am not entirely sure how to check for next time I see it. Would I be looking for the ms of ping or something else?
I don’t recall seeing that. But I will look out to see if it is related.
Is world regeneration set to be slower than it was on the testing instances? About how long should world regeneration take?
If you return to the area, does the same issue happen again?
We were able to recreate it, so it’s been logged as a bug.
When you get really bad lag, you may see a bit of rubber banding.