Release 167 - Report issues here

Feats for extraction also don’t appear to be tracking either. I tried extracting a fibre and fossil extract and it doesn’t tract.

Feats for gathering leaves, trunk, and soil, don’t appear to be working either.

We had a look and discovered that it’s a bug, so we’ll log this. Thanks for the report.

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We fixed an issue where players were colliding with portals, but did your issue occur before or after we pushed the minor update?

Do you have any crash dumps generated around those 3 occasions?

Not sure what happened, but I was traveling around epsilo, and was very close to leveli to 20

Upon returning to sanctum and warping to my base camp (also in epsilo) I received the “level 20” animation and it told me all of the rewards I was receiving. I expected this, as I had begun a ton of crafting before I left my base camp

However I didn’t actually level up. In fact, it didn’t seem as if I had gained any experience at all from the crafting.

So this was either a case of receiving the level 20 message in error after using a warp

Or a bug in which I didn’t receive any crafting xp and it was all lost

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We listed some of these as known issues in the release notes. In response to you not being able to increase Beacon Prestige, what kind of blocks are inside your beacon?

Was this before or after the minor update? Also, what tool were you using when the crash occurred?

I can confirm that the Gathering and Mining feats that are supposed to track broken tools aren’t actually tracking it. Also, those that are supposed to be tracking mined rocks, coal, etc, are also not tracking them.

Glass, stones, gleam, leaves, trunk, timber, lantern, gleam lantern, plinth, portal, soil, grass, gravel, flower, basic torch, gem torch, crafting table, furnace, spark core, spark cord, all machines, doors, brick, refined gleam, storage block/shelf, request basket, selling thingie, beacon control, refined rock, decorative rock. I built it before update, tried to add different kind of rock, remove/add gem torches, no more yet, but I tested that my beacons prestige changed in the process so I added prestige to my beacon, but the quest doesnt accepted it.

Can confirm this. The prestige goes up when checking the beacon, but the quest does not finish.

Also tried a new area with a new beacon. Still the quest cannot be done as the quest does not see the prestige number going up.

Were you experiencing this on certain worlds?

surprisingly not - my last crash dump files are from the testing server warp crashes

Try setting your prices to above 10 coin for each item?

Can you send us a screenshot of this please? Are you the owner of the Beacon?

Thanks for providing more information, we will log a bug.

Hey there, i’ve found that you can clip and take damage when you crawl to the edge of a block, into the angle of a diagonal and straight shaped block. The amount of damage is small but the effect can be reproduced.


Normally the large crafting time occurs if your machine has a lot of wear, but did your machine only have 13% wear at the time as shown in one of your screenshots?

Quote the wear percentage again when you get the large crafting time.

Well, setting a new area with a new beacon does make me the owner automatically.

But I will make a video for you so you can see it happening.

What kind of shovel was @Arkefyre holding at the time?

Just wondering if you are not increasing it enough.

If you set a beacon up and get it to 50, then go to another beacon and start again the objective will be tracking the beacon with the highest prestige. It doesn’t accumulate all your beacons together.